This will fix admin links in Moodle.';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Ngekhe ukhande i lang directory';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Ngeke ukhande i temp directory';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Ngeke u downloade ama components.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Ngeke u downloade ifayela le ZIP';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Awatholakali ama component';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Aligcineki ifayela le md5';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Aligcineki ifayela le ZIP.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Alivuleki iafayela';
$string['caution'] = 'Caution';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Khetha ulwimi';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Sicela ukhethe ulwimi ozolufaka kuphela.You will be able to choose site and user languages on a later screen.';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Ukubhekwa kwe PHP settings....';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Your server should pass all these tests to make Moodle run properly';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component is up-to-date';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings, probably because the Moodle directory is not writeable. You can manually copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle.';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuration completed';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle made an attempt to save your configuration in a file in the root of your Moodle installation.';
$string['database'] = 'Database';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Ukubhekwa kwefayela elidownloadiwe akuphumelelanga.';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'i md5 okungeyona';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'I field edingekayo ayiphelele';
$string['remotedownloaderror'] = 'Download of component to your server failed, please verify proxy settings, PHP cURL extension is highly recommended.
You must download the url\">$a->url file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Download of components to your server isn\'t allowed (allow_url_fopen is disabled).
You must download the url\">$a->url file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'isiZulu';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Indawo okungeyona';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'I URL base source okungeyona';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Igama lefayela le ZIP okungelona.';