name - $a->date'; $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $string['checkbox'] = 'Checkbox'; $string['chooseexportfields'] = 'Choose the fields you wish to export:'; $string['chooseexportformat'] = 'Choose the format you wish to export to:'; $string['chooseorupload'] = 'Choose file'; $string['columns'] = 'columns'; $string['commentdeleted'] = 'Comment deleted'; $string['commentempty'] = 'Comment was empty'; $string['comment'] = 'Comment'; $string['comments'] = 'Comments'; $string['commentsaved'] = 'Comment saved'; $string['commentsn'] = '$a comment(s)'; $string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'This switch will enable the possibility of RSS feeds for all databases. You will still need to turn feeds on manually in the settings for each database.'; $string['confirmdeletefield'] = 'You are about to delete this field, are you sure?'; $string['confirmdeleterecord'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?'; $string['csstemplate'] = 'CSS template'; $string['csvfailed'] = 'Unable to read the raw data from the CSV file'; $string['csvfile'] = 'CSV file'; $string['csvimport'] = 'CSV file import'; $string['csvwithselecteddelimiter'] = 'CSV text with selected delimiter:'; $string['data:approve'] = 'Approve unapproved entries'; $string['data:comment'] = 'Write comments'; $string['data:managecomments'] = 'Manage comments'; $string['data:manageentries'] = 'Manage entries'; $string['data:managetemplates'] = 'Manage templates'; $string['data:manageuserpresets'] = 'Manage all template presets'; $string['data:rate'] = 'Rate entries'; $string['data:readentry'] = 'Read entries'; $string['data:viewalluserpresets'] = 'View presets from all users'; $string['data:viewentry'] = 'View entries'; $string['data:viewrating'] = 'View ratings'; $string['data:writeentry'] = 'Write entries'; $string['date'] = 'Date'; $string['dateentered'] = 'Date entered'; $string['defaultfielddelimiter'] = '(default is the comma character)'; $string['defaultfieldenclosure'] = '(default is none)'; $string['defaultsortfield'] = 'Default sort field'; $string['delete'] = 'Delete'; $string['deleteallentries'] = 'Delete all entries'; $string['deletecomment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?'; $string['deletenotenrolled'] = 'Delete entries by users not enrolled'; $string['deleted'] = 'deleted'; $string['deletefield'] = 'Delete an existing field'; $string['deletewarning'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this preset?'; $string['descending'] = 'Descending'; $string['directorynotapreset'] = '$a->directory Not a preset: missing files: $a->missing_files'; $string['download'] = 'Download'; $string['edit'] = 'Edit'; $string['editcomment'] = 'Edit comment'; $string['editentry'] = 'Edit entry'; $string['editorenable'] = 'Enable editor'; $string['editordisable'] = 'Disable editor'; $string['emptyadd'] = 'The Add template is empty, generating a default form...'; $string['emptyaddform'] = 'You did not fill out any fields!'; $string['entries'] = 'Entries'; $string['entrieslefttoaddtoview'] = 'You must add $a->entrieslefttoview more entry/entries before you can view other participants\' entries.'; $string['entrieslefttoadd'] = 'You must add $a->entriesleft more entry/entries in order to complete this activity'; $string['entry'] = 'Entry'; $string['entrysaved'] = 'Your entry has been saved'; $string['errormustbeteacher'] = 'You need to be a teacher to use this page!'; $string['example'] = 'Database module example'; $string['excel'] = 'Excel'; $string['export'] = 'Export'; $string['exportaszip'] = 'Export as zip'; $string['exportdatabaserecords'] = 'Export Database records'; $string['exportedtozip'] = 'Exported to temporary zip...'; $string['failedpresetdelete'] = 'Error deleting a preset!'; $string['fieldadded'] = 'Field added'; $string['fieldallowautolink'] = 'Allow autolink'; $string['fielddeleted'] = 'Field deleted'; $string['fielddelimiter'] = 'Field delimiter'; $string['fielddescription'] = 'Field description'; $string['fieldenclosure'] = 'Field enclosure'; $string['fieldheight'] = 'Height'; $string['fieldheightlistview'] = 'Height in list view'; $string['fieldheightsingleview'] = 'Height in single view'; $string['fieldmappings'] = 'Field Mappings'; $string['fieldname'] = 'Field name'; $string['fieldoptions'] = 'Options (one per line)'; $string['fields'] = 'Fields'; $string['fieldids'] = 'Field ids'; $string['fieldnotmatched'] = 'The following fields in your file are not known in this database: $a'; $string['fieldupdated'] = 'Field updated'; $string['fieldwidth'] = 'Width'; $string['fieldwidthlistview'] = 'Width in list view'; $string['fieldwidthsingleview'] = 'Width in single view'; $string['file'] = 'File'; $string['filesnotgenerated'] = 'Not all files were generated: $a'; $string['filtername'] = 'Database Auto-linking'; $string['footer'] = 'Footer'; $string['forcelinkname'] = 'Forced name for the link'; $string['foundrecords'] = 'Found records: $a->num/$a->max (reseturl\">Reset filters)'; $string['foundnorecords'] = 'No records found (reseturl\">Reset filters)'; $string['fromfile'] = 'Import from zip file'; $string['header'] = 'Header'; $string['headeraddtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface when editing entries'; $string['headerasearchtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface for Advanced Searches'; $string['headercsstemplate'] = 'Defines local CSS styles for the other templates'; $string['headerjstemplate'] = 'Defines custom Javascript for the other templates'; $string['headerlisttemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for multiple entries'; $string['headerrsstemplate'] = 'Defines appearance of entries in RSS feeds'; $string['headersingletemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for a single entry'; $string['importsuccess'] = 'The preset has been successfully applied.'; $string['insufficiententries'] = 'more entries needed to view this database'; $string['intro'] = 'Introduction'; $string['invalidfieldname'] = 'Please choose another name for this field'; $string['invalidrate'] = 'Invalid database rate ($a)'; $string['invalidurl'] = 'The URL you just entered is not valid'; $string['jstemplate'] = 'Javascript template'; $string['latitude'] = 'Latitude'; $string['latlong'] = 'Latitude/longitude'; $string['latlongdownloadallhint'] = 'Download link for all entries as KML'; $string['latlongkmllabelling'] = 'How to label items in KML files (Google Earth)'; $string['latlonglinkservicesdisplayed'] = 'Link-out services to display'; $string['latlongotherfields'] = 'Other fields'; $string['list'] = 'View list'; $string['listtemplate'] = 'List template'; $string['longitude'] = 'Longitude'; $string['mappingwarning'] = 'All old fields not mapped to a new field will be lost and all data in that field will be removed.'; $string['maxentries'] = 'Maximum entries'; $string['maxsize'] = 'Maximum size'; $string['menu'] = 'Menu'; $string['menuchoose'] = 'Choose...'; $string['modulename'] = 'Database'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Databases'; $string['more'] = 'More'; $string['moreurl'] = 'More URL'; $string['movezipfailed'] = 'Can\'t move zip'; $string['multientry'] = 'Repeated entry'; $string['multimenu'] = 'Menu (Multi-select)'; $string['multipletags'] = 'Multiple tags found! Template not saved'; $string['namecheckbox'] = 'Checkbox field'; $string['namedate'] = 'Date field'; $string['namefile'] = 'File field'; $string['namelatlong'] = 'Latitude/longitude field'; $string['namemenu'] = 'Menu field'; $string['namemultimenu'] = 'Multiple-selection menu field'; $string['namenumber'] = 'Number field'; $string['namepicture'] = 'Picture field'; $string['nameradiobutton'] = 'Radio button field'; $string['nametext'] = 'Text field'; $string['nametextarea'] = 'Textarea field'; $string['nameurl'] = 'URL field'; $string['newentry'] = 'New entry'; $string['newfield'] = 'Create a new field'; $string['noaccess'] = 'You do not have access to this page'; $string['nodefinedfields'] = 'New preset has no defined fields!'; $string['nofieldindatabase'] = 'There are no fields defined for this database.'; $string['nolisttemplate'] = 'List template is not yet defined'; $string['nomatch'] = 'No matching entries found!'; $string['nomaximum'] = 'No maximum'; $string['norecords'] = 'No entries in database'; $string['nosingletemplate'] = 'Single template is not yet defined'; $string['notapproved'] = 'Entry is not approved yet.'; $string['notinjectivemap'] = 'Not an injective map'; $string['number'] = 'Number'; $string['numberrssarticles'] = 'RSS articles'; $string['numnotapproved'] = 'Pending'; $string['numrecords'] = '$a entries'; $string['ods'] = 'ODS (OpenOffice)'; $string['optionaldescription'] = 'Short description (optional)'; $string['optionalfilename'] = 'Filename (optional)'; $string['other'] = 'Other'; $string['overwrite'] = 'Overwrite'; $string['overwritesettings'] = 'Overwrite current settings'; $string['pagesize'] = 'Entries per page'; $string['participants'] = 'Participants'; $string['picture'] = 'Picture'; $string['pleaseaddsome'] = 'Please create some below or choose a predefined set to get started.'; $string['presetinfo'] = 'Saving as a preset will publish this template. Other users may be able to use it in their databases.'; $string['presets'] = 'Presets'; $string['radiobutton'] = 'Radio buttons'; $string['rate'] = 'Rate'; $string['rating'] = 'Rating'; $string['ratingeveryone'] = 'Everyone can rate posts'; $string['ratingno'] = 'No ratings'; $string['ratingonlyteachers'] = 'Only $a can rate posts'; $string['ratingpublic'] = '$a can see everyone\'s ratings'; $string['ratingpublicnot'] = '$a can only see their own ratings'; $string['ratings'] = 'Ratings'; $string['ratingssaved'] = 'Ratings saved'; $string['ratingsuse'] = 'Use ratings'; $string['recordapproved'] = 'Entry approved'; $string['recorddeleted'] = 'Entry deleted'; $string['recordsnotsaved'] = 'No entry was saved. Please check the format of the uploaded file.'; $string['recordssaved'] = 'entries saved'; $string['requireapproval'] = 'Require approval?'; $string['requiredentries'] = 'Required entries'; $string['requiredentrieschanged'] = '


Due to a bug fix, the behaviour of database activities using the \'Required entries\' and \'Required entries before viewing settings\' settings will change. A more detailed explaination of the changes can be read on the database module forum. The expected behavior of these settings can also be read on Moodle Docs.

This change affects the following databases in your system: (Please save this list now, and after the upgrade, check that these activities still work the way that the teacher intends.)

'; $string['requiredentriestoview'] = 'Entries required before viewing'; $string['resettemplate'] = 'Reset template'; $string['resetsettings'] = 'Reset filters'; $string['resizingimages'] = 'Resizing image thumbnails...'; $string['rows'] = 'rows'; $string['rssglobaldisabled'] = 'Disabled. See site configuration variables.'; $string['rsshowmany'] = '(number of latest entries to show, 0 to disable RSS)'; $string['rsstemplate'] = 'RSS template'; $string['rsstitletemplate'] = 'RSS title template'; $string['save'] = 'Save'; $string['saveandadd'] = 'Save and add another'; $string['saveandview'] = 'Save and view'; $string['saveaspreset'] = 'Save as preset'; $string['savesettings'] = 'Save settings'; $string['savesuccess'] = 'Saved successfully. Your preset will now be available across the site.'; $string['savetemplate'] = 'Save template'; $string['search'] = 'Search'; $string['selectedrequired'] = 'All selected required'; $string['sendinratings'] = 'Send in my latest ratings'; $string['single'] = 'View single'; $string['singletemplate'] = 'Single template'; $string['showall'] = 'Show all entries'; $string['teachersandstudents'] = '$a->teachers and $a->students'; $string['templates'] = 'Templates'; $string['templatesaved'] = 'Template saved'; $string['text'] = 'Text'; $string['textarea'] = 'Textarea'; $string['timeadded'] = 'Time added'; $string['timemodified'] = 'Time modified'; $string['todatabase'] = 'to this database.'; $string['type'] = 'Field type'; $string['undefinedprocessactionmethod'] = 'No action method defined in Data_Preset to handle action \"$a\".'; $string['unsupportedexport'] = '($a->fieldtype) cannot be exported.'; $string['updatefield'] = 'Update an existing field'; $string['uploadfile'] = 'Upload file'; $string['uploadrecords'] = 'Upload entries from a file'; $string['url'] = 'Url'; $string['usestandard'] = 'Use a preset'; $string['viewfromdate'] = 'Viewable from'; $string['viewtodate'] = 'Viewable to'; $string['wrongdataid'] = 'Wrong data id provided'; ?>