Concept and definition are mandatory fields.'; $string['explainall'] = 'Shows ALL entries on one page'; $string['explainalphabet'] = 'Browse the glossary using this index'; $string['explainexport'] = 'Click on the button below to export glossary entries.
You can import it anytime you wish in this or other course.

Please note that attachments (e.g. images) and authors are not exported.

'; $string['explainimport'] = 'You must specify the file to import and define the criteria of the process.

Submit your request and review the results.

'; $string['explainspecial'] = 'Shows entries that do not begin with a letter'; $string['exportedentry'] = 'Exported entry'; $string['exportentries'] = 'Export entries'; $string['exportentriestoxml'] = 'Export entries to XML file'; $string['exportfile'] = 'Export entries to file'; $string['exportglossary'] = 'Export glossary'; $string['exporttomainglossary'] = 'Export to main glossary'; $string['filetoimport'] = 'File to import'; $string['fillfields'] = 'Concept and definition are mandatory fields.'; $string['filtername'] = 'Glossary Auto-linking'; $string['fullmatch'] = 'Match whole words only'; $string['globalglossary'] = 'Global glossary'; $string['glossary:approve'] = 'Approve unapproved entries'; $string['glossary:comment'] = 'Create comments'; $string['glossary:export'] = 'Export entries'; $string['glossary:import'] = 'Import entries'; $string['glossary:managecategories'] = 'Manage categories'; $string['glossary:managecomments'] = 'Manage comments'; $string['glossary:manageentries'] = 'Manage entries'; $string['glossary:rate'] = 'Rate entries'; $string['glossary:view'] = 'View glossary'; $string['glossary:viewrating'] = 'View ratings'; $string['glossary:write'] = 'Create new entries'; $string['glossaryleveldefaultsettings'] = 'Glossary Level Default Settings'; $string['glossarytype'] = 'Glossary Type'; $string['importcategories'] = 'Import categories'; $string['importedcategories'] = 'Imported categories'; $string['importedentries'] = 'Imported entries'; $string['importentries'] = 'Import entries'; $string['importentriesfromxml'] = 'Import entries from XML file'; $string['includegroupbreaks'] = 'Include group breaks'; $string['invalidrate'] = 'Invalid glossary rate ($a)'; $string['isglobal'] = 'Is this glossary global?'; $string['letter'] = 'letter'; $string['linkcategory'] = 'Automatically link this category'; $string['linking'] = 'Auto-linking'; $string['mainglossary'] = 'Main glossary'; $string['maxtimehaspassed'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum time for editing this comment ($a) has passed!'; $string['modulename'] = 'Glossary'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Glossaries'; $string['newentries'] = 'New glossary entries'; $string['newglossary'] = 'New glossary'; $string['newglossarycreated'] = 'New glossary created.'; $string['newglossaryentries'] = 'New glossary entries:'; $string['nocomment'] = 'No comment found'; $string['nocomments'] = '(No comments found on this entry)'; $string['noconceptfound'] = 'No concept or definition found.'; $string['noentries'] = 'No entries found in this section'; $string['noentry'] = 'No entry found.'; $string['notcategorised'] = 'Not categorised'; $string['numberofentries'] = 'Number of entries'; $string['onebyline'] = '(one per line)'; $string['popupformat'] = 'Popup format'; $string['printerfriendly'] = 'Printer-friendly version'; $string['printviewnotallowed'] = 'Print view isn\'t allowed'; $string['resetglossariesall'] = 'Delete entries from all glossaries'; $string['resetglossaries'] = 'Delete entries from'; $string['question'] = 'Question'; $string['rate'] = 'Rate'; $string['rating'] = 'Rating'; $string['ratingeveryone'] = 'Everyone can rate entries'; $string['ratingno'] = 'No ratings'; $string['ratingonlyteachers'] = 'Only $a can rate entries'; $string['ratings'] = 'Ratings'; $string['ratingssaved'] = 'Ratings saved'; $string['ratingsuse'] = 'Use ratings'; $string['ratingtime'] = 'Restrict ratings to entries with dates in this range:'; $string['rejectedentries'] = 'Rejected entries'; $string['rejectionrpt'] = 'Rejection Report'; $string['rsssubscriberss'] = 'Display the RSS feed for \'$a\' concepts'; $string['searchindefinition'] = 'Search full text'; $string['secondaryglossary'] = 'Secondary glossary'; $string['sendinratings'] = 'Send in my latest ratings'; $string['showall'] = 'Show \'ALL\' link'; $string['showalphabet'] = 'Show alphabet'; $string['showspecial'] = 'Show \'Special\' link'; $string['sortby'] = 'Sort by'; $string['sortbycreation'] = 'By creation date'; $string['sortbylastupdate'] = 'By last update'; $string['sortchronogically'] = 'Sort chronologically'; $string['special'] = 'Special'; $string['standardview'] = 'Browse by alphabet'; $string['studentcanpost'] = 'Students can add entries'; $string['totalentries'] = 'Total entries'; $string['usedynalink'] = 'Automatically link glossary entries'; $string['waitingapproval'] = 'Waiting approval'; $string['warningstudentcapost'] = '(Applies only if the glossary is not the main one)'; $string['withauthor'] = 'Concepts with author'; $string['withoutauthor'] = 'Concepts without author'; $string['writtenby'] = 'by'; $string['youarenottheauthor'] = 'You are not the author of this comment, so you are not allowed to edit it.'; ?>