name - $a->date'; $string['cannotdeletepost'] = 'Error occured while deleting post'; $string['configenablenotes'] = 'Enable storing of notes about individual users.'; $string['content'] = 'Content'; $string['course'] = 'course'; $string['created'] = 'created'; $string['coursenotes'] = 'Course notes'; $string['deletenotes'] = 'Delete all notes'; $string['deleteconfirm'] = 'Delete this note?'; $string['editnote'] = 'Edit note'; $string['enablenotes'] = 'Enable notes'; $string['invalidid'] = 'Invalid note ID specified'; $string['groupaddnewnote'] = 'Add a common note'; $string['note'] = 'Note'; $string['notes'] = 'Notes'; $string['nonotes'] = 'There are no notes of this type yet'; $string['nopermissiontodelete'] = 'You may not delete this note'; $string['notesdisabled'] = 'Notes are disabled, sorry.'; $string['notesnotvisible'] = 'You are not allowed to view the notes.'; $string['nocontent'] = 'Note content can not be empty'; $string['nouser'] = 'You must select a user'; $string['personalnotes'] = 'Personal notes'; $string['publishstate'] = 'Status'; $string['personal'] = 'personal'; $string['unknown'] = 'unknown'; $string['site'] = 'site'; $string['sitenotes'] = 'Site notes'; ?>