Moodle docs has more information about Reducing spam in Moodle.'; $string['spamdesc'] = 'Description'; $string['spamdeleteall'] = 'Delete all these user accounts'; $string['spamdeleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry? You can not undo this.'; $string['spamdeleteallconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all these user accounts? You can not undo this.'; $string['spameg'] = 'eg: casino, porn, xxx '; $string['spamfromblog'] = 'From blog post:'; $string['spaminvalidresult'] = 'Unknown but invalid result'; $string['spamoperation'] = 'Operation'; $string['spamresult'] = 'Results of searching user profiles containing: '; $string['spamsearch'] = 'Search for these keywords'; ?>