iteminstance (itemtype must be == 'category' or == 'course' in that case). * @var object $item_category */ var $item_category; /** * The grade_category object referenced by $this->categoryid. * @var object $parent_category */ var $parent_category; /** * The name of this grade_item (pushed by the module). * @var string $itemname */ var $itemname; /** * e.g. 'category', 'course' and 'mod', 'blocks', 'import', etc... * @var string $itemtype */ var $itemtype; /** * The module pushing this grade (e.g. 'forum', 'quiz', 'assignment' etc). * @var string $itemmodule */ var $itemmodule; /** * ID of the item module * @var int $iteminstance */ var $iteminstance; /** * Number of the item in a series of multiple grades pushed by an activity. * @var int $itemnumber */ var $itemnumber; /** * Info and notes about this item. * @var string $iteminfo */ var $iteminfo; /** * Arbitrary idnumber provided by the module responsible. * @var string $idnumber */ var $idnumber; /** * Calculation string used for this item. * @var string $calculation */ var $calculation; /** * Indicates if we already tried to normalize the grade calculation formula. * This flag helps to minimize db access when broken formulas used in calculation. * @var boolean */ var $calculation_normalized; /** * Math evaluation object */ var $formula; /** * The type of grade (0 = none, 1 = value, 2 = scale, 3 = text) * @var int $gradetype */ var $gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; /** * Maximum allowable grade. * @var float $grademax */ var $grademax = 100; /** * Minimum allowable grade. * @var float $grademin */ var $grademin = 0; /** * id of the scale, if this grade is based on a scale. * @var int $scaleid */ var $scaleid; /** * A grade_scale object (referenced by $this->scaleid). * @var object $scale */ var $scale; /** * The id of the optional grade_outcome associated with this grade_item. * @var int $outcomeid */ var $outcomeid; /** * The grade_outcome this grade is associated with, if applicable. * @var object $outcome */ var $outcome; /** * grade required to pass. (grademin <= gradepass <= grademax) * @var float $gradepass */ var $gradepass = 0; /** * Multiply all grades by this number. * @var float $multfactor */ var $multfactor = 1.0; /** * Add this to all grades. * @var float $plusfactor */ var $plusfactor = 0; /** * Aggregation coeficient used for weighted averages * @var float $aggregationcoef */ var $aggregationcoef = 0; /** * Sorting order of the columns. * @var int $sortorder */ var $sortorder = 0; /** * Display type of the grades (Real, Percentage, Letter, or default). * @var int $display */ var $display = GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_DEFAULT; /** * The number of digits after the decimal point symbol. Applies only to REAL and PERCENTAGE grade display types. * @var int $decimals */ var $decimals = null; /** * 0 if visible, 1 always hidden or date not visible until * @var int $hidden */ var $hidden = 0; /** * Grade item lock flag. Empty if not locked, locked if any value present, usually date when item was locked. Locking prevents updating. * @var int $locked */ var $locked = 0; /** * Date after which the grade will be locked. Empty means no automatic locking. * @var int $locktime */ var $locktime = 0; /** * If set, the whole column will be recalculated, then this flag will be switched off. * @var boolean $needsupdate */ var $needsupdate = 1; /** * Cached dependson array */ var $dependson_cache = null; /** * In addition to update() as defined in grade_object, handle the grade_outcome and grade_scale objects. * Force regrading if necessary, rounds the float numbers using php function, * the reason is we need to compare the db value with computed number to skip regrading if possible. * @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return boolean success */ function update($source=null) { // reset caches $this->dependson_cache = null; // Retrieve scale and infer grademax/min from it if needed $this->load_scale(); // make sure there is not 0 in outcomeid if (empty($this->outcomeid)) { $this->outcomeid = null; } if ($this->qualifies_for_regrading()) { $this->force_regrading(); } $this->timemodified = time(); $this->grademin = grade_floatval($this->grademin); $this->grademax = grade_floatval($this->grademax); $this->multfactor = grade_floatval($this->multfactor); $this->plusfactor = grade_floatval($this->plusfactor); $this->aggregationcoef = grade_floatval($this->aggregationcoef); return parent::update($source); } /** * Compares the values held by this object with those of the matching record in DB, and returns * whether or not these differences are sufficient to justify an update of all parent objects. * This assumes that this object has an id number and a matching record in DB. If not, it will return false. * @return boolean */ function qualifies_for_regrading() { if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $db_item = new grade_item(array('id' => $this->id)); $calculationdiff = $db_item->calculation != $this->calculation; $categorydiff = $db_item->categoryid != $this->categoryid; $gradetypediff = $db_item->gradetype != $this->gradetype; $scaleiddiff = $db_item->scaleid != $this->scaleid; $outcomeiddiff = $db_item->outcomeid != $this->outcomeid; $locktimediff = $db_item->locktime != $this->locktime; $grademindiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->grademin, $this->grademin); $grademaxdiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->grademax, $this->grademax); $multfactordiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->multfactor, $this->multfactor); $plusfactordiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->plusfactor, $this->plusfactor); $acoefdiff = grade_floats_different($db_item->aggregationcoef, $this->aggregationcoef); $needsupdatediff = !$db_item->needsupdate && $this->needsupdate; // force regrading only if setting the flag first time $lockeddiff = !empty($db_item->locked) && empty($this->locked); // force regrading only when unlocking return ($calculationdiff || $categorydiff || $gradetypediff || $grademaxdiff || $grademindiff || $scaleiddiff || $outcomeiddiff || $multfactordiff || $plusfactordiff || $needsupdatediff || $lockeddiff || $acoefdiff || $locktimediff); } /** * Finds and returns a grade_item instance based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return object grade_item instance or false if none found. */ function fetch($params) { return grade_object::fetch_helper('grade_items', 'grade_item', $params); } /** * Finds and returns all grade_item instances based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return array array of grade_item insatnces or false if none found. */ function fetch_all($params) { return grade_object::fetch_all_helper('grade_items', 'grade_item', $params); } /** * Delete all grades and force_regrading of parent category. * @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return boolean success */ function delete($source=null) { $this->delete_all_grades($source); return parent::delete($source); } /** * Delete all grades * @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return boolean success */ function delete_all_grades($source=null) { if (!$this->is_course_item()) { $this->force_regrading(); } if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) { foreach ($grades as $grade) { $grade->delete($source); } } return true; } /** * In addition to perform parent::insert(), calls force_regrading() method too. * @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return int PK ID if successful, false otherwise */ function insert($source=null) { global $CFG; if (empty($this->courseid)) { error('Can not insert grade item without course id!'); } // load scale if needed $this->load_scale(); // add parent category if needed if (empty($this->categoryid) and !$this->is_course_item() and !$this->is_category_item()) { $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($this->courseid); $this->categoryid = $course_category->id; } // always place the new items at the end, move them after insert if needed $last_sortorder = get_field_select('grade_items', 'MAX(sortorder)', "courseid = {$this->courseid}"); if (!empty($last_sortorder)) { $this->sortorder = $last_sortorder + 1; } else { $this->sortorder = 1; } // add proper item numbers to manual items if ($this->itemtype == 'manual') { if (empty($this->itemnumber)) { $this->itemnumber = 0; } } // make sure there is not 0 in outcomeid if (empty($this->outcomeid)) { $this->outcomeid = null; } $this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time(); if (parent::insert($source)) { // force regrading of items if needed $this->force_regrading(); return $this->id; } else { debugging("Could not insert this grade_item in the database!"); return false; } } /** * Set idnumber of grade item, updates also course_modules table * @param string $idnumber (without magic quotes) * @return boolean success */ function add_idnumber($idnumber) { if (!empty($this->idnumber)) { return false; } if ($this->itemtype == 'mod' and !$this->is_outcome_item()) { if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($this->itemmodule, $this->iteminstance, $this->courseid)) { return false; } if (!empty($cm->idnumber)) { return false; } if (set_field('course_modules', 'idnumber', addslashes($idnumber), 'id', $cm->id)) { $this->idnumber = $idnumber; return $this->update(); } return false; } else { $this->idnumber = $idnumber; return $this->update(); } } /** * Returns the locked state of this grade_item (if the grade_item is locked OR no specific * $userid is given) or the locked state of a specific grade within this item if a specific * $userid is given and the grade_item is unlocked. * * @param int $userid * @return boolean Locked state */ function is_locked($userid=NULL) { if (!empty($this->locked)) { return true; } if (!empty($userid)) { if ($grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid))) { $grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of cached grade_item return $grade->is_locked(); } } return false; } /** * Locks or unlocks this grade_item and (optionally) all its associated final grades. * @param int $locked 0, 1 or a timestamp int(10) after which date the item will be locked. * @param boolean $cascade lock/unlock child objects too * @param boolean $refresh refresh grades when unlocking * @return boolean true if grade_item all grades updated, false if at least one update fails */ function set_locked($lockedstate, $cascade=false, $refresh=true) { if ($lockedstate) { /// setting lock if ($this->needsupdate) { return false; // can not lock grade without first having final grade } $this->locked = time(); $this->update(); if ($cascade) { $grades = $this->get_final(); foreach($grades as $g) { $grade = new grade_grade($g, false); $grade->grade_item =& $this; $grade->set_locked(1, null, false); } } return true; } else { /// removing lock if (!empty($this->locked) and $this->locktime < time()) { //we have to reset locktime or else it would lock up again $this->locktime = 0; } $this->locked = 0; $this->update(); if ($cascade) { if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) { foreach($grades as $grade) { $grade->grade_item =& $this; $grade->set_locked(0, null, false); } } } if ($refresh) { //refresh when unlocking $this->refresh_grades(); } return true; } } /** * Lock the grade if needed - make sure this is called only when final grades are valid */ function check_locktime() { if (!empty($this->locked)) { return; // already locked } if ($this->locktime and $this->locktime < time()) { $this->locked = time(); $this->update('locktime'); } } /** * Set the locktime for this grade item. * * @param int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate * @return void */ function set_locktime($locktime) { $this->locktime = $locktime; $this->update(); } /** * Set the locktime for this grade item. * * @return int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate */ function get_locktime() { return $this->locktime; } /** * Returns the hidden state of this grade_item * @return boolean hidden state */ function is_hidden() { return ($this->hidden == 1 or ($this->hidden != 0 and $this->hidden > time())); } /** * Check grade hidden status. Uses data from both grade item and grade. * @return boolean true if hiddenuntil, false if not */ function is_hiddenuntil() { return $this->hidden > 1; } /** * Check grade item hidden status. * @return int 0 means visible, 1 hidden always, timestamp hidden until */ function get_hidden() { return $this->hidden; } /** * Set the hidden status of grade_item and all grades, 0 mean visible, 1 always hidden, number means date to hide until. * @param int $hidden new hidden status * @param boolean $cascade apply to child objects too * @return void */ function set_hidden($hidden, $cascade=false) { $this->hidden = $hidden; $this->update(); if ($cascade) { if ($grades = grade_grade::fetch_all(array('itemid'=>$this->id))) { foreach($grades as $grade) { $grade->grade_item =& $this; $grade->set_hidden($hidden, $cascade); } } } //if marking item visible make sure category is visible MDL-21367 if( !$hidden ) { $category_array = grade_category::fetch_all(array('id'=>$this->categoryid)); if ($category_array && array_key_exists($this->categoryid, $category_array)) { $category = $category_array[$this->categoryid]; //call set_hidden on the category regardless of whether it is hidden as its parent might be hidden //if($category->is_hidden()) { $category->set_hidden($hidden, false); //} } } } /** * Returns the number of grades that are hidden. * @param return int Number of hidden grades */ function has_hidden_grades($groupsql="", $groupwheresql="") { global $CFG; return get_field_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades g LEFT JOIN " ."{$CFG->prefix}user u ON g.userid = $groupsql WHERE itemid = $this->id AND hidden = 1 $groupwheresql"); } /** * Mark regrading as finished successfully. */ function regrading_finished() { $this->needsupdate = 0; //do not use $this->update() because we do not want this logged in grade_item_history set_field('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 0, 'id', $this->id); } /** * Performs the necessary calculations on the grades_final referenced by this grade_item. * Also resets the needsupdate flag once successfully performed. * * This function must be used ONLY from lib/gradeslib.php/grade_regrade_final_grades(), * because the regrading must be done in correct order!! * * @return boolean true if ok, error string otherwise */ function regrade_final_grades($userid=null) { global $CFG; // locked grade items already have correct final grades if ($this->is_locked()) { return true; } // calculation produces final value using formula from other final values if ($this->is_calculated()) { if ($this->compute($userid)) { return true; } else { return "Could not calculate grades for grade item"; // TODO: improve and localize } // noncalculated outcomes already have final values - raw grades not used } else if ($this->is_outcome_item()) { return true; // aggregate the category grade } else if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) { // aggregate category grade item $category = $this->get_item_category(); $category->grade_item =& $this; if ($category->generate_grades($userid)) { return true; } else { return "Could not aggregate final grades for category:".$this->id; // TODO: improve and localize } } else if ($this->is_manual_item()) { // manual items track only final grades, no raw grades return true; } else if (!$this->is_raw_used()) { // hmm - raw grades are not used- nothing to regrade return true; } // normal grade item - just new final grades $result = true; $grade_inst = new grade_grade(); $fields = implode(',', $grade_inst->required_fields); if ($userid) { $rs = get_recordset_select('grade_grades', "itemid={$this->id} AND userid=$userid", '', $fields); } else { $rs = get_recordset('grade_grades', 'itemid', $this->id, '', $fields); } if ($rs) { while ($grade_record = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) { $grade = new grade_grade($grade_record, false); if (!empty($grade_record->locked) or !empty($grade_record->overridden)) { // this grade is locked - final grade must be ok continue; } $grade->finalgrade = $this->adjust_raw_grade($grade->rawgrade, $grade->rawgrademin, $grade->rawgrademax); if (grade_floats_different($grade_record->finalgrade, $grade->finalgrade)) { if (!$grade->update('system')) { $result = "Internal error updating final grade"; } } } rs_close($rs); } return $result; } /** * Given a float grade value or integer grade scale, applies a number of adjustment based on * grade_item variables and returns the result. * @param float $rawgrade The raw grade value. * @param float $rawmin original rawmin * @param float $rawmax original rawmax * @return mixed */ function adjust_raw_grade($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax) { if (is_null($rawgrade)) { return null; } if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) { // Dealing with numerical grade if ($this->grademax < $this->grademin) { return null; } if ($this->grademax == $this->grademin) { return $this->grademax; // no range } // Standardise score to the new grade range // NOTE: this is not compatible with current assignment grading if ($this->itemmodule != 'assignment' and ($rawmin != $this->grademin or $rawmax != $this->grademax)) { $rawgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax, $this->grademin, $this->grademax); } // Apply other grade_item factors $rawgrade *= $this->multfactor; $rawgrade += $this->plusfactor; return $this->bounded_grade($rawgrade); } else if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { // Dealing with a scale value if (empty($this->scale)) { $this->load_scale(); } if ($this->grademax < 0) { return null; // scale not present - no grade } if ($this->grademax == 0) { return $this->grademax; // only one option } // Convert scale if needed // NOTE: this is not compatible with current assignment grading if ($this->itemmodule != 'assignment' and ($rawmin != $this->grademin or $rawmax != $this->grademax)) { $rawgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($rawgrade, $rawmin, $rawmax, $this->grademin, $this->grademax); } return $this->bounded_grade($rawgrade); } else if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT or $this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) { // no value // somebody changed the grading type when grades already existed return null; } else { debugging("Unknown grade type"); return null; } } /** * Sets this grade_item's needsupdate to true. Also marks the course item as needing update. * @return void */ function force_regrading() { $this->needsupdate = 1; //mark this item and course item only - categories and calculated items are always regraded $wheresql = "(itemtype='course' OR id={$this->id}) AND courseid={$this->courseid}"; set_field_select('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 1, $wheresql); } /** * Instantiates a grade_scale object whose data is retrieved from the DB, * if this item's scaleid variable is set. * @return object grade_scale or null if no scale used */ function load_scale() { if ($this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { $this->scaleid = null; } if (!empty($this->scaleid)) { //do not load scale if already present if (empty($this->scale->id) or $this->scale->id != $this->scaleid) { $this->scale = grade_scale::fetch(array('id'=>$this->scaleid)); if (!$this->scale) { debugging('Incorrect scale id: '.$this->scaleid); $this->scale = null; return null; } $this->scale->load_items(); } // Until scales are uniformly set to min=0 max=count(scaleitems)-1 throughout Moodle, we // stay with the current min=1 max=count(scaleitems) $this->grademax = count($this->scale->scale_items); $this->grademin = 1; } else { $this->scale = null; } return $this->scale; } /** * Instantiates a grade_outcome object whose data is retrieved from the DB, * if this item's outcomeid variable is set. * @return object grade_outcome */ function load_outcome() { if (!empty($this->outcomeid)) { $this->outcome = grade_outcome::fetch(array('id'=>$this->outcomeid)); } return $this->outcome; } /** * Returns the grade_category object this grade_item belongs to (referenced by categoryid) * or category attached to category item. * * @return mixed grade_category object if applicable, false if course item */ function get_parent_category() { if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) { return $this->get_item_category(); } else { return grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$this->categoryid)); } } /** * Calls upon the get_parent_category method to retrieve the grade_category object * from the DB and assigns it to $this->parent_category. It also returns the object. * @return object Grade_category */ function load_parent_category() { if (empty($this->parent_category->id)) { $this->parent_category = $this->get_parent_category(); } return $this->parent_category; } /** * Returns the grade_category for category item * * @return mixed grade_category object if applicable, false otherwise */ function get_item_category() { if (!$this->is_course_item() and !$this->is_category_item()) { return false; } return grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$this->iteminstance)); } /** * Calls upon the get_item_category method to retrieve the grade_category object * from the DB and assigns it to $this->item_category. It also returns the object. * @return object Grade_category */ function load_item_category() { if (empty($this->category->id)) { $this->item_category = $this->get_item_category(); } return $this->item_category; } /** * Is the grade item associated with category? * @return boolean */ function is_category_item() { return ($this->itemtype == 'category'); } /** * Is the grade item associated with course? * @return boolean */ function is_course_item() { return ($this->itemtype == 'course'); } /** * Is this a manualy graded item? * @return boolean */ function is_manual_item() { return ($this->itemtype == 'manual'); } /** * Is this an outcome item? * @return boolean */ function is_outcome_item() { return !empty($this->outcomeid); } /** * Is the grade item external - associated with module, plugin or something else? * @return boolean */ function is_external_item() { return ($this->itemtype == 'mod'); } /** * Is the grade item overridable * @return boolean */ function is_overridable_item() { return !$this->is_outcome_item() and ($this->is_external_item() or $this->is_calculated() or $this->is_course_item() or $this->is_category_item()); } /** * Is the grade item feedback overridable * @return boolean */ function is_overridable_item_feedback() { return !$this->is_outcome_item() and $this->is_external_item(); } /** * Returns true if grade items uses raw grades * @return boolean */ function is_raw_used() { return ($this->is_external_item() and !$this->is_calculated() and !$this->is_outcome_item()); } /** * Returns grade item associated with the course * @param int $courseid * @return course item object */ function fetch_course_item($courseid) { if ($course_item = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'itemtype'=>'course'))) { return $course_item; } // first get category - it creates the associated grade item $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($courseid); return $course_category->get_grade_item(); } /** * Is grading object editable? * @return boolean */ function is_editable() { return true; } /** * Checks if grade calculated. Returns this object's calculation. * @return boolean true if grade item calculated. */ function is_calculated() { if (empty($this->calculation)) { return false; } /* * The main reason why we use the ##gixxx## instead of [[idnumber]] is speed of depends_on(), * we would have to fetch all course grade items to find out the ids. * Also if user changes the idnumber the formula does not need to be updated. */ // first detect if we need to change calculation formula from [[idnumber]] to ##giXXX## (after backup, etc.) if (!$this->calculation_normalized and strpos($this->calculation, '[[') !== false) { $this->set_calculation($this->calculation); } return !empty($this->calculation); } /** * Returns calculation string if grade calculated. * @return mixed string if calculation used, null if not */ function get_calculation() { if ($this->is_calculated()) { return grade_item::denormalize_formula($this->calculation, $this->courseid); } else { return NULL; } } /** * Sets this item's calculation (creates it) if not yet set, or * updates it if already set (in the DB). If no calculation is given, * the calculation is removed. * @param string $formula string representation of formula used for calculation * @return boolean success */ function set_calculation($formula) { $this->calculation = grade_item::normalize_formula($formula, $this->courseid); $this->calculation_normalized = true; return $this->update(); } /** * Denormalizes the calculation formula to [idnumber] form * @static * @param string $formula * @return string denormalized string */ function denormalize_formula($formula, $courseid) { if (empty($formula)) { return ''; } // denormalize formula - convert ##giXX## to [[idnumber]] if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $formula, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $id) { if ($grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$id, 'courseid'=>$courseid))) { if (!empty($grade_item->idnumber)) { $formula = str_replace('##gi'.$grade_item->id.'##', '[['.$grade_item->idnumber.']]', $formula); } } } } return $formula; } /** * Normalizes the calculation formula to [#giXX#] form * @static * @param string $formula * @return string normalized string */ function normalize_formula($formula, $courseid) { $formula = trim($formula); if (empty($formula)) { return NULL; } // normalize formula - we want grade item ids ##giXXX## instead of [[idnumber]] if ($grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$courseid))) { foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) { $formula = str_replace('[['.$grade_item->idnumber.']]', '##gi'.$grade_item->id.'##', $formula); } } return $formula; } /** * Returns the final values for this grade item (as imported by module or other source). * @param int $userid Optional: to retrieve a single final grade * @return mixed An array of all final_grades (stdClass objects) for this grade_item, or a single final_grade. */ function get_final($userid=NULL) { if ($userid) { if ($user = get_record('grade_grades', 'itemid', $this->id, 'userid', $userid)) { return $user; } } else { if ($grades = get_records('grade_grades', 'itemid', $this->id)) { //TODO: speed up with better SQL $result = array(); foreach ($grades as $grade) { $result[$grade->userid] = $grade; } return $result; } else { return array(); } } } /** * Get (or create if not exist yet) grade for this user * @param int $userid * @return object grade_grade object instance */ function get_grade($userid, $create=true) { if (empty($this->id)) { debugging('Can not use before insert'); return false; } $grade = new grade_grade(array('userid'=>$userid, 'itemid'=>$this->id)); if (empty($grade->id) and $create) { $grade->insert(); } return $grade; } /** * Returns the sortorder of this grade_item. This method is also available in * grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know. * @return int Sort order */ function get_sortorder() { return $this->sortorder; } /** * Returns the idnumber of this grade_item. This method is also available in * grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know. * @return string idnumber */ function get_idnumber() { return $this->idnumber; } /** * Returns this grade_item. This method is also available in * grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know. * @return string idnumber */ function get_grade_item() { return $this; } /** * Sets the sortorder of this grade_item. This method is also available in * grade_category, for cases where the object type is not know. * @param int $sortorder * @return void */ function set_sortorder($sortorder) { if ($this->sortorder == $sortorder) { return; } $this->sortorder = $sortorder; $this->update(); } function move_after_sortorder($sortorder) { global $CFG; //make some room first $sql = "UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}grade_items SET sortorder = sortorder + 1 WHERE sortorder > $sortorder AND courseid = {$this->courseid}"; execute_sql($sql, false); $this->set_sortorder($sortorder + 1); } /** * Returns the most descriptive field for this object. This is a standard method used * when we do not know the exact type of an object. * @param boolean $fulltotal: if the item is a category total, returns $categoryname."total" instead of "Category total" or "Course total" * @return string name */ function get_name($fulltotal=false) { if (!empty($this->itemname)) { // MDL-10557 return format_string($this->itemname); } else if ($this->is_course_item()) { return get_string('coursetotal', 'grades'); } else if ($this->is_category_item()) { if ($fulltotal) { $category = $this->load_parent_category(); $a = new stdClass(); $a->category = $category->get_name(); return get_string('categorytotalfull', 'grades', $a); } else { return get_string('categorytotal', 'grades'); } } else { return get_string('grade'); } } /** * Sets this item's categoryid. A generic method shared by objects that have a parent id of some kind. * @param int $parentid * @return boolean success; */ function set_parent($parentid) { if ($this->is_course_item() or $this->is_category_item()) { error('Can not set parent for category or course item!'); } if ($this->categoryid == $parentid) { return true; } // find parent and check course id if (!$parent_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$parentid, 'courseid'=>$this->courseid))) { return false; } // MDL-19407 If moving from a non-SWM category to a SWM category, convert aggregationcoef to 0 $currentparent = $this->load_parent_category(); if ($currentparent->aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2 && $parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2) { $this->aggregationcoef = 0; } $this->force_regrading(); // set new parent $this->categoryid = $parent_category->id; $this->parent_category =& $parent_category; return $this->update(); } /** * Makes sure value is a valid grade value. * @param float $gradevalue * @return mixed float or int fixed grade value */ function bounded_grade($gradevalue) { global $CFG; if (is_null($gradevalue)) { return null; } if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { // no >100% grades hack for scale grades! // 1.5 is rounded to 2 ;-) return (int)bounded_number($this->grademin, round($gradevalue+0.00001), $this->grademax); } $grademax = $this->grademax; // NOTE: if you change this value you must manually reset the needsupdate flag in all grade items $maxcoef = isset($CFG->gradeoverhundredprocentmax) ? $CFG->gradeoverhundredprocentmax : 10; // 1000% max by default if (!empty($CFG->unlimitedgrades)) { // NOTE: if you change this value you must manually reset the needsupdate flag in all grade items $grademax = $grademax * $maxcoef; } else if ($this->is_category_item() or $this->is_course_item()) { $category = $this->load_item_category(); if ($category->aggregation >= 100) { // grade >100% hack $grademax = $grademax * $maxcoef; } } return (float)bounded_number($this->grademin, $gradevalue, $grademax); } /** * Finds out on which other items does this depend directly when doing calculation or category agregation * @param bool $reset_cache * @return array of grade_item ids this one depends on */ function depends_on($reset_cache=false) { global $CFG; if ($reset_cache) { $this->dependson_cache = null; } else if (isset($this->dependson_cache)) { return $this->dependson_cache; } if ($this->is_locked()) { // locked items do not need to be regraded $this->dependson_cache = array(); return $this->dependson_cache; } if ($this->is_calculated()) { if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $this->calculation, $matches)) { $this->dependson_cache = array_unique($matches[1]); // remove duplicates return $this->dependson_cache; } else { $this->dependson_cache = array(); return $this->dependson_cache; } } else if ($grade_category = $this->load_item_category()) { //only items with numeric or scale values can be aggregated if ($this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE and $this->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { $this->dependson_cache = array(); return $this->dependson_cache; } $grade_category->apply_forced_settings(); if (empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) or $grade_category->aggregateoutcomes) { $outcomes_sql = ""; } else { $outcomes_sql = "AND gi.outcomeid IS NULL"; } if (empty($CFG->grade_includescalesinaggregation)) { $gtypes = "gi.gradetype = ".GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; } else { $gtypes = "(gi.gradetype = ".GRADE_TYPE_VALUE." OR gi.gradetype = ".GRADE_TYPE_SCALE.")"; } if ($grade_category->aggregatesubcats) { // return all children excluding category items $sql = "SELECT FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi WHERE $gtypes $outcomes_sql AND gi.categoryid IN ( SELECT FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_categories gc WHERE gc.path LIKE '%/{$grade_category->id}/%')"; } else { $sql = "SELECT FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi WHERE gi.categoryid = {$grade_category->id} AND $gtypes $outcomes_sql UNION SELECT FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi, {$CFG->prefix}grade_categories gc WHERE (gi.itemtype = 'category' OR gi.itemtype = 'course') AND AND gc.parent = {$grade_category->id} AND $gtypes $outcomes_sql"; } if ($children = get_records_sql($sql)) { $this->dependson_cache = array_keys($children); return $this->dependson_cache; } else { $this->dependson_cache = array(); return $this->dependson_cache; } } else { $this->dependson_cache = array(); return $this->dependson_cache; } } /** * Refetch grades from modules, plugins. * @param int $userid optional, one user only */ function refresh_grades($userid=0) { if ($this->itemtype == 'mod') { if ($this->is_outcome_item()) { //nothing to do return; } if (!$activity = get_record($this->itemmodule, 'id', $this->iteminstance)) { debugging("Can not find $this->itemmodule activity with id $this->iteminstance"); return; } if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($this->itemmodule, $activity->id, $this->courseid)) { debugging('Can not find course module'); return; } $activity->modname = $this->itemmodule; $activity->cmidnumber = $cm->idnumber; grade_update_mod_grades($activity); } } /** * Updates final grade value for given user, this is a only way to update final * grades from gradebook and import because it logs the change in history table * and deals with overridden flag. This flag is set to prevent later overriding * from raw grades submitted from modules. * * @param int $userid the graded user * @param mixed $finalgrade float value of final grade - false means do not change * @param string $howmodified modification source * @param string $note optional note * @param mixed $feedback teachers feedback as string - false means do not change * @param int $feedbackformat * @return boolean success */ function update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade=false, $source=NULL, $feedback=false, $feedbackformat=FORMAT_MOODLE, $usermodified=null) { global $USER, $CFG; $result = true; // no grading used or locked if ($this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE or $this->is_locked()) { return false; } $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid)); $grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of this grade_item if (empty($usermodified)) { $grade->usermodified = $USER->id; } else { $grade->usermodified = $usermodified; } if ($grade->is_locked()) { // do not update locked grades at all return false; } $locktime = $grade->get_locktime(); if ($locktime and $locktime < time()) { // do not update grades that should be already locked, force regrade instead $this->force_regrading(); return false; } $oldgrade = new object(); $oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade; $oldgrade->overridden = $grade->overridden; $oldgrade->feedback = $grade->feedback; $oldgrade->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat; // changed grade? if ($finalgrade !== false) { if ($this->is_overridable_item()) { $grade->overridden = time(); } else { $grade->overridden = 0; } $grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($finalgrade); } // do we have comment from teacher? if ($feedback !== false) { if ($this->is_overridable_item_feedback()) { // external items (modules, plugins) may have own feedback $grade->overridden = time(); } $grade->feedback = $feedback; $grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat; } if (empty($grade->id)) { $grade->timecreated = null; // hack alert - date submitted - no submission yet $grade->timemodified = time(); // hack alert - date graded $result = (boolean)$grade->insert($source); } else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade) or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback or $grade->feedbackformat != $oldgrade->feedbackformat or $grade->overridden != $oldgrade->overridden) { $grade->timemodified = time(); // hack alert - date graded $result = $grade->update($source); } else { // no grade change return $result; } if (!$result) { // something went wrong - better force final grade recalculation $this->force_regrading(); } else if ($this->is_course_item() and !$this->needsupdate) { if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) { $this->force_regrading(); } } else if (!$this->needsupdate) { $course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($this->courseid); if (!$course_item->needsupdate) { if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) { $this->force_regrading(); } } else { $this->force_regrading(); } } return $result; } /** * Updates raw grade value for given user, this is a only way to update raw * grades from external source (modules, etc.), * because it logs the change in history table and deals with final grade recalculation. * * @param int $userid the graded user * @param mixed $rawgrade float value of raw grade - false means do not change * @param string $howmodified modification source * @param string $note optional note * @param mixed $feedback teachers feedback as string - false means do not change * @param int $feedbackformat * @param int $usermodified - user which did the grading * @param int $dategraded * @param int $datesubmitted * @param object $grade object - usefull for bulk upgrades * @return boolean success */ function update_raw_grade($userid, $rawgrade=false, $source=NULL, $feedback=false, $feedbackformat=FORMAT_MOODLE, $usermodified=null, $dategraded=null, $datesubmitted=null, $grade=null) { global $USER; $result = true; // calculated grades can not be updated; course and category can not be updated because they are aggregated if (!$this->is_raw_used() or $this->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE or $this->is_locked()) { return false; } if (is_null($grade)) { //fetch from db $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid)); } $grade->grade_item =& $this; // prevent db fetching of this grade_item if (empty($usermodified)) { $grade->usermodified = $USER->id; } else { $grade->usermodified = $usermodified; } if ($grade->is_locked()) { // do not update locked grades at all return false; } $locktime = $grade->get_locktime(); if ($locktime and $locktime < time()) { // do not update grades that should be already locked and force regrade $this->force_regrading(); return false; } $oldgrade = new object(); $oldgrade->finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade; $oldgrade->rawgrade = $grade->rawgrade; $oldgrade->rawgrademin = $grade->rawgrademin; $oldgrade->rawgrademax = $grade->rawgrademax; $oldgrade->rawscaleid = $grade->rawscaleid; $oldgrade->feedback = $grade->feedback; $oldgrade->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat; // use new min and max $grade->rawgrade = $grade->rawgrade; $grade->rawgrademin = $this->grademin; $grade->rawgrademax = $this->grademax; $grade->rawscaleid = $this->scaleid; // change raw grade? if ($rawgrade !== false) { $grade->rawgrade = $rawgrade; } // empty feedback means no feedback at all if ($feedback === '') { $feedback = null; } // do we have comment from teacher? if ($feedback !== false and !$grade->is_overridden()) { $grade->feedback = $feedback; $grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat; } // update final grade if possible if (!$grade->is_locked() and !$grade->is_overridden()) { $grade->finalgrade = $this->adjust_raw_grade($grade->rawgrade, $grade->rawgrademin, $grade->rawgrademax); } // TODO: hack alert - create new fields for these in 2.0 $oldgrade->timecreated = $grade->timecreated; $oldgrade->timemodified = $grade->timemodified; $grade->timecreated = $datesubmitted; if ($grade->is_overridden()) { // keep original graded date - update_final_grade() sets this for overridden grades } else if (is_null($grade->rawgrade) and is_null($grade->feedback)) { // no grade and feedback means no grading yet $grade->timemodified = null; } else if (!empty($dategraded)) { // fine - module sends info when graded (yay!) $grade->timemodified = $dategraded; } else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade) or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback) { // guess - if either grade or feedback changed set new graded date $grade->timemodified = time(); } else { //keep original graded date } // end of hack alert if (empty($grade->id)) { $result = (boolean)$grade->insert($source); } else if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldgrade->finalgrade) or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrade, $oldgrade->rawgrade) or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademin, $oldgrade->rawgrademin) or grade_floats_different($grade->rawgrademax, $oldgrade->rawgrademax) or $grade->rawscaleid != $oldgrade->rawscaleid or $grade->feedback !== $oldgrade->feedback or $grade->feedbackformat != $oldgrade->feedbackformat or $grade->timecreated != $oldgrade->timecreated // part of hack above or $grade->timemodified != $oldgrade->timemodified // part of hack above ) { $result = $grade->update($source); } else { return $result; } if (!$result) { // something went wrong - better force final grade recalculation $this->force_regrading(); } else if (!$this->needsupdate) { $course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($this->courseid); if (!$course_item->needsupdate) { if (grade_regrade_final_grades($this->courseid, $userid, $this) !== true) { $this->force_regrading(); } } } return $result; } /** * Calculates final grade values using the formula in calculation property. * The parameters are taken from final grades of grade items in current course only. * @return boolean false if error */ function compute($userid=null) { global $CFG; if (!$this->is_calculated()) { return false; } require_once($CFG->libdir.'/mathslib.php'); if ($this->is_locked()) { return true; // no need to recalculate locked items } // precreate grades - we need them to exist $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT go.userid FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades go JOIN {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi ON ( = go.itemid AND gi.courseid={$this->courseid}) LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades g ON (g.userid = go.userid AND g.itemid = $this->id) WHERE <> $this->id AND IS NULL"; if ($missing = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($missing as $m) { $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$m->userid), false); $grade->grade_item =& $this; $grade->insert('system'); } } // get used items $useditems = $this->depends_on(); // prepare formula and init maths library $formula = preg_replace('/##(gi\d+)##/', '\1', $this->calculation); if (strpos($formula, '[[') !== false) { // missing item return false; } $this->formula = new calc_formula($formula); // where to look for final grades? // this itemid is added so that we use only one query for source and final grades $gis = implode(',', array_merge($useditems, array($this->id))); if ($userid) { $usersql = "AND g.userid=$userid"; } else { $usersql = ""; } $grade_inst = new grade_grade(); $fields = 'g.'.implode(',g.', $grade_inst->required_fields); $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades g, {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi WHERE = g.itemid AND gi.courseid={$this->courseid} AND IN ($gis) $usersql ORDER BY g.userid"; $return = true; // group the grades by userid and use formula on the group if ($rs = get_recordset_sql($sql)) { $prevuser = 0; $grade_records = array(); $oldgrade = null; while ($used = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) { if ($used->userid != $prevuser) { if (!$this->use_formula($prevuser, $grade_records, $useditems, $oldgrade)) { $return = false; } $prevuser = $used->userid; $grade_records = array(); $oldgrade = null; } if ($used->itemid == $this->id) { $oldgrade = $used; } $grade_records['gi'.$used->itemid] = $used->finalgrade; } if (!$this->use_formula($prevuser, $grade_records, $useditems, $oldgrade)) { $return = false; } } rs_close($rs); return $return; } /** * internal function - does the final grade calculation */ function use_formula($userid, $params, $useditems, $oldgrade) { if (empty($userid)) { return true; } // add missing final grade values // not graded (null) is counted as 0 - the spreadsheet way foreach($useditems as $gi) { if (!array_key_exists('gi'.$gi, $params)) { $params['gi'.$gi] = 0; } else { $params['gi'.$gi] = (float)$params['gi'.$gi]; } } // can not use own final grade during calculation unset($params['gi'.$this->id]); // insert final grade - will be needed later anyway if ($oldgrade) { $oldfinalgrade = $oldgrade->finalgrade; $grade = new grade_grade($oldgrade, false); // fetching from db is not needed $grade->grade_item =& $this; } else { $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$this->id, 'userid'=>$userid), false); $grade->grade_item =& $this; $grade->insert('system'); $oldfinalgrade = null; } // no need to recalculate locked or overridden grades if ($grade->is_locked() or $grade->is_overridden()) { return true; } // do the calculation $this->formula->set_params($params); $result = $this->formula->evaluate(); if ($result === false) { $grade->finalgrade = null; } else { // normalize $grade->finalgrade = $this->bounded_grade($result); } // update in db if changed if (grade_floats_different($grade->finalgrade, $oldfinalgrade)) { $grade->timemodified = time(); $grade->update('compute'); } if ($result !== false) { //lock grade if needed } if ($result === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Validate the formula. * @param string $formula * @return boolean true if calculation possible, false otherwise */ function validate_formula($formulastr) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/mathslib.php'); $formulastr = grade_item::normalize_formula($formulastr, $this->courseid); if (empty($formulastr)) { return true; } if (strpos($formulastr, '=') !== 0) { return get_string('errorcalculationnoequal', 'grades'); } // get used items if (preg_match_all('/##gi(\d+)##/', $formulastr, $matches)) { $useditems = array_unique($matches[1]); // remove duplicates } else { $useditems = array(); } // MDL-11902 // unset the value if formula is trying to reference to itself // but array keys does not match itemid if (!empty($this->id)) { $useditems = array_diff($useditems, array($this->id)); //unset($useditems[$this->id]); } // prepare formula and init maths library $formula = preg_replace('/##(gi\d+)##/', '\1', $formulastr); $formula = new calc_formula($formula); if (empty($useditems)) { $grade_items = array(); } else { $gis = implode(',', $useditems); $sql = "SELECT gi.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_items gi WHERE IN ($gis) and gi.courseid={$this->courseid}"; // from the same course only! if (!$grade_items = get_records_sql($sql)) { $grade_items = array(); } } $params = array(); foreach ($useditems as $itemid) { // make sure all grade items exist in this course if (!array_key_exists($itemid, $grade_items)) { return false; } // use max grade when testing formula, this should be ok in 99.9% // division by 0 is one of possible problems $params['gi'.$grade_items[$itemid]->id] = $grade_items[$itemid]->grademax; } // do the calculation $formula->set_params($params); $result = $formula->evaluate(); // false as result indicates some problem if ($result === false) { // TODO: add more error hints return get_string('errorcalculationunknown', 'grades'); } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the value of the display type. It can be set at 3 levels: grade_item, course setting and site. The lowest level overrides the higher ones. * @return int Display type */ function get_displaytype() { global $CFG; if ($this->display == GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_DEFAULT) { return grade_get_setting($this->courseid, 'displaytype', $CFG->grade_displaytype); } else { return $this->display; } } /** * Returns the value of the decimals field. It can be set at 3 levels: grade_item, course setting and site. The lowest level overrides the higher ones. * @return int Decimals (0 - 5) */ function get_decimals() { global $CFG; if (is_null($this->decimals)) { return grade_get_setting($this->courseid, 'decimalpoints', $CFG->grade_decimalpoints); } else { return $this->decimals; } } /** * Returns a string representing the range of grademin - grademax for this grade item. * @param int $rangesdisplaytype * @param int $rangesdecimalpoints * @return string */ function get_formatted_range($rangesdisplaytype=null, $rangesdecimalpoints=null) { global $USER; // Determine which display type to use for this average if (isset($USER->gradeediting) && $USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) { $displaytype = GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL; } else if ($rangesdisplaytype == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) { // no ==0 here, please resave report and user prefs $displaytype = $this->get_displaytype(); } else { $displaytype = $rangesdisplaytype; } // Override grade_item setting if a display preference (not default) was set for the averages if ($rangesdecimalpoints == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) { $decimalpoints = $this->get_decimals(); } else { $decimalpoints = $rangesdecimalpoints; } if ($displaytype == GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { $grademin = "0 %"; $grademax = "100 %"; } else { $grademin = grade_format_gradevalue($this->grademin, $this, true, $displaytype, $decimalpoints); $grademax = grade_format_gradevalue($this->grademax, $this, true, $displaytype, $decimalpoints); } return $grademin.'–'. $grademax; } /** * Queries parent categories recursively to find the aggregationcoef type that applies to this * grade item. */ function get_coefstring() { $parent_category = $this->load_parent_category(); if ($this->is_category_item()) { $parent_category = $parent_category->load_parent_category(); } if ($parent_category->is_aggregationcoef_used()) { return $parent_category->get_coefstring(); } else { return false; } } } ?>