scaleid. * @var object $scale */ var $scale; /** * The id of the scale referenced by this outcome. * @var int $scaleid */ var $scaleid; /** * The description of this outcome - FORMAT_MOODLE. * @var string $description */ var $description; /** * The userid of the person who last modified this outcome. * @var int $usermodified */ var $usermodified; /** * Deletes this outcome from the database. * @param string $source from where was the object deleted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return boolean success */ function delete($source=null) { if (!empty($this->courseid)) { delete_records('grade_outcomes_courses', 'outcomeid', $this->id, 'courseid', $this->courseid); } return parent::delete($source); } /** * Records this object in the Database, sets its id to the returned value, and returns that value. * If successful this function also fetches the new object data from database and stores it * in object properties. * @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.) * @return int PK ID if successful, false otherwise */ function insert($source=null) { $this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time(); if ($result = parent::insert($source)) { if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $goc = new object(); $goc->courseid = $this->courseid; $goc->outcomeid = $this->id; insert_record('grade_outcomes_courses', $goc); } } return $result; } /** * In addition to update() it also updates grade_outcomes_courses if needed * @param string $source from where was the object inserted * @return boolean success */ function update($source=null) { $this->timemodified = time(); if ($result = parent::update($source)) { if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $this->use_in($this->courseid); } } return $result; } /** * Mark outcome as used in course * @param int $courseid * @return succes - false if incorrect courseid requested */ function use_in($courseid) { if (!empty($this->courseid) and $courseid != $this->courseid) { return false; } if (!record_exists('grade_outcomes_courses', 'courseid', $courseid, 'outcomeid', $this->id)) { $goc = new object(); $goc->courseid = $courseid; $goc->outcomeid = $this->id; return (bool)insert_record('grade_outcomes_courses', $goc); } return true; } /** * Finds and returns a grade_outcome instance based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return object grade_outcome instance or false if none found. */ function fetch($params) { return grade_object::fetch_helper('grade_outcomes', 'grade_outcome', $params); } /** * Finds and returns all grade_outcome instances based on params. * @static * * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value * @return array array of grade_outcome insatnces or false if none found. */ function fetch_all($params) { return grade_object::fetch_all_helper('grade_outcomes', 'grade_outcome', $params); } /** * Instantiates a grade_scale object whose data is retrieved from the * @return object grade_scale */ function load_scale() { if (empty($this->scale->id) or $this->scale->id != $this->scaleid) { $this->scale = grade_scale::fetch(array('id'=>$this->scaleid)); $this->scale->load_items(); } return $this->scale; } /** * Static function returning all global outcomes * @static * @return object */ function fetch_all_global() { if (!$outcomes = grade_outcome::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>null))) { $outcomes = array(); } return $outcomes; } /** * Static function returning all local course outcomes * @static * @param int $courseid * @return object */ function fetch_all_local($courseid) { if (!$outcomes =grade_outcome::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$courseid))) { $outcomes = array(); } return $outcomes; } /** * Static method - returns all outcomes available in course * @static * @param int $courseid * @return array */ function fetch_all_available($courseid) { global $CFG; $result = array(); $sql = "SELECT go.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_outcomes go, {$CFG->prefix}grade_outcomes_courses goc WHERE = goc.outcomeid AND goc.courseid = {$courseid} ORDER BY ASC"; if ($datas = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach($datas as $data) { $instance = new grade_outcome(); grade_object::set_properties($instance, $data); $result[$instance->id] = $instance; } } return $result; } /** * Returns the most descriptive field for this object. This is a standard method used * when we do not know the exact type of an object. * @return string name */ function get_name() { return format_string($this->fullname); } /** * Returns unique outcome short name. * @return string name */ function get_shortname() { return $this->shortname; } /** * Checks if outcome can be deleted. * @return boolean */ function can_delete() { if ($this->get_item_uses_count()) { return false; } if (empty($this->courseid)) { if ($this->get_course_uses_count()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the number of places where outcome is used. * @return int */ function get_course_uses_count() { global $CFG; if (!empty($this->courseid)) { return 1; } return count_records('grade_outcomes_courses', 'outcomeid', $this->id); } /** * Returns the number of places where outcome is used. * @return int */ function get_item_uses_count() { return count_records('grade_items', 'outcomeid', $this->id); } /** * Computes then returns extra information about this outcome and other objects that are linked to it. * The average of all grades that use this outcome, for all courses (or 1 course if courseid is given) can * be requested, and is returned as a float if requested alone. If the list of items that use this outcome * is also requested, then a single array is returned, which contains the grade_items AND the average grade * if such is still requested (array('items' => array(...), 'avg' => 2.30)). This combining of two * methods into one is to save on DB queries, since both queries are similar and can be performed together. * @param int $courseid An optional courseid to narrow down the average to 1 course only * @param bool $average Whether or not to return the average grade for this outcome * @param bool $items Whether or not to return the list of items using this outcome * @return float */ function get_grade_info($courseid=null, $average=true, $items=false) { global $CFG; if (!isset($this->id)) { debugging("You must setup the outcome's id before calling its get_grade_info() method!"); return false; // id must be defined for this to work } if ($average === false && $items === false) { debugging('Either the 1st or 2nd param of grade_outcome::get_grade_info() must be true, or both, but not both false!'); return false; } $wheresql = ''; if (!is_null($courseid)) { $wheresql = " AND {$CFG->prefix}grade_items.courseid = $courseid "; } $selectadd = ''; if ($items !== false) { $selectadd = ", {$CFG->prefix}grade_items.* "; } $sql = "SELECT finalgrade $selectadd FROM {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades, {$CFG->prefix}grade_items, {$CFG->prefix}grade_outcomes WHERE {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}grade_items.outcomeid AND {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}grade_grades.itemid AND {$CFG->prefix} = $this->id $wheresql"; $grades = get_records_sql($sql); $retval = array(); if ($average !== false && count($grades) > 0) { $count = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($grades as $k => $grade) { // Skip null finalgrades if (!is_null($grade->finalgrade)) { $total += $grade->finalgrade; $count++; } unset($grades[$k]->finalgrade); } $retval['avg'] = $total / $count; } if ($items !== false) { foreach ($grades as $grade) { $retval['items'][$grade->id] = new grade_item($grade); } } return $retval; } } ?>