registerauth)) { error("Sorry, you may not use this page."); } $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($CFG->registerauth); if (!$authplugin->can_confirm()) { error("Sorry, you may not use this page."); } if (!empty($data) || (!empty($p) && !empty($s))) { if (!empty($data)) { $dataelements = explode('/',$data, 2); // Stop after 1st slash. Rest is username. MDL-7647 $usersecret = $dataelements[0]; $username = $dataelements[1]; } else { $usersecret = $p; $username = $s; } $confirmed = $authplugin->user_confirm($username, $usersecret); if ($confirmed == AUTH_CONFIRM_ALREADY) { $user = get_complete_user_data('username', $username); print_header(get_string("alreadyconfirmed"), get_string("alreadyconfirmed"), array(), ""); print_box_start('generalbox centerpara boxwidthnormal boxaligncenter'); echo "

".get_string("thanks").", ". fullname($user) . "

\n"; echo "


\n"; print_single_button("$CFG->wwwroot/course/", null, get_string('courses')); print_box_end(); print_footer(); exit; } else if ($confirmed == AUTH_CONFIRM_OK) { // The user has confirmed successfully, let's log them in if (!$USER = get_complete_user_data('username', $username)) { error("Something serious is wrong with the database"); } set_moodle_cookie($USER->username); if ( ! empty($SESSION->wantsurl) ) { // Send them where they were going $goto = $SESSION->wantsurl; unset($SESSION->wantsurl); redirect($goto); } print_header(get_string("confirmed"), get_string("confirmed"), array(), ""); print_box_start('generalbox centerpara boxwidthnormal boxaligncenter'); echo "

".get_string("thanks").", ". fullname($USER) . "

\n"; echo "


\n"; print_single_button("$CFG->wwwroot/course/", null, get_string('courses')); print_box_end(); print_footer(); exit; } else { error("Invalid confirmation data"); } } else { print_error("errorwhenconfirming"); } redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/"); ?>