id != SITEID) { require_login($course->id); } add_to_log($course->id, "resource", "view all", "index.php?id=$course->id", ""); $strresource = get_string("modulename", "resource"); $strresources = get_string("modulenameplural", "resource"); $strweek = get_string("week"); $strtopic = get_string("topic"); $strname = get_string("name"); $strsummary = get_string("summary"); $strlastmodified = get_string("lastmodified"); $navlinks = array(); $navlinks[] = array('name' => $strresources, 'link' => '', 'type' => 'activityinstance'); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); print_header("$course->shortname: $strresources", $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, "", navmenu($course)); if (! $resources = get_all_instances_in_course("resource", $course)) { notice(get_string('thereareno', 'moodle', $strresources), "../../course/view.php?id=$course->id"); exit; } if ($course->format == "weeks") { $table->head = array ($strweek, $strname, $strsummary); $table->align = array ("center", "left", "left"); } else if ($course->format == "topics") { $table->head = array ($strtopic, $strname, $strsummary); $table->align = array ("center", "left", "left"); } else { $table->head = array ($strlastmodified, $strname, $strsummary); $table->align = array ("left", "left", "left"); } $currentsection = ""; $options->para = false; foreach ($resources as $resource) { if ($course->format == "weeks" or $course->format == "topics") { $printsection = ""; if ($resource->section !== $currentsection) { if ($resource->section) { $printsection = $resource->section; } if ($currentsection !== "") { $table->data[] = 'hr'; } $currentsection = $resource->section; } } else { $printsection = ''.userdate($resource->timemodified).""; } if (!empty($resource->extra)) { $extra = urldecode($resource->extra); } else { $extra = ""; } if (!$resource->visible) { // Show dimmed if the mod is hidden $table->data[] = array ($printsection, "coursemodule\">".format_string($resource->name,true)."", format_text($resource->summary, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options) ); } else { //Show normal if the mod is visible $table->data[] = array ($printsection, "coursemodule\">".format_string($resource->name,true)."", format_text($resource->summary, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options) ); } } echo "
"; print_table($table); print_footer($course); ?>