WikiSetupWizard\n"; $o .= "You don't have any pages in your Wiki yet, so we should try to read-in the default ones from init-pages/ now.

"; $o .= '"now")).'">[InitializeWikiDatabase]'; $o .= "   "; $o .= '"this")).'">[NoThanks]'; $o .= "

"; #-- analyze and print settings and misconfigurations $pf_db = $ewiki_plugins["database"][0]; $db = substr($pf_db, strrpos($pf_db, "_") + 1); $o .= ''; $o .= '"; $o .= '"; $o .= "
DatabaseBackend'; $o .= "" . $db . "
"; if ($db == "files") { $o .= "_DBFILES_DIR='" . EWIKI_DBFILES_DIRECTORY . "'"; if (strpos(EWIKI_DBFILES_DIRECTORY, "tmp")) { $o .= "
Warning: Storing your pages into a temporary directory is not what you want (there they would get deleted randomly), except for testing purposes of course. See the README."; } } else { $o .= "(looks ok)"; } $o .= "
WikiSoftwareewiki '.EWIKI_VERSION."
"; #-- more diagnosis if (ini_get("magic_quotes")) { $o.= "Warning: Your PHP interpreter has enabled the ugly and outdated 'magic_quotes'. This will lead to problems, so please ask your provider to correct it; or fix it yourself with .htaccess settings as documented in the README. Otherwise don't forget to include() the fragments/strip_wonderful_slashes.php (it's ok to proceed for the moment).

"; } if (ini_get("register_globals")) { $o.= "Security warning: The horrible 'register_globals' setting is enabled. Without always using fragments/strike_register_globals.php or letting your provider fix that, you could get into trouble some day.

"; } return('
' . $o . '
'); } #-- actually initialize the database else { ewiki_database("INIT", array()); if ($dh = @opendir($path=EWIKI_INIT_PAGES)) { while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { if (preg_match('/^(['.EWIKI_CHARS_U.']+['.EWIKI_CHARS_L.']+\w*)+/', $filename)) { $found = ewiki_database("FIND", array($filename)); if (! $found[$filename]) { $content = implode("", file("$path/$filename")); ewiki_scan_wikiwords($content, $ewiki_links, "_STRIP_EMAIL=1"); $refs = "\n\n" . implode("\n", array_keys($ewiki_links)) . "\n\n"; $save = array( "id" => "$filename", "version" => "1", "flags" => "1", "content" => $content, "author" => ewiki_author("ewiki_initialize"), "refs" => $refs, "lastmodified" => filemtime("$path/$filename"), "created" => filectime("$path/$filename") // (not exact) ); ewiki_database("WRITE", $save); } } } closedir($dh); } else { return("ewiki error: could not read from directory ". realpath($path) ."
\n"); } #-- try to view/ that newly inserted page if ($data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id))) { $action = "view"; } #-- let ewiki_page() proceed as usual return(""); } } } ?>