///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Paint.NET // // Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, Tom Jackson, and contributors. // // Portions Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // See license-pdn.txt for full licensing and attribution details. // // // // Ported to Pinta by: Olivier Dufour // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using Pinta.Core; namespace Pinta.Gui.Widgets { class GridRenderer { private CanvasRenderer cr; public GridRenderer (CanvasRenderer cr) { this.cr = cr; } public unsafe void Render (Cairo.ImageSurface dst, Gdk.Point offset) { if (cr.ScaleFactor > new ScaleFactor (1, 2)) return; int[] d2SLookupX = cr.Dst2SrcLookupX; int[] d2SLookupY = cr.Dst2SrcLookupY; int[] s2DLookupX = cr.Src2DstLookupX; int[] s2DLookupY = cr.Src2DstLookupY; ColorBgra[] blackAndWhite = new ColorBgra[2] { ColorBgra.White, ColorBgra.Black }; // draw horizontal lines int dstHeight = dst.Height; int dstWidth = dst.Width; int dstStride = dst.Stride; int sTop = d2SLookupY[offset.Y]; int sBottom = d2SLookupY[offset.Y + dstHeight]; dst.Flush (); for (int srcY = sTop; srcY <= sBottom; ++srcY) { int dstY = s2DLookupY[srcY]; int dstRow = dstY - offset.Y; if (dstRow >= 0 && dstRow < dstHeight) { ColorBgra* dstRowPtr = dst.GetRowAddressUnchecked (dstRow); ColorBgra* dstRowEndPtr = dstRowPtr + dstWidth; dstRowPtr += offset.X & 1; while (dstRowPtr < dstRowEndPtr) { *dstRowPtr = ColorBgra.Black; dstRowPtr += 2; } } } // draw vertical lines int sLeft = d2SLookupX[offset.X]; int sRight = d2SLookupX[offset.X + dstWidth]; for (int srcX = sLeft; srcX <= sRight; ++srcX) { int dstX = s2DLookupX[srcX]; int dstCol = dstX - offset.X; if (dstCol >= 0 && dstCol < dstWidth) { byte* dstColPtr = (byte*)dst.GetPointAddress (dstCol, 0); byte* dstColEndPtr = dstColPtr + dstStride * dstHeight; dstColPtr += (offset.Y & 1) * dstStride; while (dstColPtr < dstColEndPtr) { *((ColorBgra*)dstColPtr) = ColorBgra.Black; dstColPtr += 2 * dstStride; } } } dst.MarkDirty (); } } }