#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 PlayOnLinux Team # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Pâris Quentin # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # This is the first use script [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" export XQUARTZ_VERSION="2.6.3" fonts_install () # Debian tweak to avoid downloading Microsoft Fonts { if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ] && [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_deb_installed" ] then FONTS_WARNING="Microsoft fonts aren't installed.\n\n\ If you encounter any fonts trouble, you should think about installing\ the debian package\nttf-mscorefonts-installer (see README.Debian)." POL_SetupWindow_message "$FONTS_WARNING" "Microsoft fonts" POL_SetupWindow_Close fi } install_fonts () # Install Microsoft Fonts { if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ] then # POL_SetupWindow_Init "$PLAYONLINUX/etc/setups/fonts/top.png" "$PLAYONLINUX/etc/setups/fonts/left.jpg" POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")$(eval_gettext "\nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")--- $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".") $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.") $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence" echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")--- These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\". This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties. You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use, but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence" cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence" POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence" WebVersion=$(wget -4 -q $SITE/check.txt -O-) if [ "$WebVersion" == "" ] then POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'The PlayOnLinux website is unavailable.')$(eval_gettext "\nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" POL_SetupWindow_Close else rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null FONTDIR="$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" mkdir -p "$FONTDIR" FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe" cd "$FONTDIR" PULSE=1 POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER do sleep 0.1 POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..." echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..." wget -4 "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" -q PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 )) POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE done echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe" POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe" wget -4 http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe -q POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100 sleep 1 PULSE=1 POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER do sleep 0.1 POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..." echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..." cabextract "$font" > /dev/null PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 )) POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE sleep 0.1 done POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe" echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe" cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100 sleep 1 rm *.exe rm *.done rm *.dll rm *.inf rm *.txt touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" # POL_SetupWindow_Close fi fi } install_x11() { if [ "$OSX_VERSION" = "9" ] then XQuartzUrl="http://xquartz.macosforge.org/downloads/Leopard/X11-$XQUARTZ_VERSION.dmg" FilePrefix="X11" else XQuartzUrl="http://xquartz.macosforge.org/downloads/SL/XQuartz-$XQUARTZ_VERSION.dmg" FilePrefix="XQuartz" fi STEP_TITLE="XQuartz" XQuartz_Message="$(eval_gettext "To ensure that your games will be compatible, PlayOnMac must install XQuartz")" POL_SetupWindow_menu_num "$XQuartz_Message" "$STEP_TITLE" "$(eval_gettext "Please download XQuartz for me")~$(eval_gettext "I've downloaded the file by myself") ($FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION.dmg)~$(eval_gettext "Don't install XQuartz for the moment")" "~" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "0" ] then POL_SetupWindow_download "$(eval_gettext "Downloading XQuartz")" "$STEP_TITLE" "$XQuartzUrl" got_xquartz="true" fi if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "1" ] then POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext "Where is") $FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION.dmg ?" "$STEP_TITLE" cd "$(dirname "$APP_ANSWER")" got_xquartz="true" fi if [ "$got_xquartz" = "true" ] then POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext "Installing XQuartz...")" "$STEP_TITLE" open $FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION.dmg while [ ! -d "/Volumes/$FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION" ] do sleep 1 done /System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Installer /Volumes/$FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION/$FilePrefix.pkg umount /Volumes/$FilePrefix-$XQUARTZ_VERSION fi if [ ! -e "/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app" ] && [ "$OSX_VERSION" = "10" ] then POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Unable to install XQuartz! You must install it to improve games compatibility.")" "$STEP_TITLE" fi POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "XQuartz has been installed. You might need to reboot your computer")" "$STEP_TITLE" } install_prefix() { STEP_TITLE="$(eval_gettext "Default virtual drive configuration")" POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext '$APPLICATION_TITLE is making a virtual windows hard drive')" "$STEP_TITLE" POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "default" POL_Wine_PrefixCreate } POL_Shortcut_GetOLDPrefix() { [ "$1" = "" ] && POL_Debug_Error "No shortcut specified" fichier="$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/$1" #fichier=${fichier//"\""/""} #fichier=${fichier//"//"/"/"} if [ -e "$fichier" ] then fichier="$(cat "$fichier" | grep WINEPREFIX | tail -n 1 | sed s/'\/\//\/'/)" fichier="${fichier/"$POL_USER_ROOT"/""}" fichier="$(printf "$fichier" | cut -d "/" -f2)" fi printf "$fichier" | tr -d \" } POL_Shortcut_GetOLDVersion() { [ "$1" = "" ] && POL_Debug_Error "No shortcut specified" fichier="$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/$1" #fichier=${fichier//"\""/""} #fichier=${fichier//"//"/"/"} if [ -e "$fichier" ] then fichier="$(cat "$fichier" | grep PATH | tail -n 1 | sed s/'\/\//\/'/)" fichier="${fichier/"$POL_USER_ROOT"/""}" fichier="$(printf "$fichier" | cut -d "/" -f2)" fi printf "$fichier" | tr -d \" } migrate_oldpol() { rmdir "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/installed" 2> /dev/null if [ -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/installed" ] then # On commence par les raccourcis POL_Debug_Message "Upgrading shortcuts" cd "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/installed" for shortcut in * do POL_Debug_Message "Updating shortcut : $shortcut" sVERSION="$(POL_Shortcut_GetOLDVersion "$shortcut")" sPREFIX="$(POL_Shortcut_GetOLDPrefix "$shortcut")" sTITLE="$shortcut" sWINE="$(cat "$shortcut" | grep '^wine')" sWINE="${sWINE/wine/POL_Wine}" sWINEPREFIX="$(cat "$shortcut" | grep '^export WINEPREFIX')" sCD="$(cat "$shortcut" | grep '^cd')" cat < "$POL_USER_ROOT/shortcuts/$shortcut" #!/bin/bash [ "\$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0 source "\$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" $sWINEPREFIX export WINEDEBUG="-all" $sCD $sWINE EOF chmod +x "$POL_USER_ROOT/shortcuts/$shortcut" if [ ! "$sVERSION" = "" ] then POL_Debug_Message "Setting shortcut $sTITLE, prefix $sPREFIX to version $sVERSION" export WINEPREFIX="$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$sPREFIX" POL_Wine_SetVersionPrefix "$sVERSION" fi done POL_Debug_Message "Upgrading virtual drives" cd "$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix" for prefix in * do POL_Debug_Message "Updating $prefix" export WINEPREFIX="$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$prefix" [ "$(POL_Config_PrefixRead ARCH)" = "" ] && POL_Config_PrefixWrite "ARCH" "x86" done if [ -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/WineVersions" ] then POL_Debug_Message "Upgrading wine versions" cd "$POL_USER_ROOT/WineVersions" [ "$POL_OS" = "Mac" ] && vprefix="darwin-" [ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] && vprefix="linux-" new_vroot="$POL_USER_ROOT/wine/${vprefix}x86" mkdir -p "$new_vroot" for version in * do POL_Debug_Message "Updating $version" mv "$POL_USER_ROOT/WineVersions/$version" "$new_vroot/" done rmdir "$POL_USER_ROOT/WineVersions" if [ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] then cd "$new_vroot" for version in * do POL_Debug_Message "Removing /usr in path $version" cd "$new_vroot/$version" mv usr/* ./ rmdir usr done fi fi mv "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/installed" "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/installed.backup" fi export POL_WINEVERSION="" } migrate_oldpol POL_SetupWindow_Init POL_SetupWindow_free_presentation "$(eval_gettext '$APPLICATION_TITLE first use')" "$(eval_gettext 'It appears it is the first time you are using $APPLICATION_TITLE.')\n$(eval_gettext 'This wizard will help you prepare $APPLICATION_TITLE environement')\n$(eval_gettext "Please ensure you are connected to the internet.")" [ "$POL_OS" == "Mac" ] && [ ! -e "/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app" ] && [ "$OSX_VERSION" = "10" ] && install_x11 [ "$POL_OS" == "Mac" ] && [ "$OSX_VERSION" = "9" ] && install_x11 fonts_install install_prefix POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Thank you for using $APPLICATION_TITLE')" "$(eval_gettext '$APPLICATION_TITLE first use')" POL_SetupWindow_Close $(POL_Config_Write FIRST_USE TRUE)