RAKE TEST ========= 1. dpkg-reconfigure redmine, add a "test" sqlite3 instance 2. edit /etc/redmine/test/database.yml, copy 'production' section and rename it 'test' edit /usr/share/redmine/config/environments/test.rb and comment "mocha" 3. Install debian packages available for libshoulda-ruby and libmocha-ruby. Depending on the redmine version, shoulda must be installed by : gem intall shoulda -v Take care to remove the shoulda gem if desired. 4. cd /usr/share/redmine mkdir -p tmp/test X_DEBIAN_SITEID=test RAILS_ENV=test rake test:scm:setup:all X_DEBIAN_SITEID=test RAILS_ENV=test rake test 5. READ doc/RUNNING_TESTS in redmine source package to get more informations.