/* * Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client * Copyright (C) 2010 Vic Lee * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "common/remminaplugincommon.h" #include #include #include "remminanxsession.h" /* Some missing stuff in libssh */ #define REMMINA_SSH_TYPE_DSS 1 #define REMMINA_SSH_TYPE_RSA 2 static gboolean remmina_get_keytype (const gchar *private_key_file, gint *keytype, gboolean *encrypted) { FILE *fp; gchar buf1[100], buf2[100]; if ((fp = g_fopen (private_key_file, "r")) == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!fgets (buf1, sizeof (buf1), fp) || !fgets (buf2, sizeof (buf2), fp)) { fclose (fp); return FALSE; } fclose (fp); if (strstr (buf1, "BEGIN RSA")) *keytype = REMMINA_SSH_TYPE_RSA; else if (strstr (buf1, "BEGIN DSA")) *keytype = REMMINA_SSH_TYPE_DSS; else return FALSE; *encrypted = (strstr (buf2, "ENCRYPTED") ? TRUE : FALSE); return TRUE; } /*****/ static const gchar nx_default_private_key[] = "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" "MIIBuwIBAAKBgQCXv9AzQXjxvXWC1qu3CdEqskX9YomTfyG865gb4D02ZwWuRU/9\n" "C3I9/bEWLdaWgJYXIcFJsMCIkmWjjeSZyTmeoypI1iLifTHUxn3b7WNWi8AzKcVF\n" "aBsBGiljsop9NiD1mEpA0G+nHHrhvTXz7pUvYrsrXcdMyM6rxqn77nbbnwIVALCi\n" "xFdHZADw5KAVZI7r6QatEkqLAoGBAI4L1TQGFkq5xQ/nIIciW8setAAIyrcWdK/z\n" "5/ZPeELdq70KDJxoLf81NL/8uIc4PoNyTRJjtT3R4f8Az1TsZWeh2+ReCEJxDWgG\n" "fbk2YhRqoQTtXPFsI4qvzBWct42WonWqyyb1bPBHk+JmXFscJu5yFQ+JUVNsENpY\n" "+Gkz3HqTAoGANlgcCuA4wrC+3Cic9CFkqiwO/Rn1vk8dvGuEQqFJ6f6LVfPfRTfa\n" "QU7TGVLk2CzY4dasrwxJ1f6FsT8DHTNGnxELPKRuLstGrFY/PR7KeafeFZDf+fJ3\n" "mbX5nxrld3wi5titTnX+8s4IKv29HJguPvOK/SI7cjzA+SqNfD7qEo8CFDIm1xRf\n" "8xAPsSKs6yZ6j1FNklfu\n" "-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; static const gchar nx_hello_server_msg[] = "hello nxserver - version "; struct _RemminaNXSession { /* Common SSH members */ ssh_session session; ssh_channel channel; gchar *server; gchar *error; RemminaNXLogCallback log_callback; /* Tunnel related members */ pthread_t thread; gboolean running; gint server_sock; /* NX related members */ GHashTable *session_parameters; GString *response; gint response_pos; gint status; gint encryption; gint localport; gchar *version; gchar *session_id; gint session_display; gchar *proxy_cookie; gboolean allow_start; GtkListStore *session_list; gint session_list_state; GPid proxy_pid; guint proxy_watch_source; }; RemminaNXSession* remmina_nx_session_new (void) { RemminaNXSession *nx; nx = g_new0 (RemminaNXSession, 1); nx->session_parameters = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); nx->response = g_string_new (NULL); nx->status = -1; nx->encryption = 1; nx->server_sock = -1; return nx; } void remmina_nx_session_free (RemminaNXSession *nx) { pthread_t thread; if (nx->proxy_watch_source) { g_source_remove (nx->proxy_watch_source); nx->proxy_watch_source = 0; } if (nx->proxy_pid) { kill (nx->proxy_pid, SIGTERM); g_spawn_close_pid (nx->proxy_pid); nx->proxy_pid = 0; } thread = nx->thread; if (thread) { nx->running = FALSE; pthread_cancel (thread); pthread_join (thread, NULL); nx->thread = 0; } if (nx->channel) { channel_close (nx->channel); channel_free (nx->channel); } if (nx->server_sock >= 0) { close (nx->server_sock); nx->server_sock = -1; } g_free (nx->server); g_free (nx->error); g_hash_table_destroy (nx->session_parameters); g_string_free (nx->response, TRUE); g_free (nx->version); g_free (nx->session_id); g_free (nx->proxy_cookie); if (nx->session_list) { g_object_unref (nx->session_list); nx->session_list = NULL; } if (nx->session) { ssh_free (nx->session); nx->session = NULL; } g_free (nx); } static void remmina_nx_session_set_error (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *fmt) { const gchar *err; if (nx->error) g_free (nx->error); err = ssh_get_error (nx->session); nx->error = g_strdup_printf (fmt, err); } static void remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (nx->error) g_free (nx->error); va_start (args, fmt); nx->error = g_strdup_vprintf (fmt, args); va_end (args); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_has_error (RemminaNXSession *nx) { return (nx->error != NULL); } const gchar* remmina_nx_session_get_error (RemminaNXSession *nx) { return nx->error; } void remmina_nx_session_clear_error (RemminaNXSession *nx) { if (nx->error) { g_free (nx->error); nx->error = NULL; } } void remmina_nx_session_set_encryption (RemminaNXSession *nx, gint encryption) { nx->encryption = encryption; } void remmina_nx_session_set_localport (RemminaNXSession *nx, gint localport) { nx->localport = localport; } void remmina_nx_session_set_log_callback (RemminaNXSession *nx, RemminaNXLogCallback log_callback) { nx->log_callback = log_callback; } static gboolean remmina_nx_session_get_response (RemminaNXSession *nx) { struct timeval timeout; ssh_channel ch[2]; ssh_buffer buffer; gint len; gint is_stderr; timeout.tv_sec = 60; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ch[0] = nx->channel; ch[1] = NULL; channel_select (ch, NULL, NULL, &timeout); is_stderr = 0; while (is_stderr <= 1) { len = channel_poll (nx->channel, is_stderr); if (len == SSH_ERROR) { remmina_nx_session_set_error (nx, "Error reading channel: %s"); return FALSE; } if (len > 0) break; is_stderr++; } if (is_stderr > 1) return FALSE; buffer = buffer_new (); len = channel_read_buffer (nx->channel, buffer, len, is_stderr); if (len <= 0) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Channel closed."); return FALSE; } if (len > 0) { g_string_append_len (nx->response, (const gchar*) buffer_get (buffer), len); } buffer_free (buffer); return TRUE; } static void remmina_nx_session_parse_session_list_line (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *line) { gchar *p1, *p2; gchar *val; gint i; GtkTreeIter iter; p1 = (char*) line; while (*p1 == ' ') p1++; if (*p1 == '\0') return; gtk_list_store_append (nx->session_list, &iter); p1 = (char*) line; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { p2 = strchr (p1, ' '); if (!p2) return; val = g_strndup (p1, (gint) (p2 - p1)); switch (i) { case 0: gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, &iter, REMMINA_NX_SESSION_COLUMN_DISPLAY, val, -1); break; case 1: gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, &iter, REMMINA_NX_SESSION_COLUMN_TYPE, val, -1); break; case 2: gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, &iter, REMMINA_NX_SESSION_COLUMN_ID, val, -1); break; case 6: gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, &iter, REMMINA_NX_SESSION_COLUMN_STATUS, val, -1); break; default: break; } g_free (val); while (*p2 == ' ') p2++; p1 = p2; } /* The last name column might contains space so it's not in the above loop. We simply rtrim it here. */ i = strlen (p1); if (i < 1) return; p2 = p1 + i - 1; while (*p2 == ' ' && p2 > p1) p2--; val = g_strndup (p1, (gint) (p2 - p1 + 1)); gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, &iter, REMMINA_NX_SESSION_COLUMN_NAME, val, -1); g_free (val); } static gint remmina_nx_session_parse_line (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *line, gchar **valueptr) { gchar *s; gchar *ptr; gint status; *valueptr = NULL; /* Get the server version from the initial line */ if (!nx->version) { s = g_ascii_strdown (line, -1); ptr = strstr (s, nx_hello_server_msg); if (!ptr) { /* Try to use a default version */ nx->version = g_strdup ("3.3.0"); } else { nx->version = g_strdup (ptr + strlen (nx_hello_server_msg)); ptr = strchr (nx->version, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; /* NoMachine NX append a dash+subversion. Need to be removed. */ ptr = strchr (nx->version, '-'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; } g_free (s); return nx->status; } if (sscanf (line, "NX> %i ", &status) < 1) { if (nx->session_list_state && nx->session_list) { if (nx->session_list_state == 1 && strncmp (line, "----", 4) == 0) { nx->session_list_state = 2; } else if (nx->session_list_state == 2) { remmina_nx_session_parse_session_list_line (nx, line); } return -1; } return nx->status; } nx->session_list_state = 0; nx->status = status; ptr = strchr (line, ':'); if (!ptr) return status; *valueptr = ptr + 2; return status; } static gchar* remmina_nx_session_get_line (RemminaNXSession *nx) { gchar *line; gchar *pos, *ptr; gint len; gint l; if (nx->response_pos >= nx->response->len) return NULL; pos = nx->response->str + nx->response_pos; if ((ptr = strchr (pos, '\n')) == NULL) return NULL; len = ((gint) (ptr - pos)) + 1; line = g_strndup (pos, len - 1); l = strlen (line); if (l > 0 && line[l - 1] == '\r') { line[l - 1] = '\0'; } nx->response_pos += len; return line; } static gint remmina_nx_session_parse_response (RemminaNXSession *nx) { gchar *line; gchar *pos, *p; gint status = -1; if (nx->response_pos >= nx->response->len) return -1; while ((line = remmina_nx_session_get_line (nx)) != NULL) { if (nx->log_callback) nx->log_callback ("[NX] %s\n", line); status = remmina_nx_session_parse_line (nx, line, &p); if (status == 500) { /* 500: Last operation failed. Should be ignored. */ } else if (status >= 400 && status <= 599) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "%s", line); } else { switch (status) { case 127: /* Session list */ nx->session_list_state = 1; break; case 148: /* Server capacity not reached for user xxx */ nx->session_list_state = 0; nx->allow_start = TRUE; break; case 700: nx->session_id = g_strdup (p); break; case 705: nx->session_display = atoi (p); break; case 701: nx->proxy_cookie = g_strdup (p); break; } } g_free (line); nx->status = status; } pos = nx->response->str + nx->response_pos; if (sscanf (pos, "NX> %i ", &status) < 1) { status = nx->status; } else { if (nx->log_callback) nx->log_callback ("[NX] %s\n", pos); nx->response_pos += 8; } nx->status = -1; return status; } static gint remmina_nx_session_expect_status2 (RemminaNXSession *nx, gint status, gint status2) { gint response; while ((response = remmina_nx_session_parse_response (nx)) != status && response != status2) { if (response == 999) break; if (!remmina_nx_session_get_response (nx)) return -1; } nx->session_list_state = 0; if (remmina_nx_session_has_error (nx)) return -1; return response; } static gboolean remmina_nx_session_expect_status (RemminaNXSession *nx, gint status) { return (remmina_nx_session_expect_status2 (nx, status, 0) == status); } static void remmina_nx_session_send_command (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *cmdfmt, ...) { va_list args; gchar *cmd; va_start (args, cmdfmt); cmd = g_strdup_vprintf (cmdfmt, args); channel_write (nx->channel, cmd, strlen (cmd)); g_free (cmd); channel_write (nx->channel, "\n", 1); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_open (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *server, guint port, const gchar *private_key_file, RemminaNXPassphraseCallback passphrase_func, gpointer userdata) { gint ret; ssh_private_key privkey; ssh_public_key pubkey; ssh_string pubkeystr; gint keytype; gboolean encrypted; gchar *passphrase = NULL; gchar tmpfile[L_tmpnam + 1]; nx->session = ssh_new (); ssh_options_set (nx->session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, server); ssh_options_set (nx->session, SSH_OPTIONS_PORT, &port); ssh_options_set (nx->session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, "nx"); if (private_key_file && private_key_file[0]) { if (!remmina_get_keytype (private_key_file, &keytype, &encrypted)) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Invalid private key file."); return FALSE; } if (encrypted && !passphrase_func (&passphrase, userdata)) { return FALSE; } privkey = privatekey_from_file (nx->session, private_key_file, keytype, (passphrase ? passphrase : "")); g_free (passphrase); } else { /* Use NoMachine's default nx private key */ if ((tmpnam (tmpfile)) == NULL || !g_file_set_contents (tmpfile, nx_default_private_key, -1, NULL)) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to create temporary private key file."); return FALSE; } privkey = privatekey_from_file (nx->session, tmpfile, REMMINA_SSH_TYPE_DSS, ""); g_unlink (tmpfile); } if (privkey == NULL) { remmina_nx_session_set_error (nx, "Invalid private key file: %s"); return FALSE; } pubkey = publickey_from_privatekey (privkey); pubkeystr = publickey_to_string (pubkey); publickey_free (pubkey); if (ssh_connect (nx->session)) { string_free (pubkeystr); privatekey_free (privkey); remmina_nx_session_set_error (nx, "Failed to startup SSH session: %s"); return FALSE; } ret = ssh_userauth_pubkey (nx->session, NULL, pubkeystr, privkey); string_free (pubkeystr); privatekey_free (privkey); if (ret != SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS) { remmina_nx_session_set_error (nx, "NX SSH authentication failed: %s"); return FALSE; } if ((nx->channel = channel_new (nx->session)) == NULL || channel_open_session (nx->channel)) { return FALSE; } if (channel_request_shell(nx->channel)) { return FALSE; } /* NX server starts the session with an initial 105 status */ if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 105)) return FALSE; /* Say hello to the NX server */ remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "HELLO NXCLIENT - Version %s", nx->version); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 105)) return FALSE; /* Set the NX session environment */ remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "SET SHELL_MODE SHELL"); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 105)) return FALSE; remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "SET AUTH_MODE PASSWORD"); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 105)) return FALSE; nx->server = g_strdup (server); return TRUE; } gboolean remmina_nx_session_login (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *username, const gchar *password) { gint response; /* Login to the NX server */ remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "login"); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 101)) return FALSE; remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, username); /* NoMachine Testdrive does not prompt for password, in which case 105 response is received without 102 */ response = remmina_nx_session_expect_status2 (nx, 102, 105); if (response == 102) { remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, password); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 105)) return FALSE; } else if (response != 105) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *name, const gchar *valuefmt, ...) { va_list args; gchar *value; va_start (args, valuefmt); value = g_strdup_vprintf (valuefmt, args); g_hash_table_insert (nx->session_parameters, g_strdup (name), value); } static gboolean remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (RemminaNXSession *nx, const gchar *cmd_type, gint response) { GString *cmd; GHashTableIter iter; gchar *key, *value; cmd = g_string_new (cmd_type); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, nx->session_parameters); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*) &key, (gpointer*) &value)) { g_string_append_printf (cmd, " --%s=\"%s\"", key, value); } remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, cmd->str); g_string_free (cmd, TRUE); g_hash_table_remove_all (nx->session_parameters); return remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, response); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_list (RemminaNXSession *nx) { gboolean ret; if (nx->session_list == NULL) { nx->session_list = gtk_list_store_new (REMMINA_NX_SESSION_N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING); } else { gtk_list_store_clear (nx->session_list); } ret = remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (nx, "listsession", 105); return ret; } void remmina_nx_session_set_tree_view (RemminaNXSession *nx, GtkTreeView *tree) { gtk_tree_view_set_model (tree, GTK_TREE_MODEL (nx->session_list)); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_iter_first (RemminaNXSession *nx, GtkTreeIter *iter) { if (!nx->session_list) return FALSE; return gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (nx->session_list), iter); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_iter_next (RemminaNXSession *nx, GtkTreeIter *iter) { if (!nx->session_list) return FALSE; return gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (nx->session_list), iter); } gchar* remmina_nx_session_iter_get (RemminaNXSession *nx, GtkTreeIter *iter, gint column) { gchar *val; gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (nx->session_list), iter, column, &val, -1); return val; } void remmina_nx_session_iter_set (RemminaNXSession *nx, GtkTreeIter *iter, gint column, const gchar *data) { gtk_list_store_set (nx->session_list, iter, column, data, -1); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_allow_start (RemminaNXSession *nx) { return nx->allow_start; } static void remmina_nx_session_add_common_parameters (RemminaNXSession *nx) { gchar *value; /* Add fixed session parameters for startsession */ remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "cache", "16M"); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "images", "64M"); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "render", "1"); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "backingstore", "1"); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "agent_server", ""); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "agent_user", ""); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "agent_password", ""); value = g_strdup_printf ("%i", nx->encryption); remmina_nx_session_add_parameter (nx, "encryption", value); g_free (value); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_start (RemminaNXSession *nx) { remmina_nx_session_add_common_parameters (nx); return remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (nx, "startsession", 105); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_attach (RemminaNXSession *nx) { remmina_nx_session_add_common_parameters (nx); return remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (nx, "attachsession", 105); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_restore (RemminaNXSession *nx) { remmina_nx_session_add_common_parameters (nx); return remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (nx, "restoresession", 105); } gboolean remmina_nx_session_terminate (RemminaNXSession *nx) { return remmina_nx_session_send_session_command (nx, "terminate", 105); } static gpointer remmina_nx_session_tunnel_main_thread (gpointer data) { RemminaNXSession *nx = (RemminaNXSession*) data; gchar *ptr; ssize_t len = 0, lenw = 0; fd_set set; struct timeval timeout; ssh_channel channels[2]; ssh_channel channels_out[2]; gint sock; gint ret; gchar buffer[10240]; gchar socketbuffer[10240]; gchar *socketbuffer_ptr = NULL; gint socketbuffer_len = 0; pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); /* Accept a local connection */ sock = accept (nx->server_sock, NULL, NULL); if (sock < 0) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to accept local socket"); nx->thread = 0; return NULL; } close (nx->server_sock); nx->server_sock = -1; channels[0] = nx->channel; channels[1] = NULL; /* Start the tunnel data transmittion */ while (nx->running) { timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&set); FD_SET (sock, &set); ret = ssh_select (channels, channels_out, sock + 1, &set, &timeout); if (!nx->running) break; if (ret == SSH_EINTR) continue; if (ret == -1) break; if (FD_ISSET (sock, &set)) { len = read (sock, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); if (len == 0) nx->running = FALSE; else if (len > 0) { for (ptr = buffer, lenw = 0; len > 0; len -= lenw, ptr += lenw) { lenw = channel_write (channels[0], (char*) ptr, len); if (lenw <= 0) { nx->running = FALSE; break; } } } } if (!nx->running) break; if (channels_out[0] && socketbuffer_len <= 0) { len = channel_read_nonblocking (channels_out[0], socketbuffer, sizeof (socketbuffer), 0); if (len == SSH_ERROR || len == SSH_EOF) { nx->running = FALSE; break; } else if (len > 0) { socketbuffer_ptr = socketbuffer; socketbuffer_len = len; } else { /* Clean up the stderr buffer in case FreeNX send something there */ len = channel_read_nonblocking (channels_out[0], buffer, sizeof (buffer), 1); } } if (nx->running && socketbuffer_len > 0) { for (lenw = 0; socketbuffer_len > 0; socketbuffer_len -= lenw, socketbuffer_ptr += lenw) { lenw = write (sock, socketbuffer_ptr, socketbuffer_len); if (lenw == -1 && errno == EAGAIN && nx->running) { /* Sometimes we cannot write to a socket (always EAGAIN), probably because it's internal * buffer is full. We need read the pending bytes from the socket first. so here we simply * break, leave the buffer there, and continue with other data */ break; } if (lenw <= 0) { nx->running = FALSE; break; } } } } nx->thread = 0; return NULL; } gboolean remmina_nx_session_tunnel_open (RemminaNXSession *nx) { gint port; gint sock; gint sockopt = 1; struct sockaddr_in sin; if (!nx->encryption) return TRUE; remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "bye"); if (!remmina_nx_session_expect_status (nx, 999)) { /* Shoud not happen, just in case */ remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Server won't say bye to us?"); return FALSE; } port = (nx->localport ? nx->localport : nx->session_display) + 4000; /* Create the server socket that listens on the local port */ sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to create socket."); return FALSE; } setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof (sockopt)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons (port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if (bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin))) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to bind on local port."); close (sock); return FALSE; } if (listen (sock, 1)) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to listen on local port."); close (sock); return FALSE; } nx->server_sock = sock; nx->running = TRUE; if (pthread_create (&nx->thread, NULL, remmina_nx_session_tunnel_main_thread, nx)) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "Failed to initialize pthread."); nx->thread = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gchar* remmina_nx_session_get_proxy_option (RemminaNXSession *nx) { if (nx->encryption) { return g_strdup_printf ("nx,session=%s,cookie=%s,id=%s,shmem=1,shpix=1,connect=", (gchar*) g_hash_table_lookup (nx->session_parameters, "session"), nx->proxy_cookie, nx->session_id, (nx->localport ? nx->localport : nx->session_display)); } else { return g_strdup_printf ("nx,session=%s,cookie=%s,id=%s,shmem=1,shpix=1,connect=%s:%i", (gchar*) g_hash_table_lookup (nx->session_parameters, "session"), nx->proxy_cookie, nx->session_id, nx->server, nx->session_display); } } gboolean remmina_nx_session_invoke_proxy (RemminaNXSession *nx, gint display, GChildWatchFunc exit_func, gpointer user_data) { gchar *argv[50]; gint argc; GError *error = NULL; gboolean ret; gchar **envp; gchar *s; gint i; /* Copy all current environment variable, but change DISPLAY. Assume we should always have DISPLAY... */ if (display >= 0) { envp = g_listenv (); for (i = 0; envp[i]; i++) { if (g_strcmp0 (envp[i], "DISPLAY") == 0) { s = g_strdup_printf ("DISPLAY=:%i", display); } else { s = g_strdup_printf ("%s=%s", envp[i], g_getenv (envp[i])); } g_free (envp[i]); envp[i] = s; } } else { envp = NULL; } argc = 0; argv[argc++] = g_strdup ("nxproxy"); argv[argc++] = g_strdup ("-S"); argv[argc++] = remmina_nx_session_get_proxy_option (nx); argv[argc++] = NULL; ret = g_spawn_async (NULL, argv, envp, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH | G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, NULL, NULL, &nx->proxy_pid, &error); g_strfreev (envp); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) g_free (argv[i]); if (!ret) { remmina_nx_session_set_application_error (nx, "%s", error->message); return FALSE; } if (exit_func) { nx->proxy_watch_source = g_child_watch_add (nx->proxy_pid, exit_func, user_data); } return TRUE; } void remmina_nx_session_bye (RemminaNXSession *nx) { remmina_nx_session_send_command (nx, "bye"); remmina_nx_session_get_response (nx); }