First 'hello world' Second 'lo w' Third 'l' Result 0 '' Result 1 'hel' Result 2 '' Result 3 'hello wor' Result 4 'hel' Result 5 'hel' Result 6b 'hello' Result 1a 'orld' Result 2a '' Result 3a 'd' Result 4a 'o world' Result 5a 'o world' Result 6a 'world' Result 6 'lo w sw eet' Result 7 'lo wl' Result 8 'some,wordswithpunctuationleftaftera-vowel' Test 0 '1' Test 1 '1' Test 2 '1' Test 3 '0' Test 4 '1' Test 5 '1' Test 6 '0' Test 7 '1' Test 8 '0' Test 9 '0' Test 10 '1' Test 11 '1' Test 12 '0' Test 13 '1' Test 14 '1' Test 15 '1' Test 0m '1' Test 1m '0' Test 2m '1' Test 3m '1' Result 1r 'hel' Result 2r 'hello wor' Result 3r 'd' Result 1at 'lo w' Result 2at 'lo wo' Result 3at 'llo ' Num 1 '3' bits1[0] 'he' bits1[1] 'o wor' bits1[2] 'd' Num 2 '2' bits2[0] 'he' bits2[1] 'o wor' bits2[2] '' Num 7 '2' bits3[0] 'hello' bits3[1] 'world' bits3[2] '' Num 8 '5' bits4[0] '"some tokens"' bits4[1] 'which' bits4[2] '' bits4[3] 'are' bits4[4] '"quoted with """' bits4[5] '' Num 9 '4' bits5[0] '"some tokens"' bits5[1] 'which' bits5[2] 'are' bits5[3] '"quoted with """' bits5[4] '' Num 10 '1' bits6[0] 'hello world' bits6[1] '' Num 3 '2' Num 4 '3' Num 5 '3' Sub 1 'he[an ell][an ell]o wor[an ell]d' Num 6 '2' Sub 1 'he[some ells]o wor[some ells]d'