/* * Stellarium * Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Gates * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Satellite.hpp" #include "StelObject.hpp" #include "StelPainter.hpp" #include "StelApp.hpp" #include "StelNavigator.hpp" #include "StelLocation.hpp" #include "StelCore.hpp" #include "StelTexture.hpp" #include "VecMath.hpp" #include "StelUtils.hpp" #include "sgp4sdp4/sgp4sdp4.h" #include #include #include #include // static data members - will be initialised in the Satallites class (the StelObjectMgr) StelTextureSP Satellite::hintTexture; float Satellite::showLabels = true; float Satellite::hintBrightness = 0.0; float Satellite::hintScale = 1.f; Satellite::Satellite(const QVariantMap& map) : initialized(false), visible(true), hintColor(0.0,0.0,0.0) { // return initialized if the mandatory fields are not present if (!map.contains("designation") || !map.contains("tle1") || !map.contains("tle2")) return; designation = map.value("designation").toString(); strncpy(elements[0], "DUMMY", 5); strncpy(elements[1], qPrintable(map.value("tle1").toString()), 80); strncpy(elements[2], qPrintable(map.value("tle2").toString()), 80); if (map.contains("description")) description = map.value("description").toString(); if (map.contains("visible")) visible = map.value("visible").toBool(); if (map.contains("hintColor")) { if (map.value("hintColor").toList().count() == 3) { hintColor[0] = map.value("hintColor").toList().at(0).toDouble(); hintColor[1] = map.value("hintColor").toList().at(1).toDouble(); hintColor[2] = map.value("hintColor").toList().at(2).toDouble(); } } if (map.contains("comms")) { foreach(QVariant comm, map.value("comms").toList()) { QVariantMap commMap = comm.toMap(); commLink c; if (commMap.contains("frequency")) c.frequency = commMap.value("frequency").toDouble(); if (commMap.contains("modulation")) c.modulation = commMap.value("modulation").toString(); if (commMap.contains("description")) c.description = commMap.value("description").toString(); comms.append(c); } } if (map.contains("groups")) { foreach(QVariant group, map.value("groups").toList()) { if (!groupIDs.contains(group.toString())) groupIDs << group.toString(); } } setObserverLocation(); initialized = true; } Satellite::~Satellite() { } QVariantMap Satellite::getMap(void) { QVariantMap map; map["designation"] = designation; map["visible"] = visible; map["tle1"] = QString(elements[1]); map["tle2"] = QString(elements[2]); QVariantList col; col << (double)hintColor[0] << (double)hintColor[1] << (double)hintColor[2]; map["hintColor"] = col; QVariantList commList; foreach(commLink c, comms) { QVariantMap commMap; commMap["frequency"] = c.frequency; if (!c.modulation.isEmpty() && c.modulation != "") commMap["modulation"] = c.modulation; if (!c.description.isEmpty() && c.description != "") commMap["description"] = c.description; commList << commMap; } map["comms"] = commList; return map; } float Satellite::getSelectPriority(const StelNavigator*) const { return -10.; } QString Satellite::getInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup& flags) const { QString str; QTextStream oss(&str); if (flags&Name) { oss << "

" << designation << "

"; if (description!="") oss << description << "
"; } // Ra/Dec etc. oss << getPositionInfoString(core, flags); if (flags&Extra1) { oss << QString("Range (km): %1").arg(range, 5, 'f', 2) << "
"; oss << QString("Range rate (km/s): %1").arg(rangeRate, 5, 'f', 3) << "
"; oss << QString("Altitude (km): %1").arg(height, 5, 'f', 2) << "
"; } if (flags&Extra2 && comms.size() > 0) { foreach (commLink c, comms) { double dop = getDoppler(c.frequency); double ddop = dop; char sign; if (dop<0.) { sign='-'; ddop*=-1; } else sign='+'; oss << "

"; if (!c.modulation.isEmpty() && c.modulation != "") oss << " " << c.modulation; if (!c.description.isEmpty() && c.description != "") oss << " " << c.description; if ((!c.modulation.isEmpty() && c.modulation != "") || (!c.description.isEmpty() && c.description != "")) oss << "
"; oss << QString("%1 MHz (%2%3 kHz)

").arg(c.frequency, 8, 'f', 5) .arg(sign) .arg(ddop, 6, 'f', 3); } } postProcessInfoString(str, flags); return str; } void Satellite::setObserverLocation(StelLocation* loc) { StelLocation l; if (loc==NULL) { l = StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getNavigator()->getCurrentLocation(); } else { l = *loc; } obs_geodetic.lon = l.longitude * de2ra; obs_geodetic.lat = l.latitude * de2ra; obs_geodetic.alt = l.altitude / 1000.0; } Vec3f Satellite::getInfoColor(void) const { return StelApp::getInstance().getVisionModeNight() ? Vec3f(0.6, 0.0, 0.0) : hintColor; } float Satellite::getVMagnitude(const StelNavigator*) const { return 5.0; } double Satellite::getAngularSize(const StelCore*) const { return 0.00001; } void Satellite::update(double) { ClearFlag(ALL_FLAGS); Get_Next_Tle_Set(elements, &tle); memcpy(&localtle, &tle, sizeof(tle_t)); select_ephemeris(&tle); double jul_epoch, jul_utc, tsince, phase; vector_t vel = {0,0,0,0}; vector_t pos = {0,0,0,0}; vector_t obs_set; geodetic_t sat_geodetic; jul_utc = StelApp::getInstance().getCore()->getNavigator()->getJDay(); jul_epoch = Julian_Date_of_Epoch(tle.epoch); tsince = (jul_utc - jul_epoch) * xmnpda; if (isFlagSet(DEEP_SPACE_EPHEM_FLAG)) SDP4(tsince, &tle, &pos, &vel, &phase); else SGP4(tsince, &tle, &pos, &vel, &phase); Convert_Sat_State(&pos, &vel); SgpMagnitude(&vel); // scalar magnitude, not brightness... velocity=vel.w; Calculate_Obs(jul_utc, &pos, &vel, &obs_geodetic, &obs_set); Calculate_LatLonAlt(jul_utc, &pos, &sat_geodetic); azimuth=Degrees(obs_set.x); elevation=Degrees(obs_set.y); range=obs_set.z; rangeRate=obs_set.w; height=sat_geodetic.alt; } double Satellite::getDoppler(double freq) const { double result; double f = freq * 1000000; result = -f*((rangeRate*1000.0)/SPEED_OF_LIGHT); return result/1000000; } void Satellite::draw(const StelCore* core, StelPainter& painter, float) { float a = (azimuth-90)*M_PI/180; Vec3d pos(sin(a),cos(a), tan(elevation * M_PI / 180.)); XYZ = core->getNavigator()->j2000ToEquinoxEqu(core->getNavigator()->altAzToEquinoxEqu(pos)); StelApp::getInstance().getVisionModeNight() ? glColor4f(0.6,0.0,0.0,1.0) : glColor4f(hintColor[0],hintColor[1],hintColor[2], Satellite::hintBrightness); StelProjectorP prj = core->getProjection(StelCore::FrameJ2000); Vec3d xy; if (prj->project(XYZ,xy)) { if (Satellite::showLabels) { painter.drawText(xy[0], xy[1], designation, 0, 10, 10, false); Satellite::hintTexture->bind(); } painter.drawSprite2dMode(xy[0], xy[1], 11); } }