This example illustrates how you can hook Java to a very simple C program containing a function and a global variable.
/* File : example.c */ /* A global variable */ double Foo = 3.0; /* Compute the greatest common divisor of positive integers */ int gcd(int x, int y) { int g; g = y; while (x > 0) { g = x; x = y % x; y = g; } return g; }
/* File: example.i */ %module example extern int gcd(int x, int y); extern double Foo;
Compile the java files and to create the class files example.class and runme.class before running runme in the JVM. Ensure that the file is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running. For example:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. #ksh javac *.java java runme
int g = example.gcd(42,105);
double a = example.get_Foo(); example.set_Foo(20.0);