/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * $Id: edit.c 13191 2012-02-03 16:44:07Z jordan $ */ #include /* fprintf() */ #include /* strlen(), strstr(), strcmp() */ #include /* EXIT_FAILURE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MY_NAME "transmission-edit" static int fileCount = 0; static bool showVersion = false; static const char ** files = NULL; static const char * add = NULL; static const char * deleteme = NULL; static const char * replace[2] = { NULL, NULL }; static tr_option options[] = { { 'a', "add", "Add a tracker's announce URL", "a", 1, "" }, { 'd', "delete", "Delete a tracker's announce URL", "d", 1, "" }, { 'r', "replace", "Search and replace a substring in the announce URLs", "r", 1, " " }, { 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static const char * getUsage( void ) { return "Usage: " MY_NAME " [options] torrent-file(s)"; } static int parseCommandLine( int argc, const char ** argv ) { int c; const char * optarg; while(( c = tr_getopt( getUsage( ), argc, argv, options, &optarg ))) { switch( c ) { case 'a': add = optarg; break; case 'd': deleteme = optarg; break; case 'r': replace[0] = optarg; c = tr_getopt( getUsage( ), argc, argv, options, &optarg ); if( c != TR_OPT_UNK ) return 1; replace[1] = optarg; break; case 'V': showVersion = true; break; case TR_OPT_UNK: files[fileCount++] = optarg; break; default: return 1; } } return 0; } static bool removeURL( tr_benc * metainfo, const char * url ) { const char * str; tr_benc * announce_list; bool changed = false; if( tr_bencDictFindStr( metainfo, "announce", &str ) && !strcmp( str, url ) ) { printf( "\tRemoved \"%s\" from \"announce\"\n", str ); tr_bencDictRemove( metainfo, "announce" ); changed = true; } if( tr_bencDictFindList( metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list ) ) { tr_benc * tier; int tierIndex = 0; while(( tier = tr_bencListChild( announce_list, tierIndex ))) { tr_benc * node; int nodeIndex = 0; while(( node = tr_bencListChild( tier, nodeIndex ))) { if( tr_bencGetStr( node, &str ) && !strcmp( str, url ) ) { printf( "\tRemoved \"%s\" from \"announce-list\" tier #%d\n", str, (tierIndex+1) ); tr_bencListRemove( tier, nodeIndex ); changed = true; } else ++nodeIndex; } if( tr_bencListSize( tier ) == 0 ) { printf( "\tNo URLs left in tier #%d... removing tier\n", (tierIndex+1) ); tr_bencListRemove( announce_list, tierIndex ); } else ++tierIndex; } if( tr_bencListSize( announce_list ) == 0 ) { printf( "\tNo tiers left... removing announce-list\n" ); tr_bencDictRemove( metainfo, "announce-list" ); } } /* if we removed the "announce" field and there's still another track left, * use it as the "announce" field */ if( changed && !tr_bencDictFindStr( metainfo, "announce", &str ) ) { tr_benc * tier; tr_benc * node; if(( tier = tr_bencListChild( announce_list, 0 ))) { if(( node = tr_bencListChild( tier, 0 ))) { if( tr_bencGetStr( node, &str ) ) { tr_bencDictAddStr( metainfo, "announce", str ); printf( "\tAdded \"%s\" to announce\n", str ); } } } } return changed; } static char* replaceSubstr( const char * str, const char * in, const char * out ) { char * walk; struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( ); const size_t inlen = strlen( in ); const size_t outlen = strlen( out ); while(( walk = strstr( str, in ))) { evbuffer_add( buf, str, walk-str ); evbuffer_add( buf, out, outlen ); str = walk + inlen; } evbuffer_add( buf, str, strlen( str ) ); return evbuffer_free_to_str( buf ); } static bool replaceURL( tr_benc * metainfo, const char * in, const char * out ) { const char * str; tr_benc * announce_list; bool changed = false; if( tr_bencDictFindStr( metainfo, "announce", &str ) && strstr( str, in ) ) { char * newstr = replaceSubstr( str, in, out ); printf( "\tReplaced in \"announce\": \"%s\" --> \"%s\"\n", str, newstr ); tr_bencDictAddStr( metainfo, "announce", newstr ); tr_free( newstr ); changed = true; } if( tr_bencDictFindList( metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list ) ) { tr_benc * tier; int tierCount = 0; while(( tier = tr_bencListChild( announce_list, tierCount++ ))) { tr_benc * node; int nodeCount = 0; while(( node = tr_bencListChild( tier, nodeCount++ ))) { if( tr_bencGetStr( node, &str ) && strstr( str, in ) ) { char * newstr = replaceSubstr( str, in, out ); printf( "\tReplaced in \"announce-list\" tier %d: \"%s\" --> \"%s\"\n", tierCount, str, newstr ); tr_bencFree( node ); tr_bencInitStr( node, newstr, -1 ); tr_free( newstr ); changed = true; } } } } return changed; } static bool announce_list_has_url( tr_benc * announce_list, const char * url ) { tr_benc * tier; int tierCount = 0; while(( tier = tr_bencListChild( announce_list, tierCount++ ))) { tr_benc * node; const char * str; int nodeCount = 0; while(( node = tr_bencListChild( tier, nodeCount++ ))) if( tr_bencGetStr( node, &str ) && !strcmp( str, url ) ) return true; } return false; } static bool addURL( tr_benc * metainfo, const char * url ) { const char * announce = NULL; tr_benc * announce_list = NULL; bool changed = false; const bool had_announce = tr_bencDictFindStr( metainfo, "announce", &announce ); const bool had_announce_list = tr_bencDictFindList( metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list ); if( !had_announce && !had_announce_list ) { /* this new tracker is the only one, so add it to "announce"... */ printf( "\tAdded \"%s\" in \"announce\"\n", url ); tr_bencDictAddStr( metainfo, "announce", url ); changed = true; } else { if( !had_announce_list ) { announce_list = tr_bencDictAddList( metainfo, "announce-list", 2 ); if( had_announce ) { /* we're moving from an 'announce' to an 'announce-list', * so copy the old announce URL to the list */ tr_benc * tier = tr_bencListAddList( announce_list, 1 ); tr_bencListAddStr( tier, announce ); changed = true; } } /* If the user-specified URL isn't in the announce list yet, add it */ if( !announce_list_has_url( announce_list, url ) ) { tr_benc * tier = tr_bencListAddList( announce_list, 1 ); tr_bencListAddStr( tier, url ); printf( "\tAdded \"%s\" to \"announce-list\" tier %zu\n", url, tr_bencListSize( announce_list ) ); changed = true; } } return changed; } int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int i; int changedCount = 0; files = tr_new0( const char*, argc ); tr_setMessageLevel( TR_MSG_ERR ); if( parseCommandLine( argc, (const char**)argv ) ) return EXIT_FAILURE; if( showVersion ) { fprintf( stderr, MY_NAME" "LONG_VERSION_STRING"\n" ); return 0; } if( fileCount < 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: No torrent files specified.\n" ); tr_getopt_usage( MY_NAME, getUsage( ), options ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( !add && !deleteme && !replace[0] ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Must specify -a, -d or -r\n" ); tr_getopt_usage( MY_NAME, getUsage( ), options ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for( i=0; i