/* realrainbow.c Draws an arc with semi-transparent rainbow colors. by Bill Kendrick Math assistence by Jeff Newmiller 2009.04.02 - 2009.06.06 FIXME: * Color/alpha art needs improvement. * Pixel gaps appear in lines sometimes (esp. larger rainbows). */ #include #include #include #include "SDL_image.h" #include "tp_magic_api.h" Mix_Chunk * realrainbow_snd; int realrainbow_x1, realrainbow_y1, realrainbow_x2, realrainbow_y2; SDL_Rect realrainbow_rect; SDL_Surface * realrainbow_colors; Uint8 realrainbow_blendr, realrainbow_blendg, realrainbow_blendb, realrainbow_blenda; void realrainbow_arc(magic_api * api, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int fulldraw, SDL_Rect * update_rect); static void realrainbow_linecb(void * ptr, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x, int y); Uint32 realrainbow_api_version(void) { return(TP_MAGIC_API_VERSION); } int realrainbow_init(magic_api * api) { char fname[1024]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/images/magic/realrainbow-colors.png", api->data_directory); realrainbow_colors = IMG_Load(fname); if (realrainbow_colors == NULL) return(0); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/sounds/magic/realrainbow.ogg", api->data_directory); realrainbow_snd = Mix_LoadWAV(fname); return(1); } int realrainbow_get_tool_count(magic_api * api) { return(1); } SDL_Surface * realrainbow_get_icon(magic_api * api, int which) { char fname[1024]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/images/magic/realrainbow.png", api->data_directory); return(IMG_Load(fname)); } char * realrainbow_get_name(magic_api * api, int which) { return(strdup(gettext_noop("Real Rainbow"))); } char * realrainbow_get_description(magic_api * api, int which, int mode) { return(strdup(gettext_noop("Click where you want your rainbow to start, drag to where you want it to end, and then let go to draw a rainbow."))); } int realrainbow_modes(magic_api * api, int which) { return(MODE_PAINT); } int realrainbow_requires_colors(magic_api * api, int which) { return(0); } void realrainbow_shutdown(magic_api * api) { SDL_FreeSurface(realrainbow_colors); if (realrainbow_snd != NULL) Mix_FreeChunk(realrainbow_snd); } void realrainbow_set_color(magic_api * api, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) { } void realrainbow_click(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { realrainbow_x1 = x; realrainbow_y1 = y; realrainbow_rect.x = x; realrainbow_rect.y = y; realrainbow_rect.w = 1; realrainbow_rect.h = 1; } void realrainbow_drag(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2; SDL_Rect rect; realrainbow_x2 = x; realrainbow_y2 = y; SDL_BlitSurface(last, &realrainbow_rect, canvas, &realrainbow_rect); realrainbow_arc(api, canvas, last, realrainbow_x1, realrainbow_y1, realrainbow_x2, realrainbow_y2, 0, update_rect); memcpy(&rect, &realrainbow_rect, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); memcpy(&realrainbow_rect, update_rect, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); rx1 = update_rect->x; ry1 = update_rect->y; rx2 = update_rect->x + update_rect->w; ry2 = update_rect->y + update_rect->h; if (rect.x < rx1) rx1 = rect.x; if (rect.x + rect.w > rx2) rx2 = rect.x + rect.w; if (rect.y < ry1) ry1 = rect.y; if (rect.y + rect.h > ry2) ry2 = rect.y + rect.h; update_rect->x = rx1; update_rect->y = ry1; update_rect->w = rx2 - rx1 + 1; update_rect->h = ry2 - ry1 + 1; } void realrainbow_release(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2; SDL_Rect rect; realrainbow_x2 = x; realrainbow_y2 = y; SDL_BlitSurface(last, &realrainbow_rect, canvas, &realrainbow_rect); realrainbow_arc(api, canvas, last, realrainbow_x1, realrainbow_y1, realrainbow_x2, realrainbow_y2, 1, update_rect); memcpy(&rect, &realrainbow_rect, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); memcpy(&realrainbow_rect, update_rect, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); rx1 = update_rect->x; ry1 = update_rect->y; rx2 = update_rect->x + update_rect->w; ry2 = update_rect->y + update_rect->h; if (rect.x < rx1) rx1 = rect.x; if (rect.x + rect.w > rx2) rx2 = rect.x + rect.w; if (rect.y < ry1) ry1 = rect.y; if (rect.y + rect.h > ry2) ry2 = rect.y + rect.h; update_rect->x = rx1; update_rect->y = ry1; update_rect->w = rx2 - rx1 + 1; update_rect->h = ry2 - ry1 + 1; api->playsound(realrainbow_snd, 128, 255); } void realrainbow_switchin(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas) { } void realrainbow_switchout(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas) { } void realrainbow_arc(magic_api * api, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int fulldraw, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int lowx, lowy, hix, hiy, xm, ym, xc, yc, r, a1, atan2_a, atan2_b; int a, oa, ox, oy, nx, ny, step, thick, rr, done; float slope, theta; int colorindex; if (abs(x2 - x1) < 50) { if (x2 > x1) x2 = x1 + 50; else x2 = x1 - 50; } if (y1 == y2) { xc = x1 + abs(x2 - x1) / 2; yc = y1; r = abs(xc - x1); a1 = 0; theta = -180; } else { if (y1 > y2) { lowx = x1; lowy = y1; hix = x2; hiy = y2; } else { lowx = x2; lowy = y2; hix = x1; hiy = y1; } xm = (lowx + hix) / 2; ym = (lowy + hiy) / 2; if (hix == lowx) return; slope = (float)(hiy - lowy) / (float)(hix - lowx); yc = lowy; xc = slope * (ym - yc) + xm; r = abs(xc - lowx); atan2_b = hix - xc; atan2_a = hiy - yc; theta = atan2(atan2_a, atan2_b) * (180.0 / M_PI); if (slope > 0) a1 = 0; else a1 = -180; } if (fulldraw) { step = 1; /* thick = (r / 5); */ } else { step = 30; /* thick = 1; */ } thick = (r / 5); if (theta < a1) step = -step; done = 0; oa = a1; for (a = (a1 + step); done < 2; a = a + step) { for (rr = r - (thick / 2); rr <= r + (thick / 2); rr++) { ox = (rr * cos(oa * M_PI / 180.0)) + xc; oy = (rr * sin(oa * M_PI / 180.0)) + yc; nx = (rr * cos(a * M_PI / 180.0)) + xc; ny = (rr * sin(a * M_PI / 180.0)) + yc; colorindex = realrainbow_colors->h - 1 - (((rr - r + (thick / 2)) * realrainbow_colors->h) / thick); SDL_GetRGBA(api->getpixel(realrainbow_colors, 0, colorindex), realrainbow_colors->format, &realrainbow_blendr, &realrainbow_blendg, &realrainbow_blendb, &realrainbow_blenda); if (!fulldraw) realrainbow_blenda = 255; api->line((void *) api, 0, canvas, last, ox, oy, nx, ny, 1, realrainbow_linecb); } oa = a; if ((step > 0 && a + step > theta) || (step < 0 && a + step < theta)) { done++; a = theta - step; } } update_rect->y = yc - r - thick - 2; update_rect->h = r + thick * 2 + 4; update_rect->x = xc - r - thick; update_rect->w = r * 2 + thick * 2; } static void realrainbow_linecb(void * ptr, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, int x, int y) { magic_api * api = (magic_api *) ptr; Uint8 origr, origg, origb; Uint8 newr, newg, newb; SDL_GetRGB(api->getpixel(last, x, y), last->format, &origr, &origg, &origb); newr = ((realrainbow_blendr * realrainbow_blenda) / 255) + ((origr * (255 - realrainbow_blenda)) / 255); newg = ((realrainbow_blendg * realrainbow_blenda) / 255) + ((origg * (255 - realrainbow_blenda)) / 255); newb = ((realrainbow_blendb * realrainbow_blenda) / 255) + ((origb * (255 - realrainbow_blenda)) / 255); api->putpixel(canvas, x, y, SDL_MapRGB(canvas->format, newr, newg, newb)); }