/* * NASM-compatible re2c lexer * * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Peter Johnson * * Portions based on re2c's example code. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include RCSID("$Id: nasm-token.re 2277 2010-01-19 07:03:15Z peter $"); #include #include "modules/parsers/nasm/nasm-parser.h" #include "modules/preprocs/nasm/nasm.h" #define YYCURSOR cursor #define YYLIMIT (s->lim) #define YYMARKER (s->ptr) #define YYFILL(n) {} #define RETURN(i) {s->cur = cursor; parser_nasm->tokch = s->tok[0]; \ return i;} #define SCANINIT() {s->tok = cursor;} #define TOK ((char *)s->tok) #define TOKLEN (size_t)(cursor-s->tok) /* starting size of string buffer */ #define STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE 128 /* string buffer used when parsing strings/character constants */ static YYCTYPE *strbuf = NULL; /* length of strbuf (including terminating NULL character) */ static size_t strbuf_size = 0; static int linechg_numcount; /*!re2c any = [\001-\377]; digit = [0-9]; iletter = [a-zA-Z]; bindigit = [01_]; octdigit = [0-7_]; hexdigit = [0-9a-fA-F_]; ws = [ \t\r]; quot = ["']; */ static int handle_dot_label(YYSTYPE *lvalp, char *tok, size_t toklen, size_t zeropos, yasm_parser_nasm *parser_nasm) { /* check for special non-local labels like ..start */ if (tok[zeropos+1] == '.') { lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(tok+zeropos+(parser_nasm->tasm?2:0), toklen-zeropos-(parser_nasm->tasm?2:0)); /* check for special non-local ..@label */ if (lvalp->str_val[zeropos+2] == '@') return NONLOCAL_ID; return SPECIAL_ID; } if (parser_nasm->masm && tok[zeropos] == '.') { lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(tok + zeropos, toklen - zeropos); return SPECIAL_ID; } if (parser_nasm->tasm && (!tasm_locals || (tok[zeropos] == '.' && tok[zeropos+1] != '@' && tok[zeropos+2] != '@'))) { /* no locals on Tasm without the 'locals' directive */ /* .foo is never local either, but .@@foo may be (local structure * members) */ lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(tok + zeropos, toklen - zeropos); return SPECIAL_ID; } if (!parser_nasm->locallabel_base) { lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(tok+zeropos, toklen-zeropos); yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, N_("no non-local label before `%s'"), lvalp->str_val); } else { size_t len = toklen - zeropos + parser_nasm->locallabel_base_len; lvalp->str_val = yasm_xmalloc(len + 1); strcpy(lvalp->str_val, parser_nasm->locallabel_base); strncat(lvalp->str_val, tok+zeropos, toklen-zeropos); lvalp->str_val[len] = '\0'; } return LOCAL_ID; } int nasm_parser_lex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, yasm_parser_nasm *parser_nasm) { yasm_scanner *s = &parser_nasm->s; YYCTYPE *cursor = s->cur; YYCTYPE endch; size_t count; YYCTYPE savech; /* Handle one token of lookahead */ if (parser_nasm->peek_token != NONE) { int tok = parser_nasm->peek_token; *lvalp = parser_nasm->peek_tokval; /* structure copy */ parser_nasm->tokch = parser_nasm->peek_tokch; parser_nasm->peek_token = NONE; return tok; } /* Catch EOL (EOF from the scanner perspective) */ if (s->eof && cursor == s->eof) return 0; /* Jump to proper "exclusive" states */ switch (parser_nasm->state) { case DIRECTIVE: goto directive; case SECTION_DIRECTIVE: goto section_directive; case DIRECTIVE2: goto directive2; case LINECHG: goto linechg; case LINECHG2: goto linechg2; default: break; } scan: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c /* standard decimal integer */ digit+ { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_dec(TOK); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 10010011b - binary number */ [01] bindigit* 'b' { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'b' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_bin(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 777q or 777o - octal number */ [0-7] octdigit* [qQoO] { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'q' or 'o' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_oct(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 0AAh form of hexidecimal number */ digit hexdigit* 'h' { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'h' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* $0AA and 0xAA forms of hexidecimal number */ (("$" digit) | '0x') hexdigit+ { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; if (s->tok[1] == 'x' || s->tok[1] == 'X') /* skip 0 and x */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK+2); else /* don't skip 0 */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK+1); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INTNUM); } /* floating point value */ digit+ "." digit* ('e' [-+]? digit+)? { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; lvalp->flt = yasm_floatnum_create(TOK); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(FLTNUM); } /* string/character constant values */ quot { endch = s->tok[0]; goto stringconst; } /* %line linenum+lineinc filename */ "%line" { parser_nasm->state = LINECHG; linechg_numcount = 0; RETURN(LINE); } /* size specifiers */ 'byte' { lvalp->int_info = 8; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'hword' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)/2; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'word' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch); RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'dword' | 'long' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*2; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'qword' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*4; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'tword' { lvalp->int_info = 80; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'dqword' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'oword' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } 'yword' { lvalp->int_info = 256; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } /* pseudo-instructions */ 'db' { lvalp->int_info = 8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dhw' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)/2; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dw' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch); parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dd' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*2; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dq' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*4; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dt' { lvalp->int_info = 80; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'ddq' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'do' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'dy' { lvalp->int_info = 256; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } 'resb' { lvalp->int_info = 8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'reshw' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)/2; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'resw' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch); parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'resd' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*2; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'resq' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*4; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'rest' { lvalp->int_info = 80; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'resdq' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'reso' { lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*8; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'resy' { lvalp->int_info = 256; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(RESERVE_SPACE); } 'incbin' { RETURN(INCBIN); } 'equ' { RETURN(EQU); } 'times' { RETURN(TIMES); } 'seg' { RETURN(SEG); } 'wrt' { RETURN(WRT); } 'abs' { RETURN(ABS); } 'rel' { RETURN(REL); } 'nosplit' { RETURN(NOSPLIT); } 'strict' { RETURN(STRICT); } /* operators */ "<<" { RETURN(LEFT_OP); } ">>" { RETURN(RIGHT_OP); } "//" { RETURN(SIGNDIV); } "%%" { RETURN(SIGNMOD); } "$$" { RETURN(START_SECTION_ID); } [-+|^*&/%~$():=,\[?] { RETURN(s->tok[0]); } "]" { RETURN(s->tok[0]); } /* local label (.label) */ ("." | "@@") [a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?]+ { RETURN(handle_dot_label(lvalp, TOK, TOKLEN, 0, parser_nasm)); } /* forced identifier */ "$" [a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?]+ { if (TOK[1] == '.' || (parser_nasm->tasm && TOK[1] == '@' && TOK[2] == '@')) { /* handle like .label */ RETURN(handle_dot_label(lvalp, TOK, TOKLEN, 1, parser_nasm)); } lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK+1, TOKLEN-1); RETURN(ID); } /* identifier that may be a register, instruction, etc. */ [a-zA-Z_?@][a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?]* { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; if (parser_nasm->state != INSTRUCTION) { uintptr_t prefix; switch (yasm_arch_parse_check_insnprefix (p_object->arch, TOK, TOKLEN, cur_line, &lvalp->bc, &prefix)) { case YASM_ARCH_INSN: parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INSN); case YASM_ARCH_PREFIX: lvalp->arch_data = prefix; s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(PREFIX); default: break; } } switch (yasm_arch_parse_check_regtmod (p_object->arch, TOK, TOKLEN, &lvalp->arch_data)) { case YASM_ARCH_REG: s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(REG); case YASM_ARCH_SEGREG: s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(SEGREG); case YASM_ARCH_TARGETMOD: s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(TARGETMOD); case YASM_ARCH_REGGROUP: if (parser_nasm->masm) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(REGGROUP); } default: break; } if (parser_nasm->masm) { if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "offset")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(OFFSET); } } else if (parser_nasm->tasm) { if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "shl")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(LEFT_OP); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "shr")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(RIGHT_OP); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "and")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN('&'); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "or")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN('|'); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "not")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN('~'); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "low")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(LOW); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "high")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(HIGH); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "offset")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(OFFSET); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "fword")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*2; RETURN(SIZE_OVERRIDE); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "df")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; lvalp->int_info = yasm_arch_wordsize(p_object->arch)*3; parser_nasm->state = INSTRUCTION; RETURN(DECLARE_DATA); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "label")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(LABEL); } if (!yasm__strcasecmp(TOK, "dup")) { s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(DUP); } } /* Propagate errors in case we got a warning from the arch */ yasm_errwarn_propagate(parser_nasm->errwarns, cur_line); /* Just an identifier, return as such. */ s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); RETURN(ID); } ";" (any \ [\000])* { goto scan; } ws+ { goto scan; } [\000] { goto endofinput; } any { yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_UNREC_CHAR, N_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"), yasm__conv_unprint(s->tok[0])); goto scan; } */ /* %line linenum+lineinc filename */ linechg: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c digit+ { linechg_numcount++; savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_dec(TOK); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INTNUM); } [\000] { goto endofinput; } "+" { RETURN(s->tok[0]); } ws+ { if (linechg_numcount == 2) { parser_nasm->state = LINECHG2; goto linechg2; } goto linechg; } any { yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_UNREC_CHAR, N_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"), yasm__conv_unprint(s->tok[0])); goto linechg; } */ linechg2: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c [\000] { goto endofinput; } "\r" { goto linechg2; } (any \ [\000])+ { parser_nasm->state = LINECHG; lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); RETURN(FILENAME); } */ /* directive: [name value] */ directive: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c [\]\000] { goto endofinput; } [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* { lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); if (yasm__strcasecmp(lvalp->str_val, "section") == 0 || yasm__strcasecmp(lvalp->str_val, "segment") == 0) parser_nasm->state = SECTION_DIRECTIVE; else parser_nasm->state = DIRECTIVE2; RETURN(DIRECTIVE_NAME); } any { yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_UNREC_CHAR, N_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"), yasm__conv_unprint(s->tok[0])); goto directive; } */ /* section directive (the section name portion thereof) */ section_directive: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c [a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?-]+ { lvalp->str.contents = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); lvalp->str.len = TOKLEN; parser_nasm->state = DIRECTIVE2; RETURN(STRING); } quot { parser_nasm->state = DIRECTIVE2; endch = s->tok[0]; goto stringconst; } ws+ { parser_nasm->state = DIRECTIVE2; goto section_directive; } [\]\000] { goto endofinput; } any { yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_UNREC_CHAR, N_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"), yasm__conv_unprint(s->tok[0])); goto section_directive; } */ /* inner part of directive */ directive2: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto endofinput; /*!re2c /* standard decimal integer */ digit+ { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_dec(TOK); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 10010011b - binary number */ [01] bindigit* 'b' { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'b' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_bin(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 777q or 777o - octal number */ [0-7] octdigit* [qQoO] { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'q' or 'o' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_oct(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* 0AAh form of hexidecimal number */ digit hexdigit* 'h' { s->tok[TOKLEN-1] = '\0'; /* strip off 'h' */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK); RETURN(INTNUM); } /* $0AA and 0xAA forms of hexidecimal number */ (("$" digit) | '0x') hexdigit+ { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; if (s->tok[1] == 'x' || s->tok[1] == 'X') /* skip 0 and x */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK+2); else /* don't skip 0 */ lvalp->intn = yasm_intnum_create_hex(TOK+1); s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(INTNUM); } /* string/character constant values */ quot { endch = s->tok[0]; goto stringconst; } /* operators */ "<<" { RETURN(LEFT_OP); } ">>" { RETURN(RIGHT_OP); } "//" { RETURN(SIGNDIV); } "%%" { RETURN(SIGNMOD); } [-+|^*&/%~$():=,\[] { RETURN(s->tok[0]); } /* handle ] for directives */ "]" { goto endofinput; } /* forced identifier; within directive, don't strip '$', this is * handled later. */ "$" [a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?]+ { lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); RETURN(ID); } /* identifier; within directive, no local label mechanism */ [a-zA-Z_.?][a-zA-Z0-9_$#@~.?]* { savech = s->tok[TOKLEN]; s->tok[TOKLEN] = '\0'; switch (yasm_arch_parse_check_regtmod (p_object->arch, TOK, TOKLEN, &lvalp->arch_data)) { case YASM_ARCH_REG: s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; RETURN(REG); default: s->tok[TOKLEN] = savech; } /* Propagate errors in case we got a warning from the arch */ yasm_errwarn_propagate(parser_nasm->errwarns, cur_line); /* Just an identifier, return as such. */ lvalp->str_val = yasm__xstrndup(TOK, TOKLEN); RETURN(ID); } ";" (any \ [\000])* { goto directive2; } ws+ { goto directive2; } [\000] { goto endofinput; } any { yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_UNREC_CHAR, N_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"), yasm__conv_unprint(s->tok[0])); goto scan; } */ /* string/character constant values */ stringconst: strbuf = yasm_xmalloc(STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE); strbuf_size = STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE; count = 0; stringconst_scan: SCANINIT(); if (*cursor == '\0') goto stringconst_error; /*!re2c [\000] { goto stringconst_error; } "''" | '""' { if (endch != s->tok[0]) { strbuf[count++] = s->tok[0]; if (count >= strbuf_size) { strbuf = yasm_xrealloc(strbuf, strbuf_size + STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE); strbuf_size += STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE; } } else if (!parser_nasm->tasm) { YYCURSOR--; goto stringconst_end; } strbuf[count++] = s->tok[0]; if (count >= strbuf_size) { strbuf = yasm_xrealloc(strbuf, strbuf_size + STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE); strbuf_size += STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE; } goto stringconst_scan; } any { if (s->tok[0] == endch) goto stringconst_end; strbuf[count++] = s->tok[0]; if (count >= strbuf_size) { strbuf = yasm_xrealloc(strbuf, strbuf_size + STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE); strbuf_size += STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE; } goto stringconst_scan; } */ stringconst_error: yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("unterminated string")); stringconst_end: strbuf[count] = '\0'; lvalp->str.contents = (char *)strbuf; lvalp->str.len = count; RETURN(STRING); endofinput: parser_nasm->state = INITIAL; RETURN(s->tok[0]); }