HOWTO COMPILE THE SOURCE: There are several options for compiling the source code. * The preferred option is to use the configure script that is provided. I can only actively maintain one method for compiling and configuring the source. ./configure --help will provide a list of options detailing this method. * Any other method is up to you. There are simply too many compilers, too many versions and too many platforms to maintain separate build files for. BUT, this doesn't mean you are out of luck. I have structured the code so that it is very simple to compile the library however suits your needs best. All you need to do is include the .cxx files in the src/ directory (not the subdirectories) in your build rule, and add the include directory to your compilers include/ path. Anything else you need to do is specific to your compiler and I leave the details up to you. Anything you want to tweak configuration-wise can be done by editing include/zthread/Config.h