# This is a Blender Environment Variable config file. # # Comment lines start with "#", other lines will be split at the "=" # and the part before will be used as env var name and the part after # as env var value. The value can make reference to previous or # prelaunch variables with "%%" and the content will be replaced. # Once set, values of variables will not be overwritten. # # BLENDER_SHARE should be COMMON_APPDATA\\Blender Foundation\\Blender for typical installs. # BLENDER_VERSION will be set by the program before processing this file. BLENDER_USER_BASE=%USERPROFILE%\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\%BLENDER_VERSION% BLENDER_SYSTEM_BASE=%BLENDER_SHARE%\\%BLENDER_VERSION% BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES=%USERPROFILE%\\Blender Foundation\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\datafiles BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES=%BLENDER_SHARE%\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\datafiles BLENDER_USER_PY=%USERPROFILE%\\Blender Foundation\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\py BLENDER_SYSTEM_PY=%BLENDER_SHARE%\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\py BLENDER_USER_PLUGINS=%USERPROFILE%\\Blender Foundation\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\plugins BLENDER_SYSTEM_PLUGINS=%BLENDER_SHARE%\\%BLENDER_VERSION%\\plugins