#!/usr/bin/install-menu # -*- mode: shell-script; -*- #I need menu-1.4! # #NOTE: the first line of this script _must_ be # equal to "#!/usr/sbin/install-menu", otherwise update-menus # will feed this script old-compat-mode data. # #More info: /usr/doc/menu/html. # compat="menu-1" !include menu.h compat="menu-2" outputencoding="ISO-8859-1"; function ex($com)=" Exec \"" title() "\" exec " $com " &\n"; function mod($var,$com) =" " $var " \"" title() "\" " $com "\n"; supported; fvwm1module= mod("Module", $command); wm= mod("Restart", $command); x11fvwm= ex($command); x11= ex($command); text= ex(term()); endsupported; startmenu= "Popup \"" $section "\"\n"; endmenu= "EndPopup\n\n"; submenutitle=" Popup \"" title() cond_surr(icon(),"%","%") "\" " $section "\n"; genmenu= "menudefs1.hook"; rcfile= "system.fvwmrc"; examplercfile="system.fvwmrc-menu"; rootprefix="/etc/X11/fvwm/"; userprefix=".fvwm/"; mainmenutitle="DebianMenu";