/* Imakefile for fvwm 1.18c */ /* Thu Aug 5 11:21:36 MET DST 1993, mj@dfv.rwth-aachen.de */ /* setup is done entirely in configuration.h now! */ /* You should need to do much in here, excpt maybe add libraries */ /* I need to get the #define XPM from configuration.h if its in there, */ /* so that I can tell if I should include -lXpm */ #include <../configure.h> COMPILER #ifdef XPM XPMLIB = XPMLIBRARY #endif DEPLIBS = $(DEPXLIB) ../libs/libfvwmlib.a #ifdef LinuxArchitecture LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB) -lfvwmlib -L../libs #else #ifdef AlphaArchitecture LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB) -ldnet_stub -L../libs -lfvwmlib #else #ifdef HPArchitecture LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB) -lV3 -L../libs -lfvwmlib #else LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XPMLIB) $(XLIB) -lfvwmlib -L../libs #endif /* HPArchitecture */ #endif /* AlphaArchitecture */ #endif /* LinuxArchitecture */ FVWM_BIN_DIR LINTLIBS = $(LINTXLIB) SRCS = fvwm.c configure.c events.c borders.c menus.c functions.c resize.c\ add_window.c pager.c move.c icons.c windows.c module.c placement.c\ decorations.c colormaps.c misc.c style.c OBJS = fvwm.o configure.o events.o borders.o menus.o functions.o resize.o\ add_window.o pager.o move.o icons.o windows.o module.o placement.o \ decorations.o colormaps.o misc.o style.o ComplexProgramTarget(fvwm) InstallNamedNonExec(../sample.fvwmrc/system.fvwmrc,system.fvwmrc,FVWMDIR)