remctl-server for Debian ------------------------ This package contains only the daemon (remctld). For the client, install remctl-client. remctld is configured to run by default out of inetd under TCP wrappers so that you can further restrict access via /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. If you plan on running remctld in stand-alone mode or under some other network server, comment out the invocation in /etc/inetd.conf and it won't be readded by upgrades of this package. You don't have to run remctld as root, but of course will need to do so if you want it to run any programs that need root privileges or want to run programs that change to various different user identities. By default it is set up to run as root. The default configuration file is /etc/remctl/remctl.conf, but I recommend that you leave that file unchanged and drop your configuration into /etc/remctl/conf.d as separate files. Make sure the name of the file doesn't contain a period; those are skipped. See the comments in /etc/remctl/remctl.conf for more details. The remctl protocol documentation is included in the remctl-client package. To see it, install remctl-client and look in /usr/share/doc/remctl-client. -- Russ Allbery , Mon, 24 Aug 2009 16:04:30 -0700