To compile Sonic Visualiser from source in Ubuntu 10.04 ------------------------------------------------------- See INSTALL for general notes on compilation. This is a specific recipe for Ubuntu 10.04. Starting from a clean installation of Ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition, with a working network connection, with the Sonic Visualiser source code unpacked into $HOME/sonic-visualiser: $ cd sonic-visualiser $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-dev libsndfile-dev libsamplerate-dev fftw3-dev libbz2-dev libjack-dev libasound-dev libmad0-dev liboggz-dev libfishsound-dev liblo-dev liblrdf-dev librdf-dev librubberband-dev vamp-plugin-sdk $ qmake-qt4 $ make And wait for some time for the build to complete. You should now have an executable file at sv/sonic-visualiser. You don't need to properly install this -- just run it in place, or copy it to wherever you like.