/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Sonic Visualiser An audio file viewer and annotation editor. Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "PluginXml.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RealTimePluginInstance.h" #include PluginXml::PluginXml(Vamp::PluginBase *plugin) : m_plugin(plugin) { } PluginXml::~PluginXml() { } QString PluginXml::encodeConfigurationChars(QString text) { QString rv(text); rv.replace(";", "[[SEMICOLON]]"); rv.replace("=", "[[EQUALS]]"); return rv; } QString PluginXml::decodeConfigurationChars(QString text) { QString rv(text); rv.replace("[[SEMICOLON]]", ";"); rv.replace("[[EQUALS]]", "="); return rv; } void PluginXml::toXml(QTextStream &stream, QString indent, QString extraAttributes) const { stream << indent; stream << QString("getIdentifier().c_str()))) .arg(encodeEntities(QString(m_plugin->getName().c_str()))) .arg(encodeEntities(QString(m_plugin->getDescription().c_str()))) .arg(encodeEntities(QString(m_plugin->getMaker().c_str()))) .arg(m_plugin->getPluginVersion()) .arg(encodeEntities(QString(m_plugin->getCopyright().c_str()))) .arg(extraAttributes); if (!m_plugin->getPrograms().empty()) { stream << QString("program=\"%1\" ") .arg(encodeEntities(m_plugin->getCurrentProgram().c_str())); } Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterList parameters = m_plugin->getParameterDescriptors(); for (Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterList::const_iterator i = parameters.begin(); i != parameters.end(); ++i) { // std::cerr << "PluginXml::toXml: parameter name \"" // << i->name.c_str() << "\" has value " // << m_plugin->getParameter(i->name) << std::endl; stream << QString("param-%1=\"%2\" ") .arg(stripInvalidParameterNameCharacters(QString(i->identifier.c_str()))) .arg(m_plugin->getParameter(i->identifier)); } RealTimePluginInstance *rtpi = dynamic_cast(m_plugin); if (rtpi) { std::map configurePairs = rtpi->getConfigurePairs(); QString config; for (std::map::iterator i = configurePairs.begin(); i != configurePairs.end(); ++i) { QString key = i->first.c_str(); QString value = i->second.c_str(); key = encodeConfigurationChars(key); value = encodeConfigurationChars(value); if (config != "") config += ";"; config += QString("%1=%2").arg(key).arg(value); } if (config != "") { stream << QString("configuration=\"%1\" ") .arg(encodeEntities(config)); } } stream << "/>\n"; } #define CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(ATTRIBUTE, ACCESSOR) \ QString ATTRIBUTE = attrs.value(#ATTRIBUTE); \ if (ATTRIBUTE != "" && ATTRIBUTE != ACCESSOR().c_str()) { \ std::cerr << "WARNING: PluginXml::setParameters: Plugin " \ << #ATTRIBUTE << " does not match (attributes have \"" \ << ATTRIBUTE.toStdString() << "\", my " \ << #ATTRIBUTE << " is \"" << ACCESSOR() << "\")" << std::endl; \ } void PluginXml::setParameters(const QXmlAttributes &attrs) { CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(identifier, m_plugin->getIdentifier); CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(name, m_plugin->getName); CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(description, m_plugin->getDescription); CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(maker, m_plugin->getMaker); CHECK_ATTRIBUTE(copyright, m_plugin->getCopyright); bool ok; int version = attrs.value("version").trimmed().toInt(&ok); if (ok && version != m_plugin->getPluginVersion()) { std::cerr << "WARNING: PluginXml::setParameters: Plugin version does not match (attributes have " << version << ", my version is " << m_plugin->getPluginVersion() << ")" << std::endl; } RealTimePluginInstance *rtpi = dynamic_cast(m_plugin); if (rtpi) { QString config = attrs.value("configuration"); if (config != "") { QStringList configList = config.split(";"); for (QStringList::iterator i = configList.begin(); i != configList.end(); ++i) { QStringList kv = i->split("="); if (kv.count() < 2) { std::cerr << "WARNING: PluginXml::setParameters: Malformed configure pair string: \"" << i->toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; continue; } QString key(kv[0]), value(kv[1]); key = decodeConfigurationChars(key); value = decodeConfigurationChars(value); rtpi->configure(key.toStdString(), value.toStdString()); } } } if (!m_plugin->getPrograms().empty()) { m_plugin->selectProgram(attrs.value("program").toStdString()); } Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterList parameters = m_plugin->getParameterDescriptors(); for (Vamp::PluginBase::ParameterList::const_iterator i = parameters.begin(); i != parameters.end(); ++i) { QString pname = QString("param-%1") .arg(stripInvalidParameterNameCharacters (QString(i->identifier.c_str()))); if (attrs.value(pname) == "") { // std::cerr << "PluginXml::setParameters: no parameter \"" << i->name << "\" (attribute \"" << name.toStdString() << "\")" << std::endl; continue; } bool ok; float value = attrs.value(pname).trimmed().toFloat(&ok); if (ok) { // std::cerr << "PluginXml::setParameters: setting parameter \"" // << i->identifier << "\" to value " << value << std::endl; m_plugin->setParameter(i->identifier, value); } else { std::cerr << "WARNING: PluginXml::setParameters: Invalid value \"" << attrs.value(pname).toStdString() << "\" for parameter \"" << i->identifier << "\" (attribute \"" << pname.toStdString() << "\")" << std::endl; } } } void PluginXml::setParametersFromXml(QString xml) { QDomDocument doc; QString error; int errorLine; int errorColumn; // std::cerr << "PluginXml::setParametersFromXml: XML is \"" // << xml.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\"" << std::endl; if (!doc.setContent(xml, false, &error, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { std::cerr << "PluginXml::setParametersFromXml: Error in parsing XML: " << error.toStdString() << " at line " << errorLine << ", column " << errorColumn << std::endl; std::cerr << "Input follows:" << std::endl; std::cerr << xml.toStdString() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Input ends." << std::endl; return; } QDomElement pluginElt = doc.firstChildElement("plugin"); QDomNamedNodeMap attrNodes = pluginElt.attributes(); QXmlAttributes attrs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < attrNodes.length(); ++i) { QDomAttr attr = attrNodes.item(i).toAttr(); if (attr.isNull()) continue; // std::cerr << "PluginXml::setParametersFromXml: Adding attribute \"" << attr.name().toStdString() // << "\" with value \"" << attr.value().toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; attrs.append(attr.name(), "", "", attr.value()); } setParameters(attrs); } QString PluginXml::stripInvalidParameterNameCharacters(QString s) const { s.replace(QRegExp("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*"), ""); return s; }