Template: apt-setup/progress/mirror Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Scanning the mirror... Template: apt-setup/non-free Type: boolean Default: false # :sl1: _Description: Use non-free software? Some non-free software has been made to work with Debian. Though this software is not at all a part of Debian, standard Debian tools can be used to install it. This software has varying licenses which may prevent you from using, modifying, or sharing it. . Please choose whether you want to have it available anyway. Template: apt-setup/contrib Type: boolean Default: false # :sl1: _Description: Use contrib software? Some additional software has been made to work with Debian. Though this software is free, it depends on non-free software for its operation. This software is not a part of Debian, but standard Debian tools can be used to install it. . Please choose whether you want this software to be made available to you. Template: apt-setup/mirror/error Type: select Default: Retry # :sl2: # These are choices of actions so this is, at least in English, # an infinitive form __Choices: Retry, Change mirror, Ignore _Description: Downloading a file failed: The installer failed to access the mirror. This may be a problem with your network, or with the mirror. You can choose to retry the download, select a different mirror, or ignore the problem and continue without all the packages from this mirror. # Default is determined in mirror generators! Template: apt-setup/use_mirror Type: boolean # :sl1: #flag:translate!:3 _Description: Use a network mirror? A network mirror can be used to supplement the software that is included on the CD-ROM. This may also make newer versions of software available. . ${EXPLANATION} Template: apt-setup/no_mirror Type: boolean Default: false # :sl2: _Description: Continue without a network mirror? No network mirror was selected. . If you are installing from a netinst CD and choose not to use a mirror, you will end up with only a very minimal base system.