# THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY FROM THE D-I PO MASTER FILES # The master files can be found under packages/po/ # # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY: SUCH CHANGES WILL BE LOST # # translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_lv.po to Latvian # Aigars Mahinovs , 2006. # Viesturs Zarins , 2008. # Peteris Krisjanis , 2008. # Latvian messages for debian-installer. # Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_lv\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: debian-boot@lists.debian.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-07 22:51+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-19 00:00+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Peteris Krisjanis \n" "Language-Team: Latvian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : " "2);\n" #. Type: boolean #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:1001 msgid "Auto-configure network with DHCP?" msgstr "Automātiski konfigurēt tīklu, izmantojot DHCP?" #. Type: boolean #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:1001 msgid "" "Networking can either be configured by DHCP or by manually entering all the " "information. If you choose to use DHCP and the installer is unable to get a " "working configuration from a DHCP server on your network, you will be given " "the opportunity to configure your network manually after the attempt to " "configure it by DHCP." msgstr "" "Tīkls var tikt konfigurēts automātiski, izmantojot DHCP, vai arī manuāli, " "ievadot visus nepieciešamos parametrus. Ja izvēlēsieties automātisko " "konfigurēšanu un tā būs nesekmīga, varēsiet konfigurēt tīklu manuāli." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:2001 msgid "Domain name:" msgstr "Domēna nosaukums:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:2001 msgid "" "The domain name is the part of your Internet address to the right of your " "host name. It is often something that ends in .com, .net, .edu, or .org. " "If you are setting up a home network, you can make something up, but make " "sure you use the same domain name on all your computers." msgstr "" "Domēna nosaukums ir tā interneta adreses daļa, kas atrodas pa labi no " "saimniekdatora nosaukuma. Bieži tas beidzas ar .com, .net, .edu, .org. vai ." "lv. Konfigurējot savu mājas tīklu, varat izdomāt kādu patvaļīgu domēna " "nosaukumu, taču atcerieties, ka tas jālieto visiem datoriem jūsu tīklā." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:3001 msgid "Name server addresses:" msgstr "Domēnu vārdu serveru adreses:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:3001 msgid "" "The name servers are used to look up host names on the network. Please enter " "the IP addresses (not host names) of up to 3 name servers, separated by " "spaces. Do not use commas. The first name server in the list will be the " "first to be queried. If you don't want to use any name server, just leave " "this field blank." msgstr "" "Domēnu vārdu serverus izmanto, lai atrastu datorus tīklā pēc to nosaukumiem. " "Lūdzu, ievadiet ne vairāk kā trīs serveru IP adreses (ne nosaukumus), " "atdalot tās ar atstarpēm. Nelietojiet komatus. Pirmais serveris sarakstā būs " "arī pirmais, pie kā vajadzības gadījumā vērsīsies sistēma. Ja nevēlaties " "izmantot domēnu vārdu serverus, atstājiet šo lauku tukšu." #. Type: select #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:4001 msgid "Primary network interface:" msgstr "Galvenā tīkla saskarne:" #. Type: select #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:4001 msgid "" "Your system has multiple network interfaces. Choose the one to use as the " "primary network interface during the installation. If possible, the first " "connected network interface found has been selected." msgstr "" "Sistēmā ir atrastas vairākas tīkla saskarnes. Izvēlieties, kuru gribat " "lietot kā galveno šīs instalēšanas laikā. Ja bija iespējams, automātiski " "tika izvēlēta pirmā atrastā tīkla saskarne." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:5001 ../netcfg-common.templates:6001 msgid "Wireless ESSID for ${iface}:" msgstr "Bezvadu tīkla ESSID ierīcei ${iface}:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:5001 msgid "" "${iface} is a wireless network interface. Please enter the name (the ESSID) " "of the wireless network you would like ${iface} to use. If you would like to " "use any available network, leave this field blank." msgstr "" "${iface} ir bezvadu tīkla saskarne. Lūdzu, ievadiet tīkla nosaukumu (ESSID), " "kuram vēlaties ar to pieslēgties. Ja vēlaties izmantot jebkuru pieejamo " "tīklu, atstājiet šo lauku tukšu." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:6001 msgid "Attempting to find an available wireless network failed." msgstr "Neizdevās atrast pieejamu bezvadu tīklu." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:6001 msgid "" "${iface} is a wireless network interface. Please enter the name (the ESSID) " "of the wireless network you would like ${iface} to use. To skip wireless " "configuration and continue, leave this field blank." msgstr "" "${iface} ir bezvadu tīkla saskarne. Lūdzu, ievadiet tīkla nosaukumu (ESSID), " "kuram vēlaties ar to pieslēgties. Lai izlaistu bezvadu tīkla konfigurēšanu, " "atstājiet šo lauku tukšu." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:7001 msgid "WEP key for wireless device ${iface}:" msgstr "Bezvadu tīkla WEP atslēga ierīcei ${iface}:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:7001 msgid "" "If applicable, please enter the WEP security key for the wireless device " "${iface}. There are two ways to do this:" msgstr "" "Ja tīklā, kam pieslēgsies ${iface}, tiek lietota WEP drošības atslēga, " "ievadiet to. Ir divi veidi kā to izdarīt:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:7001 msgid "" "If your WEP key is in the format 'nnnn-nnnn-nn', 'nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn', " "or 'nnnnnnnn', where n is a number, just enter it as it is into this field." msgstr "" "Ja WEP atslēgas formāts ir 'nnnn-nnnn-nn', 'nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn', vai " "'nnnnnnnn', kur n ir cipars, vienkārši ievadiet to norādītajā laukā." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:7001 msgid "" "If your WEP key is in the format of a passphrase, prefix it with " "'s:' (without quotes)." msgstr "" "Ja WEP atslēga ir paroles frāze, pierakstiet tās priekšā 's:' (bez pēdiņām)." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:7001 msgid "" "Of course, if there is no WEP key for your wireless network, leave this " "field blank." msgstr "" "Protams, ja šim bezvadu tīklam nav WEP atslēgas, atstājiet lauku tukšu." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:8001 msgid "Invalid WEP key" msgstr "Nederīga WEP atslēga" #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:8001 msgid "" "The WEP key '${wepkey}' is invalid. Please refer to the instructions on the " "next screen carefully on how to enter your WEP key correctly, and try again." msgstr "" "WEP atslēga '${wepkey}' nav derīga. Lūdzu, rūpīgi iepazīstieties ar nākamajā " "logā redzamo pamācību, kā pareizi ievadīt WEP atslēgu, un tad mēģiniet " "vēlreiz." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:9001 msgid "Invalid ESSID" msgstr "Nederīgs ESSID" #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:9001 msgid "" "The ESSID \"${essid}\" is invalid. ESSIDs may only be up to 32 characters, " "but may contain all kinds of characters." msgstr "" "Jūsu ievadītais ESSID \"${essid}\" nav derīgs. ESSID var būt dažādu simbolu " "virkne garumā līdz 32 simboliem." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:10001 msgid "Hostname:" msgstr "Datora nosaukums:" #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:10001 msgid "Please enter the hostname for this system." msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet šīs sistēmas saimniekdatora nosaukumu." #. Type: string #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:10001 msgid "" "The hostname is a single word that identifies your system to the network. If " "you don't know what your hostname should be, consult your network " "administrator. If you are setting up your own home network, you can make " "something up here." msgstr "" "Saimniekdatora nosaukums ir viens vārds, kas identificē jūsu sistēmu tīklā. " "Ja nezināt, kādu nosaukumu izvēlēties, sazinieties ar sava tīkla " "administratoru. Ja veidojat savu mājas tīklu, nosaukumu varat brīvi " "izvēlēties." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:11001 msgid "Invalid hostname" msgstr "Nederīgs saimniekdatora nosaukums" #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:11001 msgid "The name \"${hostname}\" is invalid." msgstr "Nosaukums \"${hostname}\" nav derīgs." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:11001 msgid "" "A valid hostname may contain only the numbers 0-9, the lowercase letters a-" "z, and the minus sign. It must be between 2 and 63 characters long, and may " "not begin or end with a minus sign." msgstr "" "Derīgā saimniekdatora nosaukumā var būt cipari 0-9, mazie burti a-z un " "mīnusa zīme. Datora nosaukuma garumam ir jābūt no 2 līdz 63 simboliem, tas " "nevar sākties ar mīnusa zīmi." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:12001 msgid "Error" msgstr "Kļūda" #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:12001 msgid "" "An error occurred and the network configuration process has been aborted. " "You may retry it from the installation main menu." msgstr "" "Tīkla konfigurēšanas procesā radās kļūda, tāpēc tas tika pārtraukts. Jūs " "varat mēģināt konfigurēt tīklu vēlreiz, izmantojot galveno izvēlni." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:13001 msgid "No network interfaces detected" msgstr "Nav atrasta neviena tīkla saskarne" #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:13001 msgid "" "No network interfaces were found. The installation system was unable to find " "a network device." msgstr "" "Netika atrastas tīkla saskarnes. Instalēšanas sistēmai neizdevās atrast " "nevienu tīkla ierīci." #. Type: error #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:13001 msgid "" "You may need to load a specific module for your network card, if you have " "one. For this, go back to the network hardware detection step." msgstr "" "Iespējams, šai tīkla kartei jāielādē kāds papildu modulis. Lai to izdarītu, " "atgriezieties pie tīkla aparatūras noteikšanas soļa." #. Type: note #. Description #. A "kill switch" is a physical switch found on some network cards that #. disables the card. #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:14001 msgid "Kill switch enabled on ${iface}" msgstr "Tīkla kartei ${iface} aktivizēts atslēgšanas slēdzis" #. Type: note #. Description #. A "kill switch" is a physical switch found on some network cards that #. disables the card. #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:14001 msgid "" "${iface} appears to have been disabled by means of a physical \"kill switch" "\". If you intend to use this interface, please switch it on before " "continuing." msgstr "" "Šķiet, ka jūsu tīkla karte ${iface} ir fiziski deaktivizēta, izmantojot " "atslēgšanas slēdzi. Ja gribat šo karti izmantot, lūdzu, ieslēdziet to, pirms " "turpināt." #. Type: select #. Choices #. :sl2: #. Note to translators : Please keep your translations of each choice #. below the 65 columns limit (which means 65 characters for most languages) #. Choices MUST be separated by commas #. You MUST use standard commas not special commas for your language #. You MUST NOT use commas inside choices #: ../netcfg-common.templates:15001 msgid "Infrastructure (Managed) network" msgstr "Infrastruktūras (pārvaldīts) tīkls" #. Type: select #. Choices #. :sl2: #. Note to translators : Please keep your translations of each choice #. below the 65 columns limit (which means 65 characters for most languages) #. Choices MUST be separated by commas #. You MUST use standard commas not special commas for your language #. You MUST NOT use commas inside choices #: ../netcfg-common.templates:15001 msgid "Ad-hoc network (Peer to peer)" msgstr "Ad-hoc (vienādranga) tīkls" #. Type: select #. Description #: ../netcfg-common.templates:15002 msgid "Type of wireless network:" msgstr "Bezvadu tīkla veids:" #. Type: select #. Description #: ../netcfg-common.templates:15002 msgid "" "Wireless networks are either managed or ad-hoc. If you use a real access " "point of some sort, your network is Managed. If another computer is your " "'access point', then your network may be Ad-hoc." msgstr "" "Bezvadu tīkli ir vai nu pārvaldītie, vai arī ad-hoc tipa. Ja izmantojat īstu " "pieejas punktu, jūsu tīkla tips ir 'pārvaldīts'. Ja kāds cits dators kalpo " "par jūsu pieejas punktu, tad tīkla tips varētu būt ad-hoc." #. Type: text #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:16001 msgid "Wireless network configuration" msgstr "Bezvadu tīkla konfigurēšana" #. Type: text #. Description #. :sl1: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:17001 msgid "Searching for wireless access points..." msgstr "Meklē bezvadu tīkla piekļuves punktus..." #. Type: text #. Description #. :sl2: #: ../netcfg-common.templates:19001 msgid "" msgstr "