/* Static network configurator module for netcfg. * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ #include "netcfg.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct in_addr old_ipaddress = { 0 }; struct in_addr network = { 0 }; struct in_addr broadcast = { 0 }; struct in_addr netmask = { 0 }; struct in_addr pointopoint = { 0 }; int netcfg_get_ipaddress(struct debconfclient *client) { int ret, ok = 0; old_ipaddress = ipaddress; while (!ok) { debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/get_ipaddress"); ret = debconf_go (client); if (ret) return ret; debconf_get(client, "netcfg/get_ipaddress"); ok = inet_pton (AF_INET, client->value, &ipaddress); if (!ok) { debconf_capb(client); debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/bad_ipaddress"); debconf_capb(client, "backup"); debconf_go (client); } } return 0; } int netcfg_get_pointopoint(struct debconfclient *client) { int ret, ok = 0; while (!ok) { debconf_input(client, "critical", "netcfg/get_pointopoint"); ret = debconf_go(client); if (ret) return ret; debconf_get(client, "netcfg/get_pointopoint"); if (empty_str(client->value)) { /* No P-P is ok */ memset(&pointopoint, 0, sizeof(struct in_addr)); return 0; } ok = inet_pton (AF_INET, client->value, &pointopoint); if (!ok) { debconf_capb(client); debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/bad_ipaddress"); debconf_go (client); debconf_capb(client, "backup"); } } inet_pton (AF_INET, "", &netmask); network = ipaddress; gateway = pointopoint; return 0; } int netcfg_get_netmask(struct debconfclient *client) { int ret, ok = 0; char ptr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct in_addr old_netmask = netmask; while (!ok) { debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/get_netmask"); ret = debconf_go(client); if (ret) return ret; debconf_get (client, "netcfg/get_netmask"); ok = inet_pton (AF_INET, client->value, &netmask); if (!ok) { debconf_capb(client); debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/bad_ipaddress"); debconf_go (client); debconf_capb(client, "backup"); } } if (ipaddress.s_addr != old_ipaddress.s_addr || netmask.s_addr != old_netmask.s_addr ) { network.s_addr = ipaddress.s_addr & netmask.s_addr; broadcast.s_addr = (network.s_addr | ~netmask.s_addr); /* Preseed gateway */ gateway.s_addr = ipaddress.s_addr & netmask.s_addr; gateway.s_addr |= htonl(1); } inet_ntop (AF_INET, &gateway, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)); /* if you entered a .1 ip, you'll get a .1 back, so makes sense * to clear the last bit */ if (gateway.s_addr == ipaddress.s_addr) { char* ptr = strrchr(ptr1, '.'); assert (ptr); /* if there's no dot in ptr1 we're in deep shit */ ptr[1] = '\0'; } debconf_get(client, "netcfg/get_gateway"); if (empty_str(client->value)) debconf_set(client, "netcfg/get_gateway", ptr1); return 0; } int netcfg_get_gateway(struct debconfclient *client) { int ret, ok = 0; char *ptr; while (!ok) { debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/get_gateway"); ret = debconf_go(client); if (ret) return ret; debconf_get(client, "netcfg/get_gateway"); ptr = client->value; if (empty_str(ptr) || /* No gateway, that's fine */ (strcmp(ptr, "none") == 0)) /* special case for preseeding */ { /* clear existing gateway setting */ memset(&gateway, 0, sizeof(struct in_addr)); return 0; } ok = inet_pton (AF_INET, ptr, &gateway); if (!ok) { debconf_capb(client); debconf_input (client, "critical", "netcfg/bad_ipaddress"); debconf_go (client); debconf_capb(client, "backup"); } } return 0; } static int netcfg_write_static(char *domain, struct in_addr nameservers[]) { char ptr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; FILE *fp; if ((fp = file_open(NETWORKS_FILE, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "default\t\t0.0.0.0\n"); fprintf(fp, "loopback\t127.0.0.0\n"); fprintf(fp, "link-local\t169.254.0.0\n"); fprintf(fp, "localnet\t%s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &network, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fclose(fp); } else goto error; if ((fp = file_open(INTERFACES_FILE, "a"))) { fprintf(fp, "\n# The primary network interface\n"); fprintf(fp, "auto %s\n", interface); fprintf(fp, "iface %s inet static\n", interface); fprintf(fp, "\taddress %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &ipaddress, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fprintf(fp, "\tnetmask %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &netmask, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fprintf(fp, "\tnetwork %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &network, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fprintf(fp, "\tbroadcast %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &broadcast, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); if (gateway.s_addr) fprintf(fp, "\tgateway %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &gateway, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); if (pointopoint.s_addr) fprintf(fp, "\tpointopoint %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &pointopoint, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); /* * Write wireless-tools options */ if (is_wireless_iface(interface)) { fprintf(fp, "\t# wireless-* options are implemented by the wireless-tools package\n"); fprintf(fp, "\twireless-mode %s\n", (mode == MANAGED) ? "managed" : "ad-hoc"); fprintf(fp, "\twireless-essid %s\n", (essid && *essid) ? essid : "any"); if (wepkey != NULL) fprintf(fp, "\twireless-key1 %s\n", wepkey); } /* * Write resolvconf options * * This is useful for users who intend to install resolvconf * after the initial installation. * * This code should be kept in sync with the code that writes * this information to the /etc/resolv.conf file. If netcfg * becomes capable of configuring multiple network interfaces * then the user should be asked for dns information on a * per-interface basis so that per-interface dns options * can be written here. */ if (nameservers[0].s_addr || (domain && !empty_str(domain))) { int i = 0; fprintf(fp, "\t# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed\n"); if (nameservers[0].s_addr) { fprintf(fp, "\tdns-nameservers"); while (nameservers[i].s_addr) fprintf(fp, " %s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &nameservers[i++], ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (domain && !empty_str(domain)) fprintf(fp, "\tdns-search %s\n", domain); } fclose(fp); } else goto error; if (netcfg_write_resolv(domain, nameservers)) goto error; return 0; error: return -1; } int netcfg_write_resolv (char* domain, struct in_addr* nameservers) { FILE* fp = NULL; char ptr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; if ((fp = file_open(RESOLV_FILE, "w"))) { int i = 0; if (domain && !empty_str(domain)) fprintf(fp, "search %s\n", domain); while (nameservers[i].s_addr) fprintf(fp, "nameserver %s\n", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &nameservers[i++], ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); fclose(fp); return 0; } else return 1; } int netcfg_activate_static(struct debconfclient *client) { int rv = 0, masksize; char buf[256]; char ptr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; #ifdef __GNU__ /* I had to do something like this ? */ /* di_exec_shell_log ("settrans /servers/socket/2 -fg"); */ di_exec_shell_log("settrans /servers/socket/2 --goaway"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "settrans -fg /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet --interface=%s --address=%s", interface, inet_ntop (AF_INET, &ipaddress)); di_snprintfcat(buf, sizeof(buf), " --netmask=%s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &netmask, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; if (gateway) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " --gateway=%s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &gateway, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); #else deconfigure_network(); loop_setup(); interface_up(interface); /* Flush all previous addresses, routes */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ip addr flush dev %s", interface); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ip route flush dev %s", interface); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); rv |= !inet_ptom (NULL, &masksize, &netmask); /* Add the new IP address, P-t-P peer (if necessary) and netmask */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ip addr add %s/%d ", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &ipaddress, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)), masksize); /* avoid using a second buffer */ di_snprintfcat(buf, sizeof(buf), "broadcast %s dev %s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &broadcast, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)), interface); if (pointopoint.s_addr) di_snprintfcat(buf, sizeof(buf), " peer %s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &pointopoint, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); di_info("executing: %s", buf); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); if (pointopoint.s_addr) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ip route add default dev %s", interface); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); } else if (gateway.s_addr) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ip route add default via %s", inet_ntop (AF_INET, &gateway, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1))); rv |= di_exec_shell_log(buf); } #endif if (rv != 0) { debconf_capb(client); debconf_input(client, "high", "netcfg/error"); debconf_go(client); debconf_capb(client, "backup"); return -1; } return 0; } int netcfg_get_static(struct debconfclient *client) { char *nameservers = NULL; char ptr1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char *none; enum { BACKUP, GET_HOSTNAME, GET_IPADDRESS, GET_POINTOPOINT, GET_NETMASK, GET_GATEWAY, GATEWAY_UNREACHABLE, GET_NAMESERVERS, CONFIRM, GET_DOMAIN, QUIT } state = GET_IPADDRESS; ipaddress.s_addr = network.s_addr = broadcast.s_addr = netmask.s_addr = gateway.s_addr = pointopoint.s_addr = 0; debconf_metaget(client, "netcfg/internal-none", "description"); none = client->value ? strdup(client->value) : strdup(""); for (;;) { switch (state) { case BACKUP: return 10; /* Back to main */ break; case GET_IPADDRESS: if (netcfg_get_ipaddress (client)) { state = BACKUP; } else { if (strncmp(interface, "plip", 4) == 0 || strncmp(interface, "slip", 4) == 0 || strncmp(interface, "ctc", 3) == 0 || strncmp(interface, "escon", 5) == 0 || strncmp(interface, "iucv", 4) == 0) state = GET_POINTOPOINT; else state = GET_NETMASK; } break; case GET_POINTOPOINT: state = netcfg_get_pointopoint(client) ? GET_IPADDRESS : GET_NAMESERVERS; break; case GET_NETMASK: state = netcfg_get_netmask(client) ? GET_IPADDRESS : GET_GATEWAY; break; case GET_GATEWAY: if (netcfg_get_gateway(client)) state = GET_NETMASK; else if (gateway.s_addr && ((gateway.s_addr & netmask.s_addr) != network.s_addr)) state = GATEWAY_UNREACHABLE; else state = GET_NAMESERVERS; break; case GATEWAY_UNREACHABLE: debconf_capb(client); /* Turn off backup */ debconf_input(client, "high", "netcfg/gateway_unreachable"); debconf_go(client); state = GET_GATEWAY; debconf_capb(client, "backup"); break; case GET_NAMESERVERS: state = (netcfg_get_nameservers (client, &nameservers)) ? GET_GATEWAY : CONFIRM; break; case GET_HOSTNAME: seed_hostname_from_dns(client, &ipaddress); state = (netcfg_get_hostname(client, "netcfg/get_hostname", &hostname, 1)) ? GET_NAMESERVERS : GET_DOMAIN; break; case GET_DOMAIN: if (!have_domain) { state = (netcfg_get_domain (client, &domain, "high")) ? GET_HOSTNAME : QUIT; } else { di_info("domain = %s", domain); state = QUIT; } break; case CONFIRM: debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "interface", interface); debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "ipaddress", (ipaddress.s_addr ? inet_ntop (AF_INET, &ipaddress, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)) : none)); debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "pointopoint", (pointopoint.s_addr ? inet_ntop (AF_INET, &pointopoint, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)) : none)); debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "netmask", (netmask.s_addr ? inet_ntop (AF_INET, &netmask, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)) : none)); debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "gateway", (gateway.s_addr ? inet_ntop (AF_INET, &gateway, ptr1, sizeof (ptr1)) : none)); debconf_subst(client, "netcfg/confirm_static", "nameservers", (nameservers ? nameservers : none)); netcfg_nameservers_to_array(nameservers, nameserver_array); debconf_capb(client); /* Turn off backup for yes/no confirmation */ debconf_input(client, "medium", "netcfg/confirm_static"); debconf_go(client); debconf_get(client, "netcfg/confirm_static"); if (strstr(client->value, "true")) { state = GET_HOSTNAME; netcfg_write_resolv(domain, nameserver_array); netcfg_activate_static(client); } else state = GET_IPADDRESS; debconf_capb(client, "backup"); break; case QUIT: netcfg_write_common(ipaddress, hostname, domain); netcfg_write_static(domain, nameserver_array); return 0; break; } } return 0; }