# -*- coding: utf-8; Mode: Python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Canonical Ltd. # Written by Colin Watson . # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import datetime import time import xml.dom.minidom import hashlib import sys TZ_DATA_FILE = '/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab' ISO_3166_FILE = '/usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml' def _seconds_since_epoch(dt): # TODO cjwatson 2006-02-23: %s escape is not portable return int(dt.replace(tzinfo=None).strftime('%s')) class SystemTzInfo(datetime.tzinfo): def __init__(self, tz=None): self.tz = tz def _select_tz(self): tzbackup = None if 'TZ' in os.environ: tzbackup = os.environ['TZ'] if self.tz is not None: os.environ['TZ'] = self.tz time.tzset() return tzbackup def _restore_tz(self, tzbackup): if tzbackup is None: if 'TZ' in os.environ: del os.environ['TZ'] else: os.environ['TZ'] = tzbackup time.tzset() def utcoffset(self, dt): tzbackup = self._select_tz() try: if time.daylight == 0: # no DST information dstminutes = -time.timezone / 60 else: localtime = time.localtime(_seconds_since_epoch(dt)) if localtime.tm_isdst != 1: # not in DST dstminutes = -time.timezone / 60 else: # in DST dstminutes = -time.altzone / 60 return datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(dstminutes)) finally: self._restore_tz(tzbackup) def rawutcoffset(self, unused_dt): tzbackup = self._select_tz() try: dstminutes = -time.timezone / 60 return datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(dstminutes)) finally: self._restore_tz(tzbackup) def dst(self, dt): tzbackup = self._select_tz() try: if time.daylight == 0: # no DST information, so assume no DST; None would be more # accurate but causes awkwardness in fromutc() return datetime.timedelta(0) else: localtime = time.localtime(_seconds_since_epoch(dt)) if localtime.tm_isdst != 1: # not in DST return datetime.timedelta(0) else: dstminutes = (time.timezone - time.altzone) / 60 return datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(dstminutes)) finally: self._restore_tz(tzbackup) def tzname(self, unused_dt): return self.tz def tzname_letters(self, dt): tzbackup = self._select_tz() try: localtime = time.localtime(_seconds_since_epoch(dt)) return time.strftime('%Z', localtime) finally: self._restore_tz(tzbackup) class Iso3166(object): def __init__(self): self.names = {} document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(ISO_3166_FILE) entries = document.getElementsByTagName('iso_3166_entries')[0] self.handle_entries(entries) def handle_entries(self, entries): for entry in entries.getElementsByTagName('iso_3166_entry'): self.handle_entry(entry) def handle_entry(self, entry): if (entry.hasAttribute('alpha_2_code') and (entry.hasAttribute('common_name') or entry.hasAttribute('name'))): alpha_2_code = entry.getAttribute('alpha_2_code') if entry.hasAttribute('common_name'): name = entry.getAttribute('common_name') else: name = entry.getAttribute('name') self.names[alpha_2_code] = name # Much of the Location and Database classes are a rough translation of # gnome-system-tools/src/time/tz.c. Thanks to Hans Petter Jansson # for that. def _parse_position(position, wholedigits): if position == '' or len(position) < 4 or wholedigits > 9: return 0.0 wholestr = position[:wholedigits + 1] fractionstr = position[wholedigits + 1:] whole = float(wholestr) fraction = float(fractionstr) if whole >= 0.0: return whole + fraction / pow(10.0, len(fractionstr)) else: return whole - fraction / pow(10.0, len(fractionstr)) class Location(object): def __init__(self, zonetab_line, iso3166): bits = zonetab_line.rstrip().split('\t', 3) latlong = bits[1] latlongsplit = latlong.find('-', 1) if latlongsplit == -1: latlongsplit = latlong.find('+', 1) if latlongsplit != -1: latitude = latlong[:latlongsplit] longitude = latlong[latlongsplit:] else: latitude = latlong longitude = '+0' self.country = bits[0] if self.country in iso3166.names: self.human_country = iso3166.names[self.country] else: self.human_country = self.country self.zone = bits[2] self.human_zone = self.zone.replace('_', ' ').split('/')[-1] if len(bits) > 3: self.comment = bits[3] else: self.comment = None self.latitude = _parse_position(latitude, 2) self.longitude = _parse_position(longitude, 3) # Grab md5sum of the timezone file for later comparison try: tz_file = file(os.path.join('/usr/share/zoneinfo', self.zone) ,'rb') self.md5sum = hashlib.md5(tz_file.read()).digest() tz_file.close() except IOError: self.md5sum = None try: today = datetime.datetime.today() except ValueError: # Some versions of Python have problems with clocks set before # the epoch (http://python.org/sf/1646728). Assuming that the # time is set to the epoch will at least let us avoid crashing, # although the UTC offset and zone letters may be wrong. today = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) self.info = SystemTzInfo(self.zone) self.utc_offset = self.info.utcoffset(today) self.raw_utc_offset = self.info.rawutcoffset(today) self.zone_letters = self.info.tzname_letters(today) class _Database(object): def __init__(self): self.locations = [] iso3166 = Iso3166() tzdata = open(TZ_DATA_FILE) for line in tzdata: if line.startswith('#'): continue self.locations.append(Location(line, iso3166)) tzdata.close() # Build mappings from timezone->location and country->locations self.cc_to_locs = {} self.tz_to_loc = {} for loc in self.locations: self.tz_to_loc[loc.zone] = loc if loc.country in self.cc_to_locs: self.cc_to_locs[loc.country] += [loc] else: self.cc_to_locs[loc.country] = [loc] def get_loc(self, tz): # Sometimes we'll encounter timezones that aren't really # city-zones, like "US/Eastern" or "Mexico/General". So first, # we check if the timezone is known. If it isn't, we search for # one with the same md5sum and make a reference to it try: return self.tz_to_loc[tz] except: try: tz_file = file(os.path.join('/usr/share/zoneinfo', tz) ,'rb') md5sum = hashlib.md5(tz_file.read()).digest() tz_file.close() for loc in self.locations: if md5sum == loc.md5sum: self.tz_to_loc[tz] = loc return loc except IOError: pass # If not found, oh well, just warn and move on. print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not understand timezone', tz self.tz_to_loc[tz] = None # save it for the future return None _database = None def Database(): global _database if not _database: _database = _Database() return _database