#!/usr/bin/python ''' Installer This is a installer program for a Ubuntu or Metadistros Live system. This is the main program, but there are also a couple of libraries to help it to work, such as the frontend. The way it works is simple. It detects the frontend to use, then load the module for that frontend. After that, it makes some calls through the frontend in order to get the info necessary to install. Once it has the info, partitioning, format, copy the distro to the disk and configure everything. ''' import sys import os import errno import fcntl import shutil import syslog import atexit import optparse import subprocess sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/ubiquity') from ubiquity import misc from ubiquity import im_switch from ubiquity import osextras VERSION = '@VERSION@' TARGET = '/target' LOCKFILE = '/var/lock/ubiquity' lock = None def distribution(): """Returns the name of the running distribution.""" proc = subprocess.Popen(['lsb_release', '-is'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return proc.communicate()[0].strip() def disable_autologin(): import traceback # Reverse actions of user-setup-apply. for name in ('/etc/gdm/custom.conf', '/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc'): if os.path.exists('%s.oem' % name): try: os.rename('%s.oem' % name, name) except OSError: traceback.print_exc() def open_terminal(): """Set up the terminal to run ubiquity's debconf frontend.""" # Set up a framebuffer and start bterm if debian-installer/framebuffer # says to do so. See # rootskel/src/lib/debian-installer-startup.d/S40framebuffer-module-linux-x86. # TODO: more careful architecture handling import debconf # Start a new session and start a controlling terminal. Approach loosely # borrowed from util-linux. if 'UBIQUITY_CTTY' not in os.environ: os.environ['UBIQUITY_CTTY'] = '1' import termios try: os.setsid() except OSError: pass ttyn = os.ttyname(0) tty = os.open(ttyn, os.O_RDWR | os.O_NONBLOCK) flags = fcntl.fcntl(tty, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(tty, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags) # Leave stderr alone in the following; it's already redirected to # our log file. for i in range(tty): if i != 2: os.close(i) for i in range(2): if tty != i: os.dup2(tty, i) if tty >= 3: os.close(tty) fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCSCTTY, 1) if 'UBIQUITY_BTERM' not in os.environ: os.environ['UBIQUITY_BTERM'] = '1' framebuffer = False dccomm = subprocess.Popen(['debconf-communicate', '-fnoninteractive', 'ubiquity'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) try: dc = debconf.Debconf(read=dccomm.stdout, write=dccomm.stdin) try: if dc.get('debian-installer/framebuffer') == 'true': framebuffer = True except debconf.DebconfError: pass finally: dccomm.stdin.close() dccomm.wait() if framebuffer: def fb_has(substring): try: fb = open('/proc/fb') except IOError: return False try: for line in fb: if substring in line: return True finally: fb.close() return False got_fb = False if fb_has('VESA'): got_fb = True devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w') if not got_fb: subprocess.call(['modprobe', '-q', 'vesafb'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) if fb_has(''): got_fb = True if not got_fb: subprocess.call(['modprobe', '-q', 'vga16fb'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) if fb_has(''): got_fb = True if got_fb: if not os.path.isdir('/sys/class/graphics/fbcon'): subprocess.call(['modprobe', '-q', 'fbcon'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) # TODO: import debian-installer-utils and use update-dev? subprocess.call(['udevadm', 'settle']) devnull.close() if os.path.exists('/dev/fb0'): bterm_args = ['bterm', '-f', '/usr/share/ubiquity/unifont.bgf', '--'] bterm_args.extend(sys.argv) os.execvp('bterm', bterm_args) def start_debconf(): """debconf_ui needs to run within a debconf frontend.""" if 'DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND' in os.environ: # debconf already started, so just clean up the configuration file # if any (debconf has already read it by now). if 'DEBCONF_SYSTEMRC' in os.environ: osextras.unlink_force(os.environ['DEBCONF_SYSTEMRC']) return print >>sys.stderr, "debconf_ui selected; starting debconf frontend" if 'DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF' not in os.environ: # This is rather unsatisfactory. Perhaps it would be better to # have a custom debconf program, a bit like dpkg-reconfigure. import tempfile debconfrc_fd, debconfrc = tempfile.mkstemp() os.chmod(debconfrc, 0644) debconfrc_file = os.fdopen(debconfrc_fd, 'w') orig_debconfrc = open('/etc/debconf.conf') state = 0 for line in orig_debconfrc: if (state == 0 and line.rstrip('\n') and not line.startswith('#')): state = 1 elif state == 1 and not line.rstrip('\n'): print >>debconfrc_file, 'Reshow: true' state = 2 print >>debconfrc_file, line, orig_debconfrc.close() debconfrc_file.close() os.environ['DEBCONF_SYSTEMRC'] = debconfrc os.environ['DEBCONF_PACKAGE'] = 'ubiquity' else: os.environ['DEBCONF_SHOWOLD'] = 'true' # TODO: need to set owner somehow import debconf debconf.runFrontEnd() # re-execs this program def install(frontend=None, query=False): '''install(frontend=None) -> none Get the type of frontend to use and load the module for that. If frontend is None, defaults to the first of gtk_ui, kde_ui, and debconf_ui that exists. ''' if frontend is None: frontends = ['gtk_ui', 'kde_ui', 'debconf_ui'] else: frontends = [frontend] chosen = None mod = __import__('ubiquity.frontend', globals(), locals(), frontends) for f in frontends: if hasattr(mod, f): chosen = f ui = getattr(mod, f) # Noninteractive implies automatic mode. if f == 'noninteractive': os.environ['UBIQUITY_AUTOMATIC'] = '1' # Migration Assistant does not support KDE. if f == 'kde_ui': if 'UBIQUITY_MIGRATION_ASSISTANT' in os.environ: del os.environ['UBIQUITY_MIGRATION_ASSISTANT'] break else: raise AttributeError, ('No frontend available; tried %s' % ', '.join(frontends)) os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] = chosen if query: print >> sys.__stdout__, os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] sys.exit(0) unmount_target() distro = distribution().lower() wizard = ui.Wizard(distro) if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] == 'debconf_ui': open_terminal() start_debconf() ret = wizard.run() wizard.stop_debconf() if ret != 10 and 'UBIQUITY_GREETER' in os.environ: import traceback try: apply_keyboard() except: traceback.print_exc() copy_debconf() unmount_target() if ret == 10: wizard.do_reboot() @misc.raise_privileges def apply_keyboard(): '''Set the keyboard layout to the default layout for the language selected. If a user wants a different layout, they can be reasonably expected to change it in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard.''' # Mostly taken from ubi-console-setup. # We need to get rid of /etc/default/console-setup, or console-setup # will think it's already configured and behave differently. Try to # save the old file for interest's sake, but it's not a big deal if # we can't. osextras.unlink_force('/etc/default/console-setup.pre-ubiquity') try: os.rename('/etc/default/console-setup', '/etc/default/console-setup.pre-ubiquity') except OSError: osextras.unlink_force('/etc/default/console-setup') import debconf dccomm = subprocess.Popen(['debconf-communicate', '-fnoninteractive', 'ubiquity'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) try: dc = debconf.Debconf(read=dccomm.stdout, write=dccomm.stdin) try: # Make sure debconf doesn't do anything with crazy "preseeded" # answers to these questions. If you want to preseed these, use the # *code variants. dc.fset('console-setup/layout', 'seen', 'false') dc.fset('console-setup/variant', 'seen', 'false') dc.fset('console-setup/model', 'seen', 'false') dc.fset('console-setup/codeset', 'seen', 'false') except debconf.DebconfError: return finally: dccomm.stdin.close() dccomm.wait() # Accept all the defaults, given the preseeded language. child_env = dict(os.environ) child_env['OVERRIDE_ALLOW_PRESEEDING'] = '1' subprocess.call(['dpkg-reconfigure', '-fnoninteractive', 'console-setup'], env=child_env) misc.execute('setupcon', '--save-only') # Reprocess /lib/udev/rules.d/64-xorg-xkb.rules misc.execute('udevadm', 'trigger', '--subsystem-match=input', '--action=change') misc.execute('udevadm', 'settle') def copy_debconf(): """Copy a few important questions into the installed system.""" if not TARGET: return targetdb = TARGET + '/var/cache/debconf/config.dat' for q in ('^console-setup/', '^oem-config/'): misc.execute_root('debconf-copydb', 'configdb', 'targetdb', '-p', q, '--config=Name:targetdb', '--config=Driver:File', '--config=Filename:%s' % targetdb) def unmount_target(): if not TARGET: return paths = [] mounts = open('/proc/mounts') for line in mounts: path = line.split(' ')[1] if path == TARGET or path.startswith(TARGET + '/'): paths.append(path) mounts.close() paths.sort() paths.reverse() for path in paths: misc.execute_root('umount', path) def prepend_path(directory): if 'PATH' in os.environ and os.environ['PATH'] != '': os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (directory, os.environ['PATH']) else: os.environ['PATH'] = directory def release_lock(): global lock osextras.unlink_force(LOCKFILE) if lock is not None: lock.close() lock = None def acquire_lock(): global lock lock = open(LOCKFILE, 'w') try: fcntl.flock(lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError, e: if e.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EAGAIN, errno.EWOULDBLOCK): print "Ubiquity is already running!" sys.exit(1) raise atexit.register(release_lock) fcntl.fcntl(lock, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) print >>lock, os.getpid() lock.flush() os.fsync(lock.fileno()) def run_oem_hooks(): """Run hook scripts from /usr/lib/oem-config/post-install.""" hookdir = '/usr/lib/oem-config/post-install' if os.path.isdir(hookdir): # Exclude hooks containing '.', so that *.dpkg-* et al are avoided. hooks = filter(lambda entry: '.' not in entry, os.listdir(hookdir)) child_env = dict(os.environ) child_env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' if 'DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND' in child_env: del child_env['DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND'] for hookentry in hooks: hook = os.path.join(hookdir, hookentry) if os.access(hook, os.X_OK): # Errors are ignored at present, although this may change. subprocess.call([hook], env=child_env) def main(oem_config): usage = '%prog [options] [frontend]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=VERSION) parser.set_defaults( debug=('UBIQUITY_DEBUG' in os.environ), debug_pdb=False, cdebconf=False, automatic=False, query=False, migration_assistant=(not oem_config)) parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='debug mode (warning: passwords will be logged!)') parser.add_option('--pdb', dest='debug_pdb', action='store_true', help='drop into Python debugger on a crash') parser.add_option('--cdebconf', dest='cdebconf', action='store_true', help='use cdebconf instead of debconf (experimental)') if not oem_config: parser.add_option('--no-migration-assistant', dest='migration_assistant', action='store_false', help='disable Migration Assistant') parser.add_option('--automatic', dest='automatic', action='store_true', help='do not ignore the "seen" flag (useful for ' \ 'unattended installations).') parser.add_option('--only', dest='only', action='store_true', help='tell the application that it is the only desktop ' \ 'program running so that it can customize its UI to ' \ 'better suit a minimal environment.') parser.add_option('-q', '--query', dest='query', action='store_true', help='find out which frontend will be used by default') parser.add_option('-g', '--greeter', dest='greeter', action='store_true', help='allow the user to leave the installer and enter ' \ 'a live desktop (for the initial boot).') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: os.environ['UBIQUITY_DEBUG'] = '1' if options.debug_pdb: os.environ['UBIQUITY_DEBUG_PDB'] = '1' if options.cdebconf: # Note that this needs to be set before DebconfCommunicate is # imported by anything. os.environ['DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF'] = '1' prepend_path('/usr/lib/cdebconf') prepend_path('/usr/lib/ubiquity/compat') if options.automatic: os.environ['UBIQUITY_AUTOMATIC'] = '1' if options.migration_assistant: os.environ['UBIQUITY_MIGRATION_ASSISTANT'] = '1' if options.greeter: os.environ['UBIQUITY_GREETER'] = '1' if options.only: os.environ['UBIQUITY_ONLY'] = '1' if oem_config: os.environ['UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG'] = '1' global TARGET TARGET = '' acquire_lock() try: os.makedirs('/var/log/installer') except OSError, e: # be happy if someone already created the path if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise syslog.openlog('ubiquity', syslog.LOG_NOWAIT | syslog.LOG_PID) if oem_config: syslog.syslog("Ubiquity %s (oem-config)" % VERSION) else: syslog.syslog("Ubiquity %s" % VERSION) version_file = open('/var/log/installer/version', 'w') print >>version_file, 'ubiquity %s' % VERSION version_file.close() if 'UBIQUITY_DEBUG' in os.environ: if 'UBIQUITY_DEBUG_CORE' not in os.environ: os.environ['UBIQUITY_DEBUG_CORE'] = '1' if 'DEBCONF_DEBUG' not in os.environ: os.environ['DEBCONF_DEBUG'] = 'developer' # The frontend should take care of displaying a helpful message if # we are being run without root privileges. if not (options.query and args and args[0] == 'noninteractive'): try: if oem_config: logfile = '/var/log/oem-config.log' else: logfile = '/var/log/installer/debug' log = os.open(logfile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND, 0644) os.dup2(log, 2) os.close(log) sys.stderr = os.fdopen(2, 'a', 1) if oem_config: print >>sys.stderr, "Ubiquity %s (oem-config)" % VERSION else: print >>sys.stderr, "Ubiquity %s" % VERSION except (IOError, OSError), err: if err.errno != errno.EACCES: raise # Default to enabling internal (non-debconf) debugging except for when # using --automatic. if 'UBIQUITY_DEBUG_CORE' not in os.environ: if options.automatic: os.environ['UBIQUITY_DEBUG_CORE'] = '1' # Initialise cdebconf if necessary, to work around # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=451130. if options.cdebconf: for package in ('ubiquity', 'console-setup'): subprocess.call(['debconf-loadtemplate', package, '/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s.templates' % package]) # Clean up old state. for name in ('apt-installed', 'apt-install-direct', 'remove-kernels', 'apt-removed'): osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join('/var/lib/ubiquity', name)) shutil.rmtree("/var/lib/partman", ignore_errors=True) misc.remove_os_prober_cache() if oem_config and not options.query: disable_autologin() if args: install(args[0], query=options.query) else: install(query=options.query) if oem_config: run_oem_hooks() im_switch.kill_im() if __name__ == '__main__': # Are we running as ubiquity or oem-config? oem_config = False script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if script_name == 'oem-config': oem_config = True main(oem_config) # vim:ai:et:sts=4:tw=80:sw=4: