#! /usr/bin/python # Wrapper script to run Ubiquity as root using the appropriate privilege # escalation method for the frontend. import sys import os import syslog import subprocess sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/ubiquity') from ubiquity import osextras def main(): newargv = [] desktop = None frontend = None toexec = [] i = 1 while i < len(sys.argv): if sys.argv[i] == '--desktop': desktop = sys.argv[i + 1] i += 2 # strip option and argument from newargv continue elif not sys.argv[i].startswith('-'): frontend = sys.argv[i] newargv.append(sys.argv[i]) i += 1 if os.getuid() == 0: # no privilege escalation required inner = ['/usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity'] inner.extend(newargv) # Lock HAL's storage subsystem (or DeviceKit-disks or udisks). if osextras.find_on_path('udisks'): toexec.extend(['udisks', '--inhibit', '--']) toexec.extend(inner) elif osextras.find_on_path('devkit-disks'): toexec.extend(['devkit-disks', '--inhibit', '--']) toexec.extend(inner) elif osextras.find_on_path('hal-lock') and not os.system('pgrep hald>/dev/null'): toexec.extend(['hal-lock', '--interface', 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage', '--exclusive', '--run']) # hal-lock has irritating argument passing conventions. toexec.append(' '.join(inner)) else: toexec.extend(inner) else: if frontend is None: # Try to detect which frontend will be used by looking for a # frontend module. import imp import ubiquity.frontend frontend_names = ['gtk_ui', 'kde_ui'] for f in frontend_names: try: imp.find_module(f, ubiquity.frontend.__path__) frontend = f break except ImportError: pass if frontend == 'gtk_ui': toexec = ['gksudo', '--preserve-env'] if desktop: toexec.extend(['--desktop', desktop]) toexec.append('--') elif frontend == 'kde_ui': # We need to pass through xauth information. kdesudo won't do, # though, as it can't be made to tell sudo to preserve the # environment. import tempfile xauthority = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='ubiquity-', suffix='-xauth') os.chmod(xauthority.name, 0600) # root can still read it xauth_extract = subprocess.Popen( ['xauth', 'extract', '-', os.environ['DISPLAY']], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) xauth_merge = subprocess.Popen( ['xauth', '-f', xauthority.name, 'merge', '-'], stdin=xauth_extract.stdout) xauth_merge.wait() xauth_extract.wait() toexec = ['sudo', '-E', 'XAUTHORITY=%s' % xauthority.name] else: toexec = ['sudo', '-E'] # re-exec ourselves first time round, to cope with broken argument # handling in kdesu toexec.append(sys.argv[0]) toexec.extend(newargv) # Workaround for hang on relatively low-memory PS3 systems (#106683). # Apparently killing a few processes up-front helps. try: lowmem = False archdetect = subprocess.Popen(['archdetect'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) arch = archdetect.communicate()[0].strip() if arch == 'powerpc/ps3': meminfo = open('/proc/meminfo') try: for line in meminfo: if line.startswith('MemTotal:'): mem = int(line.split()[1]) if mem <= 262144: lowmem = True break finally: meminfo.close() if lowmem: syslog.syslog("Low memory: killing processes to work around hang") if frontend == 'gtk_ui': for session_process in ('evolution-alarm-notify', 'gnome-cups-icon', 'jockey-gtk', 'update-notifier'): subprocess.call(['gnome-session-remove', session_process]) if os.getuid() == 0: subprocess.call(['/etc/init.d/cupsys', 'stop']) subprocess.call(['/etc/init.d/hplip', 'stop']) else: subprocess.call(['sudo', '/etc/init.d/cupsys', 'stop']) subprocess.call(['sudo', '/etc/init.d/hplip', 'stop']) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass if 'UBIQUITY_WRAPPER_DEBUG' in os.environ: print >>sys.stderr, toexec os.execvp(toexec[0], toexec) sys.exit(127) if __name__ == '__main__': main()