base-installer regression test interface ======================================== This test suite attempts to test base-installer's per-architecture kernel selection, using a few shims. Run it using 'make test' in the base-installer/kernel/ directory or './runtests ' in the base-installer/kernel/tests/ directory. Individual tests consist of a .test file in the appropriate per-architecture subdirectory, plus optionally some auxiliary files. The .test file consists of a series of directives, one per line. All lists are space-separated, and all kernel versions are the names of kernel packages. The available directives are as follows: subarch The subarchitecture, if relevant: e.g. powermac_newworld. cpuinfo Path (relative to the .test file) to a file to be used instead of /proc/cpuinfo while running this test. If not specified, $CPUINFO will be unset. numcpus The number of processors in the machine to emulate for the test. Only needed on arches that expect a /var/numcpus file and don't have the info in /proc/cpuinfo. machine The machine hardware name, as returned by 'uname -m'. memtotal The total amount of memory in kilobytes present in the machine to emulate for the test. Only needed on some architectures. majors The kernel major versions to test: e.g. 2.6. flavour The expected kernel flavour for this machine. kernel-2.6 The "best" 2.6 kernel versions for this machine, as expected to be returned by arch_get_kernel. usable A list of kernel versions that are expected to be usable on this machine. unusable A list of kernel versions that are expected to be unusable on this machine. env Any environment variable you want to set. Please add to the test suite as appropriate.