# ONLY EDIT THE choose-mirror-bin.templates*-in files # # DO NOT EDIT choose-mirror-bin.templates which is auto-generated by the Makefile # # Templates always needed by choose-mirror. Template: mirror/country Type: string Description: country code or "manual" (for internal use) Template: mirror/suite Type: select Choices: dapper, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic, lucid Default: lucid Description: Ubuntu version to install: In Ubuntu, this question is never asked, and is only for preseeding. Caveat emptor. Template: mirror/codename Type: string Description: codename for the selected suite (for internal use) Template: mirror/checking_title Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Checking the Ubuntu archive mirror Template: mirror/checking_download Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Downloading the Release file... Template: mirror/bad Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Bad archive mirror The specified Ubuntu archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid Release file on it. Please try a different mirror. Template: mirror/noarch Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Architecture not supported The specified Ubuntu archive mirror does not seem to support your architecture. Please try a different mirror. Template: debian-installer/choose-mirror/title Type: text # main-menu # :sl1: _Description: Choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive