Template: base-installer/progress/register-modules Type: text # base-installer progress bar item # :sl1: _Description: Registering modules... Template: debian-installer/add-kernel-opts Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Extra (custom) boot options to add for target system. Template: debian-installer/dummy Type: string Description: Dummy template for preseeding unavailable questions The answer to this question has been preseeded (${ID}). If you see this template, you've found a bug in the installer; please file a report. Template: debian-installer/shell-plugin Type: terminal Description: ${TITLE} Template: debian-installer/shell-plugin-default-title Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Interactive shell Template: debian-installer/terminal-plugin-unavailable Type: error # :sl2: #flag:translate!:4 _Description: Terminal plugin not available This build of the debian-installer requires the terminal plugin in order to display a shell. Unfortunately, this plugin is currently unavailable. . It should be available after reaching the "Loading additional components" installation step. . ${WORKAROUND} Template: debian-installer/workaround-gtk Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Alternatively, you can open a shell by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2. Use Alt+F5 to get back to the installer.