Template: migration-assistant/failed-unmount Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Failed to unmount partitions migration-assistant needs to mount a partition, but cannot do so because the following mount point could not be unmounted: . ${MOUNTED} . Please close any applications using these mount points. . Would you like migration-assistant to try to unmount these partitions again? Template: migration-assistant/partitions Type: multiselect Choices: ${choices} _Description: Select operating systems to import from: Which operating systems would you like to import your documents and settings from? Template: migration-assistant/users Type: multiselect Choices: ${user-choices} _Description: Select users to import: Which users would you like to import for ${os-type}? Template: migration-assistant/items Type: multiselect Choices: ${choices} _Description: Items to import: Which items would you like to import for ${user}? Programs that serve the same purpose will be automatically merged into their Ubuntu equivalents. For example, Internet Explorer and Firefox bookmarks will both be imported into Firefox. Template: migration-assistant/user Type: string _Description: Username for your account: What user would you like to import the ${old-user} account into? If the user does not exist, it will be created for you. Template: migration-assistant/password Type: password _Description: Choose a password for the new user, ${user}: A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation and should be changed at regular intervals. Template: migration-assistant/password-again Type: password _Description: Re-enter password to verify: Please enter the same password again for ${user} to verify that you have typed it correctly. Template: migration-assistant/password-mismatch Type: error _Description: Password input error The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again. Template: migration-assistant/password-empty Type: error _Description: Empty password You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-empty password. Template: migration-assistant/username-bad Type: error _Description: Invalid username The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters. Template: migration-assistant/username-reserved Type: error _Description: Reserved username The username you entered (${user}) is reserved for use by the system. Please select a different one. Template: migration-assistant/fullname Type: string _Description: Full name for ${user}: Please enter the real name of the user, ${user}. This information will be used for instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any program which displays or uses the user's real name. Their full name is a reasonable choice. Template: finish-install/progress/migration-assistant Type: text _Description: Importing documents and settings from other operating systems (this may take a while).