Template: partman/progress/init/title Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Starting up the partitioner Template: partman/progress/init/fallback Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Please wait... Template: partman/progress/init/parted Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Scanning disks... Template: partman/progress/init/update_partitions Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Detecting file systems... Template: partman-base/devicelocked Type: error # :sl2: #flag:translate!:3 _Description: Device in use No modifications can be made to the device ${DEVICE} for the following reasons: . ${MESSAGE} Template: partman-base/partlocked Type: error # :sl2: #flag:translate!:3 #flag:comment:2 # This should be translated as "partition *number* ${PARTITION}" # In short, ${PARTITION} will indeed contain the partition # NUMBER and not the partition NAME _Description: Partition in use No modifications can be made to the partition #${PARTITION} of device ${DEVICE} for the following reasons: . ${MESSAGE} Template: partman/exception_handler Type: select Choices: ${CHOICES} Description: ${TYPE} ${DESCRIPTION} Template: partman/exception_handler_note Type: note Description: ${TYPE} ${DESCRIPTION} Template: partman/choose_partition Type: select Choices-C: ${CHOICES} Choices: ${DESCRIPTIONS} # :sl1: _Description: This is an overview of your currently configured partitions and mount points. Select a partition to modify its settings (file system, mount point, etc.), a free space to create partitions, or a device to initialize its partition table. Help: partman-target/help Template: partman/confirm_nochanges Type: boolean Default: false # :sl2: _Description: Continue with the installation? No partition table changes and no creation of file systems have been planned. . If you plan on using already created file systems, be aware that existing files may prevent the successful installation of the base system. Template: partman/confirm Type: boolean Default: false # :sl1: #flag:translate!:4 _Description: Write the changes to disks? If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually. . WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted. . ${ITEMS} Template: partman/confirm_nooverwrite Type: boolean Default: false # :sl1: #flag:translate!:3 _Description: Write the changes to disks? If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually. . ${ITEMS} Template: partman/text/confirm_item_header Type: text # :sl2: _Description: The following partitions are going to be formatted: Template: partman/text/confirm_item Type: text # :sl2: # for example: "partition #6 of IDE0 master as ext3 journaling file system" _Description: partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} as ${TYPE} Template: partman/text/confirm_unpartitioned_item Type: text # :sl2: # for devices which have no partitions # for example: "LVM VG Debian, LV Root as ext3 journaling file system" _Description: ${DEVICE} as ${TYPE} Template: partman/text/confirm_partitem_header Type: text # :sl2: _Description: The partition tables of the following devices are changed: Template: partman/storage_device Type: select Choices-C: ${CHOICES} Choices: ${DESCRIPTIONS} # :sl2: _Description: What to do with this device: Help: partman-target/help Template: partman/free_space Type: select Choices-C: ${CHOICES} Choices: ${DESCRIPTIONS} # :sl2: _Description: How to use this free space: Help: partman-target/help Template: partman/active_partition Type: select Choices-C: ${CHOICES} Choices: ${DESCRIPTIONS} # :sl2: _Description: Partition settings: You are editing partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE}. ${OTHERINFO} ${DESTROYED} Help: partman-target/help Template: partman/text/there_is_detected Type: text # :sl2: _Description: This partition is formatted with the ${FILESYSTEM}. Template: partman/text/none_detected Type: text # :sl2: _Description: No existing file system was detected in this partition. Template: partman/text/destroyed Type: text # :sl2: _Description: All data in it WILL BE DESTROYED! Template: partman/show_partition_chs Type: note # :sl2: _Description: The partition starts from ${FROMCHS} and ends at ${TOCHS}. Template: partman/show_free_chs Type: note # :sl2: _Description: The free space starts from ${FROMCHS} and ends at ${TOCHS}. Template: partman/text/please_wait Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Please wait... Template: partman/text/formatting Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Partitions formatting Template: partman/text/processing Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Processing... Template: partman/text/text_template Type: text Description: ${DESCRIPTION} Template: partman/text/show_chs Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Show Cylinder/Head/Sector information Template: partman/text/finished_with_partition Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Done setting up the partition Template: partman/text/end_the_partitioning Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Finish partitioning and write changes to disk Template: partman/text/undo_everything Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Undo changes to partitions Template: partman/text/show_chs_free Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Show Cylinder/Head/Sector information Template: partman/text/dump_partition_info Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Dump partition info in %s Template: partman/text/free_space Type: text # Keep short # :sl1: _Description: FREE SPACE Template: partman/text/unusable Type: text # "unusable free space". No more than 8 symbols. # :sl1: _Description: unusable Template: partman/text/primary Type: text # "primary partition". No more than 8 symbols. # :sl1: _Description: primary Template: partman/text/logical Type: text # "logical partition". No more than 8 symbols. # :sl1: _Description: logical Template: partman/text/pri/log Type: text # "primary or logical". No more than 8 symbols. # :sl1: _Description: pri/log Template: partman/text/number Type: text # How to print the partition numbers in your language # Examples: # %s. # No %s # N. %s # :sl1: _Description: #%s Template: partman/text/ata_disk Type: text # For example ATA1 (ad0) # :sl1: _Description: ATA%s (%s) Template: partman/text/ata_partition Type: text # For example ATA1, partition #5 (ad0s5) # :sl1: _Description: ATA%s, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/ide_master_disk Type: text # For example IDE0 master (hda) # :sl1: _Description: IDE%s master (%s) Template: partman/text/ide_slave_disk Type: text # For example IDE1 slave (hdd) # :sl1: _Description: IDE%s slave (%s) Template: partman/text/ide_master_partition Type: text # For example IDE1 master, partition #5 (hdc5) # :sl1: _Description: IDE%s master, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/ide_slave_partition Type: text # For example IDE2 slave, partition #5 (hdf5) # :sl1: _Description: IDE%s slave, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/scsi_disk Type: text # :sl1: _Description: SCSI%s (%s,%s,%s) (%s) Template: partman/text/scsi_partition Type: text # :sl1: _Description: SCSI%s (%s,%s,%s), partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/scsi_simple_disk Type: text # :sl1: _Description: SCSI%s (%s) Template: partman/text/scsi_simple_partition Type: text # :sl1: _Description: SCSI%s, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/mmc_disk Type: text # For example MMC/SD card #1 (mmcblk0) # :sl3: Description: MMC/SD card #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/mmc_partition Type: text # For example MMC/SD card #1, partition #2 (mmcblk0p2) # :sl3: Description: MMC/SD card #%s, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/raid_device Type: text # :sl3: _Description: RAID%s device #%s Template: partman/text/dmcrypt_volume Type: text # :sl3: _Description: Encrypted volume (%s) Template: partman/text/dmraid_volume Type: text # For example: Serial ATA RAID isw_dhiiedgihc_Volume0 (mirror) # :sl3: _Description: Serial ATA RAID %s (%s) Template: partman/text/dmraid_part Type: text # For example: Serial ATA RAID isw_dhiiedgihc_Volume01 (partition #1) # :sl3: _Description: Serial ATA RAID %s (partition #%s) Template: partman/text/multipath Type: text # Translators: "multipath" is a pretty tricky term to translate # You'll find some documentation about it at # http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/csgfs/browse/4.6/DM_Multipath/index.html # "Short" definition: # Device Mapper Multipathing (DM-Multipath) allows you to configure # multiple I/O paths between server nodes and storage arrays into a # single device. These I/O paths are physical SAN connections that can # include separate cables, switches, and controllers. Multipathing # aggregates the I/O paths, creating a new device that consists of the # aggregated paths. # WWID stands for World-Wide IDentification # :sl3: _Description: Multipath %s (WWID %s) Template: partman/text/multipath_partition Type: text # :sl3: _Description: Multipath %s (partition #%s) Template: partman/text/lvm_lv Type: text # :sl3: _Description: LVM VG %s, LV %s Template: partman/text/loopback Type: text # :sl3: _Description: Loopback (loop%s) Template: partman/text/dasd_disk Type: text # :sl5: _Description: DASD %s (%s) Template: partman/text/dasd_partition Type: text # :sl5: _Description: DASD %s (%s), partition #%s Template: partman/text/virtual_disk Type: text # eg. Virtual disk 1 (xvda) # :sl4: _Description: Virtual disk %s (%s) Template: partman/text/virtual_partition Type: text # eg. Virtual disk 1, partition #1 (xvda1) # :sl4: _Description: Virtual disk %s, partition #%s (%s) Template: partman/text/cancel_menu Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Cancel this menu Template: debian-installer/partman-base/title Type: text # Main menu entry # :sl1: _Description: Partition disks Template: partman/early_command Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Shell command or commands to run immediately before partitioning Template: partman/default_filesystem Type: string Default: ext3 Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Default filesystem used for new partitions Template: partman/filter_mounted Type: boolean Default: true Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Filter out disks with mounted partitions. Template: partman/unmount_active Type: boolean #flag:translate!:3 _Description: Unmount partitions that are in use? The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: . ${DISKS} . Do you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before continuing? If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there. Template: partman/installation_medium_mounted Type: note _Description: Installation medium on ${PARTITION} Your installation medium is on ${PARTITION}. You will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on this disk, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there. Template: partman/alignment Type: select Choices: cylinder, minimal, optimal Default: optimal Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Adjust the policy for starting and ending alignment of new partitions. You can generally leave this alone unless optimal alignment causes some kind of problem. . Cylinder alignment was required by very old DOS-era systems, and is not usually needed nowadays. However, a few buggy BIOSes may try to calculate cylinder/head/sector addresses for partitions and get confused if partitions aren't cylinder-aligned. . Minimal alignment ensures that new partitions are aligned to physical blocks on the disk, avoiding performance degradation that may occur with cylinder alignment particularly on modern disks. . Optimal alignment ensures that new partitions are aligned to a suitable multiple of the physical block size, guaranteeing optimal performance.