Template: partman-ext3/progress_checking Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Checking the ${TYPE} file system in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE}... Template: partman-ext3/check_failed Type: boolean # :sl2: _Description: Go back to the menu and correct errors? The test of the file system with type ${TYPE} in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} found uncorrected errors. . If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct these errors, the partition will not be used at all. Template: partman-ext3/create_failed Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Failed to create a file system The ${TYPE} file system creation in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} failed. Template: partman-ext3/no_mount_point Type: boolean # :sl2: _Description: Do you want to return to the partitioning menu? No mount point is assigned for the ${FILESYSTEM} file system in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE}. . If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and assign a mount point from there, this partition will not be used at all. Template: partman-ext3/text/specify_mountpoint Type: text # :sl2: # This is an item in the menu "Action on the partition" _Description: Mount point: Template: partman-ext3/text/ext3 Type: text # :sl1: # File system name (untranslatable in many languages) _Description: ext3 Template: partman/filesystem_long/ext3 Type: text # :sl2: # File system name _Description: Ext3 journaling file system Template: partman/filesystem_short/ext3 Type: text # :sl1: # Short file system name (untranslatable in many languages) _Description: ext3 Template: partman-ext3/text/ext4 Type: text # :sl1: # File system name (untranslatable in many languages) _Description: ext4 Template: partman/filesystem_long/ext4 Type: text # :sl2: # File system name _Description: Ext4 journaling file system Template: partman/filesystem_short/ext4 Type: text # :sl1: # Short file system name (untranslatable in many languages) _Description: ext4 Template: partman-ext3/boot_not_ext2_or_ext3 Type: boolean # :sl2: _Description: Go back to the menu and correct this problem? Your boot partition has not been configured with the ext2 or ext3 file system. This is needed by your machine in order to boot. Please go back and use either the ext2 or ext3 file system. . If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct this error, the partition will be used as is. This means that you may not be able to boot from your hard disk. Template: partman/boot_not_first_partition Type: boolean # :sl2: _Description: Go back to the menu and correct this problem? Your boot partition is not located on the first primary partition of your hard disk. This is needed by your machine in order to boot. Please go back and use your first primary partition as a boot partition. . If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct this error, the partition will be used as is. This means that you may not be able to boot from your hard disk. Template: partman-ext3/bad_alignment Type: boolean # :sl2: _Description: Do you want to return to the partitioning menu? The partition ${PARTITION} assigned to ${MOUNTPOINT} starts at an offset of ${OFFSET} bytes from the minimum alignment for this disk, which may lead to very poor performance. . Since you are formatting this partition, you should correct this problem now by realigning the partition, as it will be difficult to change later. To do this, go back to the main partitioning menu, delete the partition, and recreate it in the same position with the same settings. This will cause the partition to start at a point best suited for this disk. Template: partman-ext3/lazy_itable_init Type: boolean Default: false Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Pass '-E lazy_itable_init' to mkfs. This is currently unsafe when used on previously-used areas of disk, since e2fsck can then get confused with inodes from previous filesystems, so it's off by default; but it can make filesystem initialisation much faster on large disks.