#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8; Mode: Python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # Copyright (C) 2005 Javier Carranza and others for Guadalinex # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2007 Mario Limonciello # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import sys import os import platform import errno import stat import re import textwrap import shutil import subprocess import time import struct import socket import fcntl import traceback import syslog import gzip import debconf import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning) import apt_pkg from apt.cache import Cache from apt.progress import FetchProgress, InstallProgress from hashlib import md5 sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/ubiquity') from ubiquity import misc from ubiquity import install_misc from ubiquity import osextras from ubiquity import plugin_manager from ubiquity.casper import get_casper from ubiquity.components import apt_setup, hw_detect, check_kernels class DebconfFetchProgress(FetchProgress): """An object that reports apt's fetching progress using debconf.""" def __init__(self, db, title, info_starting, info): FetchProgress.__init__(self) self.db = db self.title = title self.info_starting = info_starting self.info = info self.old_capb = None self.eta = 0.0 def start(self): if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('START', 0, 100, self.title) if self.info_starting is not None: self.db.progress('INFO', self.info_starting) self.old_capb = self.db.capb() capb_list = self.old_capb.split() capb_list.append('progresscancel') self.db.capb(' '.join(capb_list)) # TODO cjwatson 2006-02-27: implement updateStatus def pulse(self): FetchProgress.pulse(self) try: if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('SET', int(self.percent)) except debconf.DebconfError: return False if self.eta != 0.0: time_str = "%d:%02d" % divmod(int(self.eta), 60) self.db.subst(self.info, 'TIME', time_str) try: self.db.progress('INFO', self.info) except debconf.DebconfError: return False return True def stop(self): if self.old_capb is not None: self.db.capb(self.old_capb) self.old_capb = None if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('STOP') class DebconfInstallProgress(InstallProgress): """An object that reports apt's installation progress using debconf.""" def __init__(self, db, title, info, error=None): InstallProgress.__init__(self) self.db = db self.title = title self.info = info self.error_template = error self.started = False # InstallProgress uses a non-blocking status fd; our run() # implementation doesn't need that, and in fact we spin unless the # fd is blocking. flags = fcntl.fcntl(self.status_stream.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self.status_stream.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, flags & ~os.O_NONBLOCK) def startUpdate(self): if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('START', 0, 100, self.title) self.started = True def error(self, pkg, errormsg): if self.error_template is not None: self.db.subst(self.error_template, 'PACKAGE', pkg) self.db.subst(self.error_template, 'MESSAGE', errormsg) self.db.input('critical', self.error_template) self.db.go() def statusChange(self, dummypkg, percent, status): self.percent = percent self.status = status if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('SET', int(percent)) self.db.subst(self.info, 'DESCRIPTION', status) self.db.progress('INFO', self.info) def run(self, pm): # Create a subprocess to deal with turning apt status messages into # debconf protocol messages. child_pid = self.fork() if child_pid == 0: # child self.write_stream.close() try: while self.updateInterface(): pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass # we're going to exit anyway except: for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, line) os._exit(0) self.status_stream.close() # Redirect stdin from /dev/null and stdout to stderr to avoid them # interfering with our debconf protocol stream. saved_stdin = os.dup(0) try: null = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDONLY) os.dup2(null, 0) os.close(null) except OSError: pass saved_stdout = os.dup(1) os.dup2(2, 1) # Make sure all packages are installed non-interactively. We # don't have enough passthrough magic here to deal with any # debconf questions they might ask. saved_environ_keys = ('DEBIAN_FRONTEND', 'DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND', 'DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF') saved_environ = {} for key in saved_environ_keys: if key in os.environ: saved_environ[key] = os.environ[key] os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' if 'DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND' in os.environ: del os.environ['DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND'] if 'DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF' in os.environ: # Probably not a good idea to use this in /target too ... del os.environ['DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF'] res = pm.ResultFailed try: res = pm.DoInstall(self.write_stream.fileno()) finally: # Reap the status-to-debconf subprocess. self.write_stream.close() while True: try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) if pid != child_pid: break if os.WIFEXITED(status) or os.WIFSIGNALED(status): break except OSError: break # Put back stdin and stdout. os.dup2(saved_stdin, 0) os.close(saved_stdin) os.dup2(saved_stdout, 1) os.close(saved_stdout) # Put back the environment. for key in saved_environ_keys: if key in saved_environ: os.environ[key] = saved_environ[key] elif key in os.environ: del os.environ[key] return res def finishUpdate(self): if self.started: if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('STOP') self.started = False class InstallStepError(Exception): """Raised when an install step fails.""" def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message) class Install: def __init__(self): """Initial attributes.""" if os.path.isdir('/rofs'): self.source = '/rofs' elif os.path.isdir('/UNIONFS'): # Klaus Knopper says this may not actually work very well # because it'll copy the WHOLE WORLD (~12GB). self.source = '/UNIONFS' else: self.source = '/var/lib/ubiquity/source' self.target = '/target' self.casper_path = os.path.join( '/cdrom', get_casper('LIVE_MEDIA_PATH', 'casper').lstrip('/')) self.kernel_version = platform.release() self.db = debconf.Debconf() self.languages = [] self.langpacks = [] self.blacklist = {} # Load plugins modules = plugin_manager.load_plugins() modules = plugin_manager.order_plugins(modules) self.plugins = [x for x in modules if hasattr(x, 'Install')] if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: self.source = None self.target = '/' return assert os.path.ismount(self.target), 'Failed to mount the target.' self.select_language_packs() self.select_ecryptfs() use_restricted = True try: if self.db.get('apt-setup/restricted') == 'false': use_restricted = False except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not use_restricted: self.restricted_cache = Cache() if self.db.get('ubiquity/install/generate-blacklist') == 'true': self.db.progress('START', 0, 100, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/blacklist') self.generate_blacklist() apt_pkg.InitConfig() apt_pkg.Config.Set("Dir", self.target) apt_pkg.Config.Set("Dir::State::status", os.path.join(self.target, 'var/lib/dpkg/status')) apt_pkg.Config.Set("APT::GPGV::TrustedKeyring", os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/apt/trusted.gpg')) apt_pkg.Config.Set("Acquire::gpgv::Options::", "--ignore-time-conflict") apt_pkg.Config.Set("DPkg::Options::", "--root=%s" % self.target) # We don't want apt-listchanges or dpkg-preconfigure, so just clear # out the list of pre-installation hooks. apt_pkg.Config.Clear("DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs") apt_pkg.InitSystem() def excepthook(self, exctype, excvalue, exctb): """Crash handler. Dump the traceback to a file so that it can be read by the caller.""" if (issubclass(exctype, KeyboardInterrupt) or issubclass(exctype, SystemExit)): return tbtext = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, excvalue, exctb)) syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, "Exception during installation:") for line in tbtext.split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line) tbfile = open('/var/lib/ubiquity/install.trace', 'w') print >>tbfile, tbtext tbfile.close() sys.exit(1) def progress_region(self, start, end): if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] != 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('REGION', start, end) def next_region(self, size=1): self.db.progress('SET', self.count) self.progress_region(self.count, self.count + size) self.prev_count = self.count self.count += size def nested_progress_start(self): if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] == 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('STOP') def nested_progress_end(self): if os.environ['UBIQUITY_FRONTEND'] == 'debconf_ui': self.db.progress('START', self.start, self.end, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('SET', self.prev_count) def run(self): """Run the install stage: copy everything to the target system, then configure it as necessary.""" # Give one extra progress point for each plugin, on the assumption that # they don't run long. self.start = 0 self.end = 22 + len(self.plugins) if self.target != '/': self.end += 74 self.prev_count = 0 self.count = 1 self.db.progress('START', self.start, self.end, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/mounting_source') try: if self.source == '/var/lib/ubiquity/source': self.mount_source() if self.target != '/': self.next_region(size=74) try: self.copy_all() except EnvironmentError, e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EIO, errno.EFAULT, errno.ENOTDIR, errno.EROFS): if e.filename is None: error_template = 'cd_hd_fault' elif e.filename.startswith(self.target): error_template = 'hd_fault' else: error_template = 'cd_fault' error_template = ('ubiquity/install/copying_error/%s' % error_template) self.db.subst(error_template, 'ERROR', str(e)) self.db.input('critical', error_template) self.db.go() # Exit code 3 signals to the frontend that we have # handled this error. sys.exit(3) elif e.errno == errno.ENOSPC: error_template = 'ubiquity/install/copying_error/no_space' self.db.subst(error_template, 'ERROR', str(e)) self.db.input('critical', error_template) self.db.go() sys.exit(3) else: raise self.next_region() self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/network') self.configure_network() self.next_region() self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/apt') self.configure_apt() self.configure_plugins() self.next_region() self.run_target_config_hooks() self.next_region(size=5) # Ignore failures from language pack installation. try: self.install_language_packs() except InstallStepError: pass except IOError: pass except SystemError: pass self.next_region() self.remove_unusable_kernels() self.next_region(size=4) self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/hardware') self.configure_hardware() # Tell apt-install to install packages directly from now on. apt_install_direct = open('/var/lib/ubiquity/apt-install-direct', 'w') apt_install_direct.close() self.next_region() self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/bootloader') self.configure_bootloader() self.next_region() self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/installing') if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: self.install_oem_extras() else: self.install_extras() self.next_region(size=4) self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/removing') if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: try: if misc.create_bool(self.db.get('oem-config/remove_extras')): self.remove_oem_extras() except debconf.DebconfError: pass else: self.remove_extras() try: self.copy_network_config() except: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, 'Could not copy the network configuration:') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, line) self.db.input('critical', 'ubiquity/install/broken_network_copy') self.db.go() try: self.recache_apparmor() except: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, 'Could not create an Apparmor cache:') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, line) try: self.copy_wallpaper_cache() except: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, 'Could not copy wallpaper cache:') for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_WARNING, line) self.copy_dcd() self.db.progress('SET', self.count) self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/log_files') self.copy_logs() self.db.progress('SET', self.end) finally: self.cleanup() try: self.db.progress('STOP') except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass def copy_file(self, sourcepath, targetpath, md5_check): sourcefh = None targetfh = None try: while 1: sourcefh = open(sourcepath, 'rb') targetfh = open(targetpath, 'wb') if md5_check: sourcehash = md5() while 1: buf = sourcefh.read(16 * 1024) if not buf: break targetfh.write(buf) if md5_check: sourcehash.update(buf) if not md5_check: break targetfh.close() targetfh = open(targetpath, 'rb') if md5_check: targethash = md5() while 1: buf = targetfh.read(16 * 1024) if not buf: break targethash.update(buf) if targethash.digest() != sourcehash.digest(): if targetfh: targetfh.close() if sourcefh: sourcefh.close() error_template = 'ubiquity/install/copying_error/md5' self.db.subst(error_template, 'FILE', targetpath) self.db.input('critical', error_template) self.db.go() response = self.db.get(error_template) if response == 'skip': break elif response == 'abort': syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'MD5 failure on %s' % targetpath) sys.exit(3) elif response == 'retry': pass else: break finally: if targetfh: targetfh.close() if sourcefh: sourcefh.close() def find_cd_kernel(self): """Find the boot kernel on the CD, if possible.""" release_bits = os.uname()[2].split('-') if len(release_bits) >= 3: subarch = release_bits[2] else: subarch = None for prefix in ('vmlinux', 'vmlinuz'): kernel = os.path.join(self.casper_path, prefix) if os.path.exists(kernel): return kernel if subarch: kernel = os.path.join(self.casper_path, subarch, prefix) if os.path.exists(kernel): return kernel kernel = os.path.join(self.casper_path, '%s-%s' % (prefix, subarch)) if os.path.exists(kernel): return kernel return None def archdetect(self): archdetect = subprocess.Popen(['archdetect'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) answer = archdetect.communicate()[0].strip() try: return answer.split('/', 1) except ValueError: return answer, '' def generate_blacklist(self): manifest_desktop = os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.manifest-desktop') manifest = os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.manifest') if (os.path.exists(manifest_desktop) and os.path.exists(manifest)): desktop_packages = set() manifest_file = open(manifest_desktop) for line in manifest_file: if line.strip() != '' and not line.startswith('#'): desktop_packages.add(line.split()[0]) manifest_file.close() live_packages = set() manifest_file = open(manifest) for line in manifest_file: if line.strip() != '' and not line.startswith('#'): live_packages.add(line.split()[0]) manifest_file.close() difference = live_packages - desktop_packages else: difference = set() cache = Cache() use_restricted = True try: if self.db.get('apt-setup/restricted') == 'false': use_restricted = False except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not use_restricted: for pkg in cache.keys(): if (cache[pkg].isInstalled and cache[pkg].section.startswith('restricted/')): difference.add(pkg) # Keep packages we explicitly installed. keep = install_misc.query_recorded_installed() arch, subarch = self.archdetect() # Less than ideal. Since we cannot know which bootloader we'll need # at file copy time, we should figure out why grub still fails when # apt-install-direct is present during configure_bootloader (code # removed). if arch in ('amd64', 'i386', 'lpia'): keep.add('grub') keep.add('grub-pc') elif (arch == 'armel' and subarch in ('dove', 'imx51', 'iop32x', 'ixp4xx', 'orion5x', 'omap')): keep.add('flash-kernel') if subarch == 'dove': keep.add('uboot-mkimage') elif subarch == 'imx51': keep.add('redboot-tools') elif subarch == 'omap': keep.add('uboot-envtools') keep.add('uboot-mkimage') elif arch == 'powerpc' and subarch != 'ps3': keep.add('yaboot') keep.add('hfsutils') #Even adding ubiquity as a depends to oem-config-{gtk,kde} #doesn't appear to force ubiquity and libdebian-installer4 #to copy all of their files, so this does the trick. try: if self.db.get('oem-config/enable') == 'true': keep.add('ubiquity') except (debconf.DebconfError, IOError): pass difference -= self.expand_dependencies_simple(cache, keep, difference) # Consider only packages that don't have a prerm, and which can # therefore have their files removed without any preliminary work. difference = set(filter( lambda x: not os.path.exists('/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s.prerm' % x), difference)) confirmed_remove = set() for pkg in sorted(difference): if pkg in confirmed_remove: continue would_remove = self.get_remove_list(cache, [pkg], recursive=True) if would_remove <= difference: confirmed_remove |= would_remove # Leave these marked for removal in the apt cache to speed # up further calculations. else: for removedpkg in would_remove: cachedpkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, removedpkg) cachedpkg.markKeep() difference = confirmed_remove if len(difference) == 0: del cache self.blacklist = {} return cmd = ['dpkg', '-L'] cmd.extend(difference) subp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) res = subp.communicate()[0].splitlines() u = {} for x in res: u[x] = 1 self.blacklist = u def copy_all(self): """Core copy process. This is the most important step of this stage. It clones live filesystem into a local partition in the selected hard disk.""" self.db.progress('START', 0, 100, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/copying') fs_size = os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.size') assert os.path.exists(fs_size), "Missing filesystem.size." with open(fs_size) as total_size_fp: total_size = int(total_size_fp.readline()) # Progress bar handling: # We sample progress every half-second (assuming time.time() gives # us sufficiently good granularity) and use the average of progress # over the last minute or so to decide how much time remains. We # don't bother displaying any progress for the first ten seconds in # order to allow things to settle down, and we only update the "time # remaining" indicator at most every two seconds after that. copy_progress = 0 copied_size, counter = 0, 0 directory_times = [] time_start = time.time() times = [(time_start, copied_size)] long_enough = False time_last_update = time_start debug = 'UBIQUITY_DEBUG' in os.environ if self.db.get('ubiquity/install/md5_check') == 'false': md5_check = False else: md5_check = True # Increase kernel flush times during bulk data copying to make it # more likely that small files are packed contiguously, which should # speed up initial boot times. dirty_writeback_centisecs = None dirty_expire_centisecs = None if os.path.exists('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs'): with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs') as dwc: dirty_writeback_centisecs = int(dwc.readline()) with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs', 'w') as dwc: print >>dwc, '3000\n' if os.path.exists('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs'): with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs') as dec: dirty_expire_centisecs = int(dec.readline()) with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs', 'w') as dec: print >>dec, '6000\n' old_umask = os.umask(0) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.source): sp = dirpath[len(self.source) + 1:] for name in dirnames + filenames: relpath = os.path.join(sp, name) # /etc/fstab was legitimately created by partman, and # shouldn't be copied again. if relpath == "etc/fstab": continue sourcepath = os.path.join(self.source, relpath) targetpath = os.path.join(self.target, relpath) st = os.lstat(sourcepath) mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): if os.path.lexists(targetpath): os.unlink(targetpath) linkto = os.readlink(sourcepath) os.symlink(linkto, targetpath) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if not os.path.isdir(targetpath): os.mkdir(targetpath, mode) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFCHR | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFBLK | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFIFO | mode) elif stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFSOCK | mode) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): if '/%s' % relpath in self.blacklist: if debug: syslog.syslog('Not copying %s' % relpath) continue osextras.unlink_force(targetpath) self.copy_file(sourcepath, targetpath, md5_check) copied_size += st.st_size os.lchown(targetpath, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) if not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.chmod(targetpath, mode) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): directory_times.append((targetpath, st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) # os.utime() sets timestamp of target, not link elif not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.utime(targetpath, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) if int((copied_size * 90) / total_size) != copy_progress: copy_progress = int((copied_size * 90) / total_size) self.db.progress('SET', 10 + copy_progress) time_now = time.time() if (time_now - times[-1][0]) >= 0.5: times.append((time_now, copied_size)) if not long_enough and time_now - times[0][0] >= 10: long_enough = True if long_enough and time_now - time_last_update >= 2: time_last_update = time_now while (time_now - times[0][0] > 60 and time_now - times[1][0] >= 60): times.pop(0) speed = ((times[-1][1] - times[0][1]) / (times[-1][0] - times[0][0])) if speed != 0: time_remaining = int((total_size - copied_size) / speed) if time_remaining < 60: self.db.progress( 'INFO', 'ubiquity/install/copying_minute') # Apply timestamps to all directories now that the items within them # have been copied. for dirtime in directory_times: (directory, atime, mtime) = dirtime try: os.utime(directory, (atime, mtime)) except OSError: # I have no idea why I've been getting lots of bug reports # about this failing, but I really don't care. Ignore it. pass # Revert to previous kernel flush times. if dirty_writeback_centisecs is not None: with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs', 'w') as dwc: print >>dwc, dirty_writeback_centisecs if dirty_expire_centisecs is not None: with open('/proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs', 'w') as dec: print >>dec, dirty_expire_centisecs # Try some possible locations for the kernel we used to boot. This # lets us save a couple of megabytes of CD space. bootdir = os.path.join(self.target, 'boot') kernel = self.find_cd_kernel() if kernel: prefix = os.path.basename(kernel).split('-', 1)[0] release = os.uname()[2] target_kernel = os.path.join(bootdir, '%s-%s' % (prefix, release)) osextras.unlink_force(target_kernel) self.copy_file(kernel, target_kernel, md5_check) os.lchown(target_kernel, 0, 0) os.chmod(target_kernel, 0644) st = os.lstat(kernel) os.utime(target_kernel, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) os.umask(old_umask) self.db.progress('SET', 100) self.db.progress('STOP') def copy_dcd(self): """Copy the Distribution Channel Descriptor (DCD) file into the installed system.""" dcd = '/cdrom/.disk/ubuntu_dist_channel' if os.path.exists(dcd): shutil.copy(dcd, os.path.join(self.target, 'var/lib/ubuntu_dist_channel')) def copy_logs(self): """copy log files into installed system.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return target_dir = os.path.join(self.target, 'var/log/installer') if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) for log_file in ('/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/partman', '/var/log/installer/version', '/var/log/casper.log', '/var/log/installer/debug'): target_log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(log_file)) if os.path.isfile(log_file): if not misc.execute('cp', '-a', log_file, target_log_file): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'Failed to copy installation log file') os.chmod(target_log_file, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) media_info = '/cdrom/.disk/info' if os.path.isfile(media_info): try: target_media_info = \ os.path.join(self.target, 'var/log/installer/media-info') shutil.copy(media_info, target_media_info) os.chmod(target_media_info, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) except (IOError, OSError): pass try: status = open(os.path.join(self.target, 'var/lib/dpkg/status')) status_gz = gzip.open(os.path.join(target_dir, 'initial-status.gz'), 'w') while True: data = status.read(65536) if not data: break status_gz.write(data) status_gz.close() status.close() except IOError: pass try: if self.db.get('oem-config/enable') == 'true': oem_id = self.db.get('oem-config/id') oem_id_file = open( os.path.join(self.target, 'var/log/installer/oem-id'), 'w') print >>oem_id_file, oem_id oem_id_file.close() except (debconf.DebconfError, IOError): pass def mount_one_image(self, fsfile, mountpoint=None): if os.path.splitext(fsfile)[1] == '.cloop': blockdev_prefix = 'cloop' elif os.path.splitext(fsfile)[1] == '.squashfs': blockdev_prefix = 'loop' if blockdev_prefix == '': raise InstallStepError("No source device found for %s" % fsfile) dev = '' sysloops = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(blockdev_prefix), os.listdir('/sys/block')) sysloops.sort() for sysloop in sysloops: try: sysloopf = open(os.path.join('/sys/block', sysloop, 'size')) sysloopsize = sysloopf.readline().strip() sysloopf.close() if sysloopsize == '0': devnull = open('/dev/null') if osextras.find_on_path('udevadm'): udevinfo_cmd = ['udevadm', 'info'] else: udevinfo_cmd = ['udevinfo'] udevinfo_cmd.extend( ['-q', 'name', '-p', os.path.join('/block', sysloop)]) udevinfo = subprocess.Popen( udevinfo_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=devnull) devbase = udevinfo.communicate()[0] devnull.close() if udevinfo.returncode != 0: devbase = sysloop dev = '/dev/%s' % devbase break except: continue if dev == '': raise InstallStepError("No loop device available for %s" % fsfile) misc.execute('losetup', dev, fsfile) if mountpoint is None: mountpoint = '/var/lib/ubiquity/%s' % sysloop if not os.path.isdir(mountpoint): os.mkdir(mountpoint) if not misc.execute('mount', dev, mountpoint): misc.execute('losetup', '-d', dev) misc.execute('mount', '-o', 'loop', fsfile, mountpoint) dev = 'unused' return (dev, mountpoint) def mount_source(self): """mounting loop system from cloop or squashfs system.""" self.devs = [] self.mountpoints = [] if not os.path.isdir(self.source): syslog.syslog('mkdir %s' % self.source) os.mkdir(self.source) fs_preseed = self.db.get('ubiquity/install/filesystem-images') if fs_preseed == '': # Simple autodetection on unionfs systems mounts = open('/proc/mounts') for line in mounts: (device, fstype) = line.split()[1:3] if fstype == 'squashfs' and os.path.exists(device): misc.execute('mount', '--bind', device, self.source) self.mountpoints.append(self.source) mounts.close() return mounts.close() # Manual detection on non-unionfs systems fsfiles = [os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.cloop'), os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.squashfs'), '/cdrom/META/META.squashfs', '/live/image/live/filesystem.squashfs'] for fsfile in fsfiles: if fsfile != '' and os.path.isfile(fsfile): dev, mountpoint = self.mount_one_image(fsfile, self.source) self.devs.append(dev) self.mountpoints.append(mountpoint) elif len(fs_preseed.split()) == 1: # Just one preseeded image. if not os.path.isfile(fs_preseed): raise InstallStepError( "Preseeded filesystem image %s not found" % fs_preseed) dev, mountpoint = self.mount_one_image(fsfile, self.source) self.devs.append(dev) self.mountpoints.append(mountpoint) else: # OK, so we need to mount multiple images and unionfs them # together. for fsfile in fs_preseed.split(): if not os.path.isfile(fsfile): raise InstallStepError( "Preseeded filesystem image %s not found" % fsfile) dev, mountpoint = self.mount_one_image(fsfile) self.devs.append(dev) self.mountpoints.append(mountpoint) assert self.devs assert self.mountpoints misc.execute('mount', '-t', 'unionfs', '-o', 'dirs=' + ':'.join(map(lambda x: '%s=ro' % x, self.mountpoints)), 'unionfs', self.source) self.mountpoints.append(self.source) def umount_source(self): """umounting loop system from cloop or squashfs system.""" devs = self.devs devs.reverse() mountpoints = self.mountpoints mountpoints.reverse() for mountpoint in mountpoints: if not misc.execute('umount', mountpoint): raise InstallStepError("Failed to unmount %s" % mountpoint) for dev in devs: if (dev != '' and dev != 'unused' and not misc.execute('losetup', '-d', dev)): raise InstallStepError( "Failed to detach loopback device %s" % dev) def run_target_config_hooks(self): """Run hook scripts from /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config. This allows casper to hook into us and repeat bits of its configuration in the target system.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return # These were already run once during install hookdir = '/usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config' if os.path.isdir(hookdir): # Exclude hooks containing '.', so that *.dpkg-* et al are avoided. hooks = filter(lambda entry: '.' not in entry, os.listdir(hookdir)) self.db.progress('START', 0, len(hooks), 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/target_hooks') for hookentry in hooks: hook = os.path.join(hookdir, hookentry) if not os.access(hook, os.X_OK): self.db.progress('STEP', 1) continue # Errors are ignored at present, although this may change. subprocess.call(['log-output', '-t', 'ubiquity', '--pass-stdout', hook]) self.db.progress('STEP', 1) self.db.progress('STOP') def configure_plugins(self): """Apply plugin settings to installed system.""" class Progress: def __init__(self, db): self._db = db def info(self, title): self._db.progress('INFO', title) def get(self, question): return self._db.get(question) def substitute(self, template, substr, data): self._db.subst(template, substr, data) for plugin in self.plugins: if plugin.NAME == 'migrationassistant' and \ 'UBIQUITY_MIGRATION_ASSISTANT' not in os.environ: continue self.next_region() # set a generic info message in case plugin doesn't provide one self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/title') inst = plugin.Install(None, db=self.db) ret = inst.install(self.target, Progress(self.db)) if ret: if plugin.NAME == 'migrationassistant': self.db.input('critical', 'ubiquity/install/broken_migration') self.db.go() else: raise InstallStepError("Plugin %s failed with code %s" % (plugin.NAME, ret)) def configure_apt(self): """Configure /etc/apt/sources.list.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return # apt will already be setup as the OEM wants # TODO cjwatson 2007-07-06: Much of the following is # cloned-and-hacked from base-installer/debian/postinst. Perhaps we # should come up with a way to avoid this. # Make apt trust CDs. This is not on by default (we think). # This will be left in place on the installed system. apt_conf_tc = open(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00trustcdrom'), 'w') print >>apt_conf_tc, 'APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";' apt_conf_tc.close() # Avoid clock skew causing gpg verification issues. # This file will be left in place until the end of the install. apt_conf_itc = open(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00IgnoreTimeConflict'), 'w') print >>apt_conf_itc, \ 'Acquire::gpgv::Options { "--ignore-time-conflict"; };' apt_conf_itc.close() try: if self.db.get('debian-installer/allow_unauthenticated') == 'true': apt_conf_au = open( os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00AllowUnauthenticated'), 'w') print >>apt_conf_au, 'APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated "true";' print >>apt_conf_au, \ 'Aptitude::CmdLine::Ignore-Trust-Violations "true";' apt_conf_au.close() except debconf.DebconfError: pass # let apt inside the chroot see the cdrom if self.target != "/": target_cdrom = os.path.join(self.target, 'cdrom') misc.execute('umount', target_cdrom) if not os.path.exists(target_cdrom): os.mkdir(target_cdrom) misc.execute('mount', '--bind', '/cdrom', target_cdrom) # Make apt-cdrom and apt not unmount/mount CD-ROMs. # This file will be left in place until the end of the install. apt_conf_nmc = open(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00NoMountCDROM'), 'w') print >>apt_conf_nmc, textwrap.dedent("""\ APT::CDROM::NoMount "true"; Acquire::cdrom { mount "/cdrom"; "/cdrom/" { Mount "true"; UMount "true"; }; AutoDetect "false"; }""") apt_conf_nmc.close() # This will be reindexed after installation based on the full # installed sources.list. try: shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(self.target, 'var/lib/apt-xapian-index'), ignore_errors=True) except OSError: pass dbfilter = apt_setup.AptSetup(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: raise InstallStepError("AptSetup failed with code %d" % ret) def get_cache_pkg(self, cache, pkg): # work around broken has_key in python-apt 0.6.16 try: return cache[pkg] except KeyError: return None def mark_install(self, cache, pkg): cachedpkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg) if cachedpkg is not None and not cachedpkg.isInstalled: apt_error = False try: cachedpkg.markInstall() except SystemError: apt_error = True if cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0 or apt_error: brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) while brokenpkgs: for brokenpkg in brokenpkgs: self.get_cache_pkg(cache, brokenpkg).markKeep() new_brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) if brokenpkgs == new_brokenpkgs: break # we can do nothing more brokenpkgs = new_brokenpkgs assert cache._depcache.BrokenCount == 0 def locale_to_language_pack(self, locale): lang = locale.split('.')[0] if lang == 'zh_CN': return 'zh-hans' elif lang == 'zh_TW': return 'zh-hant' else: lang = locale.split('_')[0] return lang def select_language_packs(self): try: keep_packages = self.db.get('ubiquity/keep-installed') keep_packages = keep_packages.replace(',', '').split() syslog.syslog('keeping packages due to preseeding: %s' % ' '.join(keep_packages)) install_misc.record_installed(keep_packages) except debconf.DebconfError: pass langpacks = [] all_langpacks = False try: langpack_db = self.db.get('pkgsel/language-packs') if langpack_db == 'ALL': apt_out = subprocess.Popen( ['apt-cache', '-n', 'search', '^language-pack-[^-][^-]*$'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip().split('\n') langpacks = map(lambda x: x.split('-')[2].strip(), apt_out) all_langpacks = True else: langpacks = langpack_db.replace(',', '').split() except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not langpacks: try: langpack_db = self.db.get('localechooser/supported-locales') langpack_set = set() for locale in langpack_db.replace(',', '').split(): langpack_set.add(self.locale_to_language_pack(locale)) langpacks = sorted(langpack_set) except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not langpacks: langpack_db = self.db.get('debian-installer/locale') langpacks = [self.locale_to_language_pack(langpack_db)] self.languages = langpacks syslog.syslog('keeping language packs for: %s' % ' '.join(langpacks)) try: lppatterns = self.db.get('pkgsel/language-pack-patterns').split() except debconf.DebconfError: return cache = Cache() to_install = [] checker = osextras.find_on_path('check-language-support') for lp in langpacks: # Basic language packs, required to get localisation working at # all. We install these almost unconditionally; if you want to # get rid of even these, you can preseed pkgsel/language-packs # to the empty string. to_install.append('language-pack-%s' % lp) # Other language packs, typically selected by preseeding. for pattern in lppatterns: to_install.append(pattern.replace('$LL', lp)) # More extensive language support packages. # If pkgsel/language-packs is ALL, then speed things up by # calling check-language-support just once. if not all_langpacks and checker: check_lang = subprocess.Popen( ['check-language-support', '-l', lp, '--show-installed'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) to_install.extend(check_lang.communicate()[0].strip().split()) else: to_install.append('language-support-%s' % lp) if checker: # Keep language-support-$LL installed if it happens to be in # the live filesystem, since there's no point spending time # removing it; but don't install it if it isn't in the live # filesystem. toplevel = 'language-support-%s' % lp toplevel_pkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, toplevel) if toplevel_pkg and toplevel_pkg.isInstalled: to_install.append(toplevel) if all_langpacks and osextras.find_on_path('check-language-support'): check_lang = subprocess.Popen( ['check-language-support', '-a', '--show-installed'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) to_install.extend(check_lang.communicate()[0].strip().split()) # Filter the list of language packs to include only language packs # that exist in the live filesystem's apt cache, so that we can tell # the difference between "no such language pack" and "language pack # not retrievable given apt configuration in /target" later on. to_install = [lp for lp in to_install if self.get_cache_pkg(cache, lp) is not None] install_new = True try: install_new_key = \ self.db.get('pkgsel/install-language-support') == 'true' if install_new_key != '' and not misc.create_bool(install_new_key): install_new = False except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not install_new: # Keep packages that are on the live filesystem, but don't install # new ones. # TODO cjwatson 2010-03-18: To match pkgsel's semantics, we ought to # be willing to install packages from the package pool on the CD as # well. to_install = [lp for lp in to_install if self.get_cache_pkg(cache, lp).isInstalled] del cache install_misc.record_installed(to_install) if install_new: self.langpacks = to_install def install_language_packs(self): if not self.langpacks: return self.do_install(self.langpacks) self.verify_language_packs() def verify_language_packs(self): if len(self.languages) == 1 and self.languages[0] in ('C', 'en'): return # always complete enough if self.db.get('pkgsel/ignore-incomplete-language-support') == 'true': return cache = Cache() incomplete = False for pkg in self.langpacks: if pkg.startswith('gimp-help-'): # gimp-help-common is far too big to fit on CDs, so don't # worry about it. continue cachedpkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg) if cachedpkg is None or not cachedpkg.isInstalled: incomplete = True break if incomplete: language_support_dir = \ os.path.join(self.target, 'usr/share/language-support') update_notifier_dir = \ os.path.join(self.target, 'var/lib/update-notifier/user.d') for note in ('incomplete-language-support-gnome.note', 'incomplete-language-support-qt.note'): notepath = os.path.join(language_support_dir, note) if os.path.exists(notepath): if not os.path.exists(update_notifier_dir): os.makedirs(update_notifier_dir) shutil.copy(notepath, os.path.join(update_notifier_dir, note)) break def select_ecryptfs(self): """Is ecryptfs in use by an existing user? If so, keep it installed. This duplicates code from user-setup, but necessarily so; when user-setup-ask runs in ubiquity, /target is not yet mounted, but we need to make this decision before generating the file copy blacklist so user-setup-apply would be too late.""" home = os.path.join(self.target, 'home') if os.path.isdir(home): for homedir in os.listdir(home): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(home, homedir, '.ecryptfs')): syslog.syslog('ecryptfs already in use in %s' % os.path.join(home, homedir)) install_misc.record_installed(['ecryptfs-utils']) break def get_resume_partition(self): biggest_size = 0 biggest_partition = None swaps = open('/proc/swaps') for line in swaps: words = line.split() if words[1] != 'partition': continue if not os.path.exists(words[0]): continue if words[0].startswith('/dev/ramzswap'): continue size = int(words[2]) if size > biggest_size: biggest_size = size biggest_partition = words[0] swaps.close() return biggest_partition def configure_hardware(self): """reconfiguring several packages which depends on the hardware system in which has been installed on and need some automatic configurations to get work.""" self.nested_progress_start() install_misc.chroot_setup(self.target) try: dbfilter = hw_detect.HwDetect(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: raise InstallStepError("HwDetect failed with code %d" % ret) finally: install_misc.chroot_cleanup(self.target) self.nested_progress_end() self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/hardware') script = '/usr/lib/ubiquity/debian-installer-utils' \ '/register-module.post-base-installer' if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: script += '-oem' misc.execute(script) resume = self.get_resume_partition() if resume is not None: resume_uuid = None try: resume_uuid = subprocess.Popen( ['block-attr', '--uuid', resume], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip('\n') except OSError: pass if resume_uuid: resume = "UUID=%s" % resume_uuid if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d')): configdir = os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d') elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d')): configdir = os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d') else: configdir = None if configdir is not None: configfile = open(os.path.join(configdir, 'resume'), 'w') print >>configfile, "RESUME=%s" % resume configfile.close() osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/usplash.conf')) osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/popularity-contest.conf')) try: participate = self.db.get('popularity-contest/participate') install_misc.set_debconf(self.target, 'popularity-contest/participate', participate, self.db) except debconf.DebconfError: pass osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/papersize')) subprocess.call(['log-output', '-t', 'ubiquity', 'chroot', self.target, 'ucf', '--purge', '/etc/papersize'], preexec_fn=install_misc.debconf_disconnect, close_fds=True) try: install_misc.set_debconf(self.target, 'libpaper/defaultpaper', '', self.db) except debconf.DebconfError: pass osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem')) osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key')) install_misc.chroot_setup(self.target, x11=True) install_misc.chrex(self.target,'dpkg-divert', '--package', 'ubiquity', '--rename', '--quiet', '--add', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs') try: os.symlink('/bin/true', os.path.join(self.target, 'usr/sbin/update-initramfs')) except OSError: pass packages = ['linux-image-' + self.kernel_version, 'usplash', 'splashy', 'popularity-contest', 'libpaper1', 'ssl-cert'] try: for package in packages: install_misc.reconfigure(self.target, package) finally: osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join(self.target, 'usr/sbin/update-initramfs')) install_misc.chrex(self.target,'dpkg-divert', '--package', 'ubiquity', '--rename', '--quiet', '--remove', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'update-initramfs', '-c', '-k', self.kernel_version) install_misc.chroot_cleanup(self.target, x11=True) # Fix up kernel symlinks now that the initrd exists. Depending on # the architecture, these may be in / or in /boot. bootdir = os.path.join(self.target, 'boot') if self.db.get('base-installer/kernel/linux/link_in_boot') == 'true': linkdir = bootdir linkprefix = '' else: linkdir = self.target linkprefix = 'boot' # Remove old symlinks. We'll set them up from scratch. re_symlink = re.compile('vmlinu[xz]|initrd.img$') for entry in os.listdir(linkdir): if re_symlink.match(entry) is not None: filename = os.path.join(linkdir, entry) if os.path.islink(filename): os.unlink(filename) if linkdir != self.target: # Remove symlinks in /target too, which may have been created on # the live filesystem. This isn't necessary, but it may help # avoid confusion. for entry in os.listdir(self.target): if re_symlink.match(entry) is not None: filename = os.path.join(self.target, entry) if os.path.islink(filename): os.unlink(filename) # Create symlinks. Prefer our current kernel version if possible, # but if not (perhaps due to a customised live filesystem image), # it's better to create some symlinks than none at all. re_image = re.compile('(vmlinu[xz]|initrd.img)-') for entry in os.listdir(bootdir): match = re_image.match(entry) if match is not None: imagetype = match.group(1) linksrc = os.path.join(linkprefix, entry) linkdst = os.path.join(linkdir, imagetype) if os.path.exists(linkdst): if entry.endswith('-' + self.kernel_version): os.unlink(linkdst) else: continue os.symlink(linksrc, linkdst) def configure_network(self): """Automatically configure the network. At present, the only thing the user gets to tweak in the UI is the hostname. Some other things will be copied from the live filesystem, so changes made there will be reflected in the installed system. Unfortunately, at present we have to duplicate a fair bit of netcfg here, because it's hard to drive netcfg in a way that won't try to bring interfaces up and down.""" # TODO cjwatson 2006-03-30: just call netcfg instead of doing all # this; requires a netcfg binary that doesn't bring interfaces up # and down if self.target != '/': for path in ('/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/resolv.conf'): if os.path.exists(path): shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(self.target, path[1:])) try: hostname = self.db.get('netcfg/get_hostname') except debconf.DebconfError: hostname = '' try: domain = self.db.get('netcfg/get_domain') except debconf.DebconfError: domain = '' if hostname == '': hostname = 'ubuntu' hosts = open(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/hosts'), 'w') print >>hosts, "\tlocalhost" if domain: print >>hosts, "\t%s.%s\t%s" % (hostname, domain, hostname) else: print >>hosts, "\t%s" % hostname print >>hosts, textwrap.dedent("""\ # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts""") hosts.close() # Network Manager's ifupdown plugin has an inotify watch on # /etc/hostname, which can trigger a race condition if /etc/hostname is # written and immediately followed with /etc/hosts. fp = open(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/hostname'), 'w') print >>fp, hostname fp.close() if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: os.system("hostname %s" % hostname) persistent_net = '/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' if os.path.exists(persistent_net): if self.target != '/': shutil.copy2(persistent_net, os.path.join(self.target, persistent_net[1:])) else: # TODO cjwatson 2006-03-30: from ; ugh, but no # binding available SIOCGIFHWADDR = 0x8927 # ARPHRD_ETHER = 1 if_names = {} sock = socket.socket(socket.SOCK_DGRAM) interfaces = install_misc.get_all_interfaces() for i in range(len(interfaces)): if_names[interfaces[i]] = struct.unpack('H6s', fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), SIOCGIFHWADDR, struct.pack('256s', interfaces[i]))[16:24]) sock.close() iftab = open(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/iftab'), 'w') print >>iftab, textwrap.dedent("""\ # This file assigns persistent names to network interfaces. # See iftab(5) for syntax. """) for i in range(len(interfaces)): dup = False if_name = if_names[interfaces[i]] if if_name is None or if_name[0] != ARPHRD_ETHER: continue for j in range(len(interfaces)): if i == j or if_names[interfaces[j]] is None: continue if if_name[1] != if_names[interfaces[j]][1]: continue if if_names[interfaces[j]][0] == ARPHRD_ETHER: dup = True if dup: continue line = (interfaces[i] + " mac " + ':'.join(['%02x' % ord(if_name[1][c]) for c in range(6)])) line += " arp %d" % if_name[0] print >>iftab, line iftab.close() def configure_bootloader(self): """configuring and installing boot loader into installed hardware system.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return install_bootloader = self.db.get('ubiquity/install_bootloader') if install_bootloader == "true": misc.execute('mount', '--bind', '/proc', self.target + '/proc') misc.execute('mount', '--bind', '/sys', self.target + '/sys') misc.execute('mount', '--bind', '/dev', self.target + '/dev') arch, subarch = self.archdetect() try: if arch in ('amd64', 'i386', 'lpia'): from ubiquity.components import grubinstaller while 1: dbfilter = grubinstaller.GrubInstaller(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: old_bootdev = self.db.get('grub-installer/bootdev') bootdev = 'ubiquity/install/new-bootdev' self.db.fset(bootdev, 'seen', 'false') self.db.set(bootdev, old_bootdev) self.db.input('critical', bootdev) self.db.go() response = self.db.get(bootdev) if response == 'skip': break if not response: raise InstallStepError( "GrubInstaller failed with code %d" % ret) else: self.db.set('grub-installer/bootdev', response) else: break elif (arch == 'armel' and subarch in ('dove', 'imx51', 'iop32x', 'ixp4xx', 'orion5x', 'omap')): from ubiquity.components import flash_kernel dbfilter = flash_kernel.FlashKernel(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: raise InstallStepError( "FlashKernel failed with code %d" % ret) elif arch == 'powerpc' and subarch == 'ps3': from ubiquity.components import kbootinstaller dbfilter = kbootinstaller.KbootInstaller(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: raise InstallStepError( "KbootInstaller failed with code %d" % ret) elif arch == 'powerpc': from ubiquity.components import yabootinstaller dbfilter = yabootinstaller.YabootInstaller(None, self.db) ret = dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) if ret != 0: raise InstallStepError( "YabootInstaller failed with code %d" % ret) else: raise InstallStepError("No bootloader installer found") except ImportError: raise InstallStepError("No bootloader installer found") misc.execute('umount', '-f', self.target + '/proc') misc.execute('umount', '-f', self.target + '/sys') misc.execute('umount', '-f', self.target + '/dev') def broken_packages(self, cache): expect_count = cache._depcache.BrokenCount count = 0 brokenpkgs = set() for pkg in cache.keys(): try: if cache._depcache.IsInstBroken(cache._cache[pkg]): brokenpkgs.add(pkg) count += 1 except KeyError: # Apparently sometimes the cache goes a bit bonkers ... continue if count >= expect_count: break return brokenpkgs def warn_broken_packages(self, pkgs, err): pkgs = ', '.join(pkgs) syslog.syslog('broken packages after installation: %s' % pkgs) self.db.subst('ubiquity/install/broken_install', 'ERROR', err) self.db.subst('ubiquity/install/broken_install', 'PACKAGES', pkgs) self.db.input('critical', 'ubiquity/install/broken_install') self.db.go() def do_install(self, to_install): self.nested_progress_start() if self.langpacks: self.db.progress('START', 0, 10, 'ubiquity/langpacks/title') else: self.db.progress('START', 0, 10, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/find_installables') self.progress_region(0, 1) fetchprogress = DebconfFetchProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', 'ubiquity/install/apt_indices_starting', 'ubiquity/install/apt_indices') cache = Cache() if cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: syslog.syslog( 'not installing additional packages, since there are broken ' 'packages: %s' % ', '.join(self.broken_packages(cache))) self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() return for pkg in to_install: self.mark_install(cache, pkg) self.db.progress('SET', 1) self.progress_region(1, 10) if self.langpacks: fetchprogress = DebconfFetchProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/langpacks/title', None, 'ubiquity/langpacks/packages') installprogress = DebconfInstallProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/langpacks/title', 'ubiquity/install/apt_info') else: fetchprogress = DebconfFetchProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', None, 'ubiquity/install/fetch_remove') installprogress = DebconfInstallProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', 'ubiquity/install/apt_info', 'ubiquity/install/apt_error_install') install_misc.chroot_setup(self.target) commit_error = None try: try: if not cache.commit(fetchprogress, installprogress): fetchprogress.stop() installprogress.finishUpdate() self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() return except IOError: for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line) fetchprogress.stop() installprogress.finishUpdate() self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() return except SystemError, e: for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line) commit_error = str(e) finally: install_misc.chroot_cleanup(self.target) self.db.progress('SET', 10) cache.open(None) if commit_error or cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: if commit_error is None: commit_error = '' brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) self.warn_broken_packages(brokenpkgs, commit_error) self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() def expand_dependencies_simple(self, cache, keep, to_remove, recommends=True): """Return the list of packages in to_remove that clearly cannot be removed if we want to keep the set of packages in keep. Except in the case of Recommends, this is not required for correctness (we could just let apt figure it out), but it allows us to ask apt fewer separate questions, and so is faster.""" keys = ['Pre-Depends', 'Depends'] if recommends: keys.append('Recommends') to_scan = set(keep) to_scan_next = set() expanded = set(keep) while to_scan: for pkg in to_scan: cachedpkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg) if cachedpkg is None: continue ver = cachedpkg._pkg.CurrentVer if ver is None: continue for key in keys: if key in ver.DependsList: for dep_or in ver.DependsList[key]: # Keep the first element of a disjunction that's # installed; this mirrors what 'apt-get install' # would do if you were installing the package # from scratch. This doesn't handle versioned # dependencies, but that's largely OK since apt # will spot those later; the only case I can # think of where this might have trouble is # "Recommends: foo (>= 2) | bar". for dep in dep_or: depname = dep.TargetPkg.Name cacheddep = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, depname) if cacheddep is None: continue if cacheddep._pkg.CurrentVer is not None: break else: continue if depname in expanded or depname not in to_remove: continue expanded.add(depname) to_scan_next.add(depname) to_scan = to_scan_next to_scan_next = set() return expanded def get_remove_list(self, cache, to_remove, recursive=False): to_remove = set(to_remove) all_removed = set() while True: removed = set() for pkg in to_remove: cachedpkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg) if cachedpkg is not None and cachedpkg.isInstalled: apt_error = False try: cachedpkg.markDelete(autoFix=False, purge=True) except SystemError: apt_error = True if apt_error: cachedpkg.markKeep() elif cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: # If we're recursively removing packages, or if all # of the broken packages are in the set of packages # to remove anyway, then go ahead and try to remove # them too. brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) broken_removed = set() while brokenpkgs and (recursive or brokenpkgs <= to_remove): broken_removed_inner = set() for pkg2 in brokenpkgs: cachedpkg2 = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg2) if cachedpkg2 is not None: broken_removed_inner.add(pkg2) try: cachedpkg2.markDelete(autoFix=False, purge=True) except SystemError: apt_error = True break broken_removed |= broken_removed_inner if apt_error or not broken_removed_inner: break brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) if apt_error or cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: # That didn't work. Revert all the removals we # just tried. for pkg2 in broken_removed: self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg2).markKeep() cachedpkg.markKeep() else: removed.add(pkg) removed |= broken_removed else: removed.add(pkg) assert cache._depcache.BrokenCount == 0 if not removed: break to_remove -= removed all_removed |= removed return all_removed def do_remove(self, to_remove, recursive=False): self.nested_progress_start() self.db.progress('START', 0, 5, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/find_removables') fetchprogress = DebconfFetchProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', 'ubiquity/install/apt_indices_starting', 'ubiquity/install/apt_indices') cache = Cache() if cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: syslog.syslog( 'not processing removals, since there are broken packages: ' '%s' % ', '.join(self.broken_packages(cache))) self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() return self.get_remove_list(cache, to_remove, recursive) self.db.progress('SET', 1) self.progress_region(1, 5) fetchprogress = DebconfFetchProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', None, 'ubiquity/install/fetch_remove') installprogress = DebconfInstallProgress( self.db, 'ubiquity/install/title', 'ubiquity/install/apt_info', 'ubiquity/install/apt_error_remove') install_misc.chroot_setup(self.target) commit_error = None try: try: if not cache.commit(fetchprogress, installprogress): fetchprogress.stop() installprogress.finishUpdate() self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() return except SystemError, e: for line in traceback.format_exc().split('\n'): syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, line) commit_error = str(e) finally: install_misc.chroot_cleanup(self.target) self.db.progress('SET', 5) cache.open(None) if commit_error or cache._depcache.BrokenCount > 0: if commit_error is None: commit_error = '' brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) syslog.syslog('broken packages after removal: ' '%s' % ', '.join(brokenpkgs)) self.db.subst('ubiquity/install/broken_remove', 'ERROR', commit_error) self.db.subst('ubiquity/install/broken_remove', 'PACKAGES', ', '.join(brokenpkgs)) self.db.input('critical', 'ubiquity/install/broken_remove') self.db.go() self.db.progress('STOP') self.nested_progress_end() def traverse_for_kernel(self, cache, pkg): kern = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, pkg) if kern is None: return None pkc = cache._depcache.GetCandidateVer(kern._pkg) if pkc.DependsList.has_key('Depends'): dependencies = pkc.DependsList['Depends'] else: # Didn't find. return None for dep in dependencies: name = dep[0].TargetPkg.Name if name.startswith('linux-image-2.'): return name elif name.startswith('linux-'): return self.traverse_for_kernel(cache, name) def remove_unusable_kernels(self): """Remove unusable kernels; keeping them may cause us to be unable to boot.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return self.db.progress('START', 0, 5, 'ubiquity/install/title') self.db.progress('INFO', 'ubiquity/install/find_removables') # Check for kernel packages to remove. dbfilter = check_kernels.CheckKernels(None, self.db) dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) install_kernels = set() new_kernel_pkg = None new_kernel_version = None if os.path.exists("/var/lib/ubiquity/install-kernels"): install_kernels_file = open("/var/lib/ubiquity/install-kernels") for line in install_kernels_file: kernel = line.strip() install_kernels.add(kernel) # If we decided to actively install a particular kernel like # this, it's probably because we prefer it to the default # one, so we'd better update kernel_version to match. if kernel.startswith('linux-image-2.'): new_kernel_pkg = kernel new_kernel_version = kernel[12:] elif kernel.startswith('linux-generic-'): # Traverse dependencies to find the real kernel image. cache = Cache() kernel = self.traverse_for_kernel(cache, kernel) if kernel: new_kernel_pkg = kernel new_kernel_version = kernel[12:] install_kernels_file.close() remove_kernels = set() if os.path.exists("/var/lib/ubiquity/remove-kernels"): remove_kernels_file = open("/var/lib/ubiquity/remove-kernels") for line in remove_kernels_file: remove_kernels.add(line.strip()) remove_kernels_file.close() if len(install_kernels) == 0 and len(remove_kernels) == 0: self.db.progress('STOP') return # TODO cjwatson 2009-10-19: These regions are rather crude and # should be improved. self.db.progress('SET', 1) self.progress_region(1, 2) if install_kernels: self.do_install(install_kernels) if new_kernel_pkg: cache = Cache() cached_pkg = self.get_cache_pkg(cache, new_kernel_pkg) if cached_pkg is not None and cached_pkg.isInstalled: self.kernel_version = new_kernel_version else: remove_kernels = [] del cache else: remove_kernels = [] self.db.progress('SET', 2) self.progress_region(2, 5) try: if remove_kernels: install_misc.record_removed(remove_kernels, recursive=True) except: self.db.progress('STOP') raise self.db.progress('SET', 5) self.db.progress('STOP') def install_oem_extras(self): """Try to install additional packages requested by the distributor""" try: inst_langpacks = \ self.db.get('oem-config/install-language-support') == 'true' except debconf.DebconfError: inst_langpacks = False if inst_langpacks: self.select_language_packs() try: extra_packages = self.db.get('oem-config/extra_packages') if extra_packages: extra_packages = extra_packages.replace(',', ' ').split() elif not inst_langpacks: return else: extra_packages = [] except debconf.DebconfError: if not inst_langpacks: return if inst_langpacks: extra_packages += self.langpacks save_replace = None save_override = None custom = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/oem-config.list' apt_update = ['debconf-apt-progress', '--', 'apt-get', 'update'] trusted_db = '/etc/apt/trusted.gpg' try: if 'DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE' in os.environ: save_replace = os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE'] if 'DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE' in os.environ: save_override = os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE'] os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE'] = 'configdb' os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE'] = 'Pipe{infd:none outfd:none}' try: extra_pool = self.db.get('oem-config/repository') except debconf.DebconfError: extra_pool = '' try: extra_key = self.db.get('oem-config/key') except debconf.DebconfError: extra_key = '' if extra_pool: with open(custom, 'w') as f: print >>f, extra_pool if extra_key and os.path.exists(extra_key): if os.path.exists(trusted_db): shutil.copy(trusted_db, trusted_db + '.oem-config') subprocess.call(['apt-key', 'add', extra_key]) if extra_pool: subprocess.call(apt_update) # We don't support asking questions on behalf of packages specified # here yet, as we don't support asking arbitrary questions in # components/install.py yet. This is complicated not only by the # present lack of dialogs for string and multiselect, but also # because we don't have any way of discerning between questions # asked by this module and questions asked by packages being # installed. cmd = ['debconf-apt-progress', '--', 'apt-get', '-y', 'install'] cmd += extra_packages try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: if e.returncode != 30: cache = Cache() brokenpkgs = self.broken_packages(cache) self.warn_broken_packages(brokenpkgs, str(e)) finally: if os.path.exists(trusted_db + '.oem-config'): shutil.copy(trusted_db + '.oem-config', trusted_db) if os.path.exists(custom): os.unlink(custom) subprocess.call(apt_update) if save_replace: os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_REPLACE'] = save_replace if save_override: os.environ['DEBCONF_DB_OVERRIDE'] = save_override if inst_langpacks: self.verify_language_packs() def install_extras(self): """Try to install additional packages requested by installer components.""" # We only ever install these packages from the CD. sources_list = os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/apt/sources.list') os.rename(sources_list, "%s.apt-setup" % sources_list) old_sources = open("%s.apt-setup" % sources_list) new_sources = open(sources_list, 'w') found_cdrom = False for line in old_sources: if 'cdrom:' in line: print >>new_sources, line, found_cdrom = True new_sources.close() old_sources.close() if not found_cdrom: os.rename("%s.apt-setup" % sources_list, sources_list) self.do_install(install_misc.query_recorded_installed()) if found_cdrom: os.rename("%s.apt-setup" % sources_list, sources_list) # TODO cjwatson 2007-08-09: python reimplementation of # oem-config/finish-install.d/07oem-config-user. This really needs # to die in a great big chemical fire and call the same shell script # instead. try: if self.db.get('oem-config/enable') == 'true': if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.target, 'home/oem')): open(os.path.join(self.target, 'home/oem/.hwdb'), 'w').close() for desktop_file in ( 'usr/share/applications/oem-config-prepare-gtk.desktop', 'usr/share/applications/kde4/oem-config-prepare-kde.desktop'): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.target, desktop_file)): desktop_base = os.path.basename(desktop_file) install_misc.chrex(self.target,'install', '-d', '-o', 'oem', '-g', 'oem', '/home/oem/Desktop') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'install', '-o', 'oem', '-g', 'oem', '/%s' % desktop_file, '/home/oem/Desktop/%s' % desktop_base) break # Carry the locale setting over to the installed system. # This mimics the behavior in 01oem-config-udeb. di_locale = self.db.get('debian-installer/locale') if di_locale: install_misc.set_debconf(self.target, 'debian-installer/locale', di_locale, self.db) #in an automated install, this key needs to carry over installable_lang = self.db.get('ubiquity/only-show-installable-languages') if installable_lang: install_misc.set_debconf(self.target, 'ubiquity/only-show-installable-languages', installable_lang, self.db) except debconf.DebconfError: pass def remove_extras(self): """Try to remove packages that are needed on the live CD but not on the installed system.""" # Looking through files for packages to remove is pretty quick, so # don't bother with a progress bar for that. # Check for packages specific to the live CD. manifest_desktop = os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.manifest-desktop') manifest = os.path.join(self.casper_path, 'filesystem.manifest') if (os.path.exists(manifest_desktop) and os.path.exists(manifest)): desktop_packages = set() manifest_file = open(manifest_desktop) for line in manifest_file: if line.strip() != '' and not line.startswith('#'): desktop_packages.add(line.split()[0]) manifest_file.close() live_packages = set() manifest_file = open(manifest) for line in manifest_file: if line.strip() != '' and not line.startswith('#'): live_packages.add(line.split()[0]) manifest_file.close() difference = live_packages - desktop_packages else: difference = set() # Keep packages we explicitly installed. keep = install_misc.query_recorded_installed() arch, subarch = self.archdetect() if arch in ('amd64', 'i386', 'lpia'): if 'grub' not in keep: difference.add('grub') if 'grub-pc' not in keep: difference.add('grub-pc') if 'lilo' not in keep: difference.add('lilo') cache = Cache() difference -= self.expand_dependencies_simple(cache, keep, difference) del cache if len(difference) == 0: return use_restricted = True try: if self.db.get('apt-setup/restricted') == 'false': use_restricted = False except debconf.DebconfError: pass if not use_restricted: cache = self.restricted_cache for pkg in cache.keys(): if (cache[pkg].isInstalled and cache[pkg].section.startswith('restricted/')): difference.add(pkg) del cache install_misc.record_removed(difference) # Don't worry about failures removing packages; it will be easier # for the user to sort them out with a graphical package manager (or # whatever) after installation than it will be to try to deal with # them automatically here. (regular, recursive) = install_misc.query_recorded_removed() self.do_remove(regular) self.do_remove(recursive, recursive=True) oem_remove_extras = False try: oem_remove_extras = misc.create_bool(self.db.get('oem-config/remove_extras')) except debconf.DebconfError: pass if oem_remove_extras: installed = (desktop_packages | keep - regular - recursive) p = os.path.join(self.target, '/var/lib/ubiquity/installed-packages') with open(p, 'w') as fp: for line in installed: print >>fp, line def remove_oem_extras(self): '''Try to remove packages that were not part of the base install and are not needed by the final system. This is roughly the set of packages installed by ubiquity + packages we explicitly installed in oem-config (langpacks, for example) - everything else.''' manifest = '/var/lib/ubiquity/installed-packages' if not os.path.exists(manifest): return keep = set() with open(manifest) as manifest_file: for line in manifest_file: if line.strip() != '' and not line.startswith('#'): keep.add(line.split()[0]) # Lets not rip out the ground beneath our feet. keep.add('ubiquity') keep.add('oem-config') cache = Cache() remove = set([pkg for pkg in cache.keys() if cache[pkg].isInstalled]) # Keep packages we explicitly installed. keep |= install_misc.query_recorded_installed() remove -= self.expand_dependencies_simple(cache, keep, remove) del cache install_misc.record_removed(remove) (regular, recursive) = install_misc.query_recorded_removed() self.do_remove(regular) self.do_remove(recursive, recursive=True) def copy_tree(self, source, target, uid, gid): # Mostly stolen from copy_all. directory_times = [] s = '/' for p in target.split(os.sep)[1:]: s = os.path.join(s, p) if not os.path.exists(s): os.mkdir(s) os.lchown(s, uid, gid) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source): sp = dirpath[len(source) + 1:] for name in dirnames + filenames: relpath = os.path.join(sp, name) sourcepath = os.path.join(source, relpath) targetpath = os.path.join(target, relpath) st = os.lstat(sourcepath) mode = stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) if stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): if os.path.lexists(targetpath): os.unlink(targetpath) linkto = os.readlink(sourcepath) os.symlink(linkto, targetpath) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if not os.path.isdir(targetpath): os.mkdir(targetpath, mode) elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFCHR | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFBLK | mode, st.st_rdev) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFIFO | mode) elif stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): os.mknod(targetpath, stat.S_IFSOCK | mode) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): osextras.unlink_force(targetpath) self.copy_file(sourcepath, targetpath, True) os.lchown(targetpath, uid, gid) if not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.chmod(targetpath, mode) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): directory_times.append((targetpath, st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) # os.utime() sets timestamp of target, not link elif not stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): os.utime(targetpath, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime)) # Apply timestamps to all directories now that the items within them # have been copied. for dirtime in directory_times: (directory, atime, mtime) = dirtime try: os.utime(directory, (atime, mtime)) except OSError: # I have no idea why I've been getting lots of bug reports # about this failing, but I really don't care. Ignore it. pass def copy_network_config(self): if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ: casper_user = os.path.expanduser('~%s' % os.environ['SUDO_USER']) else: casper_user = os.path.expanduser('~') target_user = self.db.get('passwd/username') # GTK # FIXME evand 2009-12-11: We assume /home here, but determine it below. target_keyrings = os.path.join(self.target, 'home', target_user, '.gnome2/keyrings') # Sanity checks. We don't want to do anything if a network # configuration already exists, which will be the case if the user # selected to install without formatting. if os.path.exists(target_keyrings): return config_source = 'xml:readwrite:$HOME/.gconf' subp = subprocess.Popen(['chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-i', '-n', '-u', target_user, '--', 'gconftool-2', '--direct', '--config-source', config_source, '--dir-exists', '/system/networking'], close_fds=True) subp.communicate() if subp.returncode == 0: return from ubiquity import gconftool if gconftool.dump('/system/networking', os.path.join(self.target, 'tmp/live-network-config')): # Ick. subprocess.call(['log-output', '-t', 'ubiquity', 'chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-i', '-n', '-u', target_user, '--', 'gconftool-2', '--direct', '--config-source', config_source, '--load', '/tmp/live-network-config'], close_fds=True) os.remove('/target/tmp/live-network-config') source_keyrings = os.path.join(casper_user, '.gnome2/keyrings') if os.path.exists(source_keyrings): # We could just figure out what $HOME is and stat it as an # alternative. uid = subprocess.Popen(['chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-u', target_user, '--', 'id', '-u'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip('\n') gid = subprocess.Popen(['chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-u', target_user, '--', 'id', '-g'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip('\n') uid = int(uid) gid = int(gid) self.copy_tree(source_keyrings, target_keyrings, uid, gid) # KDE TODO def recache_apparmor(self): """Generate an apparmor cache in /etc/apparmor.d/cache to speed up boot time.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.target, 'etc/init.d/apparmor')): syslog.syslog('Apparmor is not installed, so not generating cache.') return install_misc.chrex(self.target,'mount', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/proc') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'mount', '-t', 'sysfs', 'sysfs', '/sys') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'mount', '-t', 'securityfs', 'securityfs', '/sys/kernel/security') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'/etc/init.d/apparmor', 'recache') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'umount', '/proc') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'umount', '/sys/kernel/security') install_misc.chrex(self.target,'umount', '/sys') def copy_wallpaper_cache(self): """Copy wallpaper cache for libgnome desktop so that it's taken into account by ureadahead. Only install on system having g-s-d.""" if 'UBIQUITY_OEM_USER_CONFIG' in os.environ: return # we don't use copy_network_config casper user trick as it's not and not # ubuntu in install mode casper_user = 'ubuntu' casper_user_home = os.path.expanduser('~%s' % casper_user) casper_user_wallpaper_cache_dir = os.path.join(casper_user_home, '.cache', 'wallpaper') target_user = self.db.get('passwd/username') target_user_cache_dir = os.path.join(self.target, 'home', target_user, '.cache') target_user_wallpaper_cache_dir = os.path.join(target_user_cache_dir, 'wallpaper') if not os.path.isdir(target_user_wallpaper_cache_dir) and \ os.path.isfile('/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/' 'gnome-update-wallpaper-cache'): # installer mode (else, g-s-d created it) if not os.path.isdir(casper_user_wallpaper_cache_dir): subprocess.call(['sudo', '-u', casper_user, '-i', 'DISPLAY=:0', '/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/' 'gnome-update-wallpaper-cache']) # copy to targeted user uid = subprocess.Popen(['chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-u', target_user, '--', 'id', '-u'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip('\n') gid = subprocess.Popen(['chroot', self.target, 'sudo', '-u', target_user, '--', 'id', '-g'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip('\n') uid = int(uid) gid = int(gid) self.copy_tree(casper_user_wallpaper_cache_dir, target_user_wallpaper_cache_dir, uid, gid) os.chmod(target_user_cache_dir, 0700) os.chmod(target_user_wallpaper_cache_dir, 0700) def cleanup(self): """Miscellaneous cleanup tasks.""" misc.execute('umount', os.path.join(self.target, 'cdrom')) env = dict(os.environ) env['OVERRIDE_BASE_INSTALLABLE'] = '1' subprocess.call(['/usr/lib/ubiquity/apt-setup/finish-install'], env=env) for apt_conf in ('00NoMountCDROM', '00IgnoreTimeConflict', '00AllowUnauthenticated'): osextras.unlink_force(os.path.join( self.target, 'etc/apt/apt.conf.d', apt_conf)) if self.source == '/var/lib/ubiquity/source': self.umount_source() if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.path.exists('/var/lib/ubiquity'): os.makedirs('/var/lib/ubiquity') osextras.unlink_force('/var/lib/ubiquity/install.trace') install = Install() sys.excepthook = install.excepthook install.run() sys.exit(0) # vim:ai:et:sts=4:tw=80:sw=4: