/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- * Worldvisions Weaver Software: * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Net Integration Technologies, Inc. * * Pathfinder Software: * Copyright (C) 2007, Carillon Information Security Inc. * * This library is licensed under the LGPL, please read LICENSE for details. * */ #include "wvdbusconn.h" #include "wvmoniker.h" #include "wvstrutils.h" #undef interface // windows #include static WvString translate(WvStringParm dbus_moniker) { WvStringList l; WvStringList::Iter i(l); if (!strncasecmp(dbus_moniker, "unix:", 5)) { WvString path, tmpdir; l.split(dbus_moniker+5, ","); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) { if (!strncasecmp(*i, "path=", 5)) path = *i + 5; else if (!strncasecmp(*i, "abstract=", 9)) path = WvString("@%s", *i + 9); else if (!strncasecmp(*i, "tmpdir=", 7)) tmpdir = *i + 7; } if (!!path) return WvString("unix:%s", path); else if (!!tmpdir) return WvString("unix:%s/dbus.sock", tmpdir); } else if (!strncasecmp(dbus_moniker, "tcp:", 4)) { WvString host, port, family; l.split(dbus_moniker+4, ","); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) { if (!strncasecmp(*i, "family=", 7)) family = *i + 7; else if (!strncasecmp(*i, "host=", 5)) host = *i + 5; else if (!strncasecmp(*i, "port=", 5)) port = *i + 5; } if (!!host && !!port) return WvString("tcp:%s:%s", host, port); else if (!!host) return WvString("tcp:%s", host); else if (!!port) return WvString("tcp:", port); // localhost } return dbus_moniker; // unrecognized } static IWvStream *stream_creator(WvStringParm _s, IObject *) { WvString s(_s); if (!strcasecmp(s, "starter")) { WvString startbus(getenv("DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS")); if (!!startbus) return IWvStream::create(translate(startbus)); else { WvString starttype(getenv("DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE")); if (!!starttype && !strcasecmp(starttype, "system")) s = "system"; else if (!!starttype && !strcasecmp(starttype, "session")) s = "session"; } } if (!strcasecmp(s, "system")) { // NOTE: the environment variable for the address of the system // bus is very often not set-- in that case, look in your dbus // system bus config file (e.g. /etc/dbus-1/system.conf) for the // raw address and either set this environment variable to that, or // pass in the address directly WvString bus(getenv("DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS")); if (!!bus) return IWvStream::create(translate(bus)); } if (!strcasecmp(s, "session")) { WvString bus(getenv("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS")); if (!!bus) return IWvStream::create(translate(bus)); } return IWvStream::create(translate(s)); } static WvMoniker reg("dbus", stream_creator); static int conncount; WvDBusConn::WvDBusConn(IWvStream *_cloned, IWvDBusAuth *_auth, bool _client) : WvStreamClone(_cloned), log(WvString("DBus %s%s", _client ? "" : "s", ++conncount), WvLog::Debug5), pending(10) { init(_auth, _client); } WvDBusConn::WvDBusConn(WvStringParm moniker, IWvDBusAuth *_auth, bool _client) : WvStreamClone(IWvStream::create(moniker)), log(WvString("DBus %s%s", _client ? "" : "s", ++conncount), WvLog::Debug5), pending(10) { log("Connecting to '%s'\n", moniker); init(_auth, _client); } void WvDBusConn::init(IWvDBusAuth *_auth, bool _client) { log("Initializing.\n"); client = _client; auth = _auth ? _auth : new WvDBusClientAuth; authorized = in_post_select = false; if (!client) set_uniquename(WvString(":%s.0", conncount)); if (!isok()) return; delay_output(true); // this will get enqueued until later, but we want to make sure it // comes before anything the user tries to send - including anything // goofy they enqueue in the authorization part. if (client) send_hello(); try_auth(); } WvDBusConn::~WvDBusConn() { log("Shutting down.\n"); if (geterr()) log("Error was: %s\n", errstr()); close(); delete auth; } void WvDBusConn::close() { if (!closed) log("Closing.\n"); WvStreamClone::close(); } WvString WvDBusConn::uniquename() const { return _uniquename; } void WvDBusConn::request_name(WvStringParm name, const WvDBusCallback &onreply, time_t msec_timeout) { uint32_t flags = (DBUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT | DBUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING); WvDBusMsg msg("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "RequestName"); msg.append(name).append(flags); send(msg, onreply, msec_timeout); } uint32_t WvDBusConn::send(WvDBusMsg msg) { msg.marshal(out_queue); if (authorized) { log(" >> %s\n", msg); write(out_queue); } else log(" .> %s\n", msg); return msg.get_serial(); } void WvDBusConn::send(WvDBusMsg msg, const WvDBusCallback &onreply, time_t msec_timeout) { send(msg); if (onreply) add_pending(msg, onreply, msec_timeout); } class xxReplyWaiter { public: WvDBusMsg *reply; xxReplyWaiter() { reply = NULL; } ~xxReplyWaiter() { delete reply; } bool reply_wait(WvDBusMsg &msg) { reply = new WvDBusMsg(msg); return true; } }; WvDBusMsg WvDBusConn::send_and_wait(WvDBusMsg msg, time_t msec_timeout, wv::function serial_cb) { xxReplyWaiter rw; send(msg, wv::bind(&xxReplyWaiter::reply_wait, &rw, _1), msec_timeout); if (serial_cb) serial_cb(msg.get_serial()); while (!rw.reply && isok()) runonce(); if (!rw.reply) return WvDBusError(msg, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, WvString("Connection closed (%s) " "while waiting for reply.", errstr())); else return *rw.reply; } void WvDBusConn::out(WvStringParm s) { log(" >> %s", s); print(s); } const char *WvDBusConn::in() { const char *s = trim_string(getline(0)); if (s) log("<< %s\n", s); return s; } void WvDBusConn::send_hello() { WvDBusMsg msg("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "Hello"); send(msg, wv::bind(&WvDBusConn::_registered, this, _1)); WvDBusMsg msg2("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "AddMatch"); msg2.append("type='signal'"); send(msg2); // don't need to monitor this for completion } void WvDBusConn::set_uniquename(WvStringParm s) { // we want to print the message before switching log.app, so that we // can trace which log.app turned into which log("Assigned name '%s'\n", s); _uniquename = s; log.app = WvString("DBus %s%s", client ? "" : "s", uniquename()); } void WvDBusConn::try_auth() { bool done = auth->authorize(*this); if (done) { // ready to send messages! if (out_queue.used()) { log(" >> (sending enqueued messages)\n"); write(out_queue); } authorized = true; } } void WvDBusConn::add_callback(CallbackPri pri, WvDBusCallback cb, void *cookie) { callbacks.append(new CallbackInfo(pri, cb, cookie), true); } void WvDBusConn::del_callback(void *cookie) { // remember, there might be more than one callback with the same cookie. CallbackInfoList::Iter i(callbacks); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) if (i->cookie == cookie) i.xunlink(); } int WvDBusConn::priority_order(const CallbackInfo *a, const CallbackInfo *b) { return a->pri - b->pri; } bool WvDBusConn::filter_func(WvDBusMsg &msg) { log("<< %s\n", msg); // handle replies uint32_t rserial = msg.get_replyserial(); if (rserial) { Pending *p = pending[rserial]; if (p) { p->cb(msg); pending.remove(p); return true; // handled it } } // handle all the generic filters CallbackInfoList::Sorter i(callbacks, priority_order); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) { bool handled = i->cb(msg); if (handled) return true; } return false; // couldn't handle the message, sorry } WvDBusClientAuth::WvDBusClientAuth() { sent_request = false; } wvuid_t WvDBusClientAuth::get_uid() { return wvgetuid(); } bool WvDBusClientAuth::authorize(WvDBusConn &c) { if (!sent_request) { c.write("\0", 1); WvString uid = get_uid(); c.out("AUTH EXTERNAL %s\r\n\0", WvHexEncoder().strflushstr(uid)); sent_request = true; } else { const char *line = c.in(); if (line) { if (!strncasecmp(line, "OK ", 3)) { c.out("BEGIN\r\n"); return true; } else if (!strncasecmp(line, "ERROR ", 6)) c.seterr("Auth failed: %s", line); else c.seterr("Unknown AUTH response: '%s'", line); } } return false; } time_t WvDBusConn::mintimeout_msec() { WvTime when = 0; PendingDict::Iter i(pending); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) { if (!when || when > i->valid_until) when = i->valid_until; } if (!when) return -1; else if (when <= wvstime()) return 0; else return msecdiff(when, wvstime()); } bool WvDBusConn::post_select(SelectInfo &si) { bool ready = WvStreamClone::post_select(si); if (si.inherit_request) return ready; if (in_post_select) return false; in_post_select = true; if (!authorized && ready) try_auth(); if (!alarm_remaining()) { WvTime now = wvstime(); PendingDict::Iter i(pending); for (i.rewind(); i.next(); ) { if (now > i->valid_until) { log("Expiring %s\n", i->msg); expire_pending(i.ptr()); i.rewind(); } } } if (authorized && ready) { // put this in a loop so that wvdbusd can forward packets rapidly. // Otherwise TCP_NODELAY kicks in, because we do a select() loop // between packets, which causes delay_output() to flush. bool ran; do { ran = false; size_t needed = WvDBusMsg::demarshal_bytes_needed(in_queue); size_t amt = needed - in_queue.used(); if (amt < 4096) amt = 4096; read(in_queue, amt); WvDBusMsg *m; while ((m = WvDBusMsg::demarshal(in_queue)) != NULL) { ran = true; filter_func(*m); delete m; } } while (ran); } alarm(mintimeout_msec()); in_post_select = false; return false; } bool WvDBusConn::isidle() { return !out_queue.used() && pending.isempty(); } void WvDBusConn::expire_pending(Pending *p) { if (p) { WvDBusCallback xcb(p->cb); pending.remove(p); // prevent accidental recursion WvDBusError e(p->msg, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Timed out while waiting for reply"); xcb(e); } } void WvDBusConn::cancel_pending(uint32_t serial) { Pending *p = pending[serial]; if (p) { WvDBusCallback xcb(p->cb); WvDBusMsg msg(p->msg); pending.remove(p); // prevent accidental recursion WvDBusError e(msg, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Canceled while waiting for reply"); xcb(e); } } void WvDBusConn::add_pending(WvDBusMsg &msg, WvDBusCallback cb, time_t msec_timeout) { uint32_t serial = msg.get_serial(); assert(serial); if (pending[serial]) cancel_pending(serial); pending.add(new Pending(msg, cb, msec_timeout), true); alarm(mintimeout_msec()); } bool WvDBusConn::_registered(WvDBusMsg &msg) { WvDBusMsg::Iter i(msg); _uniquename = i.getnext().get_str(); set_uniquename(_uniquename); return true; }