#include "wvstreamsdaemon.h" #include "wvstreamclone.h" #include "wvtcplistener.h" #include "wvlog.h" const char * NAME = "MyWvStreamsDaemon"; const char * VERSION = "1.0"; const int default_port = 2121; class MyClient : public WvStreamClone { public: MyClient(IWvStream *conn) : WvStreamClone(conn), log("MyClient", WvLog::Info) { uses_continue_select = true; print("Hello I am %s v%s\n", NAME, VERSION); log(WvLog::Notice, "Connection from: %s\n", *conn->src()); } virtual ~MyClient() { log(WvLog::Notice, "Connection to %s closed!\n", *cloned->src()); terminate_continue_select(); } virtual void execute() { // FIXME: Handle carraige returns.. WvStreamClone::execute(); WvString line = blocking_getline(-1); if (!!line) { if (strncmp(line.cstr(), "quit", 4) == 0) { print("Goodbye!\n"); flush_then_close(1000); } print("You said: %s\n", line); } } private: WvLog log; }; class MyListener : public WvTCPListener { public: MyListener(const WvIPPortAddr &addr) : WvTCPListener(addr), log("MyListener", WvLog::Info) { if (isok()) { onaccept(wv::bind(&MyListener::accept_conn, this, _1)); log("Listening for client connections on %s\n", addr); } else log(WvLog::Error, "Failed to listen for client connections on %s\n", addr); } private: void accept_conn(IWvStream *s); WvLog log; }; class MyWvStreamsDaemon : public WvStreamsDaemon { public: MyWvStreamsDaemon() : WvStreamsDaemon("MyWvStreamsDaemon", "1.0", wv::bind(&MyWvStreamsDaemon::cb, this)), port(default_port), log("MyWvStreamsDaemon", WvLog::Info) { args.add_option('p', "port", "specify alternate port number", "PORT", port); } virtual ~MyWvStreamsDaemon() {} void cb() { log("MyWvStreamsDaemon starting..\n", port); WvString bindto("", port); MyListener *l = new MyListener(bindto); add_stream(l, true, "echo port"); } private: int port; WvLog log; }; static MyWvStreamsDaemon d; void MyListener::accept_conn(IWvStream *s) { log("Incoming TCP connection from %s.\n", *s->src()); d.add_stream(new MyClient(s), true, "MyClient"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return d.run(argc, argv); }