/** * $Id: KX_VertexProxy.cpp 28254 2010-04-18 10:28:37Z campbellbarton $ * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef DISABLE_PYTHON #include "KX_VertexProxy.h" #include "KX_MeshProxy.h" #include "RAS_TexVert.h" #include "KX_PyMath.h" PyTypeObject KX_VertexProxy::Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "KX_VertexProxy", sizeof(PyObjectPlus_Proxy), 0, py_base_dealloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, py_base_repr, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Methods, 0, 0, &CValue::Type, 0,0,0,0,0,0, py_base_new }; PyMethodDef KX_VertexProxy::Methods[] = { {"getXYZ", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPyGetXYZ,METH_NOARGS}, {"setXYZ", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPySetXYZ,METH_O}, {"getUV", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPyGetUV,METH_NOARGS}, {"setUV", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPySetUV,METH_O}, {"getUV2", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPyGetUV2,METH_NOARGS}, {"setUV2", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPySetUV2,METH_VARARGS}, {"getRGBA", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPyGetRGBA,METH_NOARGS}, {"setRGBA", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPySetRGBA,METH_O}, {"getNormal", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPyGetNormal,METH_NOARGS}, {"setNormal", (PyCFunction)KX_VertexProxy::sPySetNormal,METH_O}, {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel }; PyAttributeDef KX_VertexProxy::Attributes[] = { //KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TODO("DummyProps"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("x"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("y"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("z"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("r"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("g"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("b"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("a"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("u"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("v"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("u2"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("v2"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("XYZ"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("UV"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("color"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("colour"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("normal"), { NULL } //Sentinel }; #if 0 PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::py_getattro(PyObject *attr) { char *attr_str= _PyUnicode_AsString(attr); if (attr_str[1]=='\0') { // Group single letters // pos if (attr_str[0]=='x') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[0]); if (attr_str[0]=='y') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[1]); if (attr_str[0]=='z') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[2]); // Col if (attr_str[0]=='r') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[0]/255.0); if (attr_str[0]=='g') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[1]/255.0); if (attr_str[0]=='b') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[2]/255.0); if (attr_str[0]=='a') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[3]/255.0); // UV if (attr_str[0]=='u') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getUV1()[0]); if (attr_str[0]=='v') return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getUV1()[1]); } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "XYZ")) return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector3(m_vertex->getXYZ())); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "UV")) return PyObjectFrom(MT_Point2(m_vertex->getUV1())); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "color") || !strcmp(attr_str, "colour")) { const unsigned char *colp = m_vertex->getRGBA(); MT_Vector4 color(colp[0], colp[1], colp[2], colp[3]); color /= 255.0; return PyObjectFrom(color); } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "normal")) { return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector3(m_vertex->getNormal())); } py_getattro_up(CValue); } #endif #if 0 int KX_VertexProxy::py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *pyvalue) { char *attr_str= _PyUnicode_AsString(attr); if (PySequence_Check(pyvalue)) { if (!strcmp(attr_str, "XYZ")) { MT_Point3 vec; if (PyVecTo(pyvalue, vec)) { m_vertex->SetXYZ(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "UV")) { MT_Point2 vec; if (PyVecTo(pyvalue, vec)) { m_vertex->SetUV(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "color") || !strcmp(attr_str, "colour")) { MT_Vector4 vec; if (PyVecTo(pyvalue, vec)) { m_vertex->SetRGBA(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "normal")) { MT_Vector3 vec; if (PyVecTo(pyvalue, vec)) { m_vertex->SetNormal(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } } if (PyFloat_Check(pyvalue)) { float val = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue); // pos MT_Point3 pos(m_vertex->getXYZ()); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "x")) { pos.x() = val; m_vertex->SetXYZ(pos); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "y")) { pos.y() = val; m_vertex->SetXYZ(pos); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "z")) { pos.z() = val; m_vertex->SetXYZ(pos); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } // uv MT_Point2 uv = m_vertex->getUV1(); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "u")) { uv[0] = val; m_vertex->SetUV(uv); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "v")) { uv[1] = val; m_vertex->SetUV(uv); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } // uv MT_Point2 uv2 = m_vertex->getUV2(); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "u2")) { uv[0] = val; m_vertex->SetUV2(uv); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return 0; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "v2")) { uv[1] = val; m_vertex->SetUV2(uv); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } // col unsigned int icol = *((const unsigned int *)m_vertex->getRGBA()); unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char*) &icol; val *= 255.0; if (!strcmp(attr_str, "r")) { cp[0] = (unsigned char) val; m_vertex->SetRGBA(icol); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "g")) { cp[1] = (unsigned char) val; m_vertex->SetRGBA(icol); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "b")) { cp[2] = (unsigned char) val; m_vertex->SetRGBA(icol); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "a")) { cp[3] = (unsigned char) val; m_vertex->SetRGBA(icol); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } } return CValue::py_setattro(attr, pyvalue); } #endif KX_VertexProxy::KX_VertexProxy(KX_MeshProxy*mesh, RAS_TexVert* vertex) : m_vertex(vertex), m_mesh(mesh) { } KX_VertexProxy::~KX_VertexProxy() { } // stuff for cvalue related things CValue* KX_VertexProxy::Calc(VALUE_OPERATOR, CValue *) { return NULL;} CValue* KX_VertexProxy::CalcFinal(VALUE_DATA_TYPE, VALUE_OPERATOR, CValue *) { return NULL;} STR_String sVertexName="vertex"; const STR_String & KX_VertexProxy::GetText() {return sVertexName;}; double KX_VertexProxy::GetNumber() { return -1;} STR_String& KX_VertexProxy::GetName() { return sVertexName;} void KX_VertexProxy::SetName(const char *) { }; CValue* KX_VertexProxy::GetReplica() { return NULL;} // stuff for python integration PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PyGetXYZ() { return PyObjectFrom(MT_Point3(m_vertex->getXYZ())); } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PySetXYZ(PyObject* value) { MT_Point3 vec; if (!PyVecTo(value, vec)) return NULL; m_vertex->SetXYZ(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PyGetNormal() { return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector3(m_vertex->getNormal())); } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PySetNormal(PyObject* value) { MT_Vector3 vec; if (!PyVecTo(value, vec)) return NULL; m_vertex->SetNormal(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PyGetRGBA() { int *rgba = (int *) m_vertex->getRGBA(); return PyLong_FromSsize_t(*rgba); } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PySetRGBA(PyObject* value) { if PyLong_Check(value) { int rgba = PyLong_AsSsize_t(value); m_vertex->SetRGBA(rgba); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } else { MT_Vector4 vec; if (PyVecTo(value, vec)) { m_vertex->SetRGBA(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "vert.setRGBA(value): KX_VertexProxy, expected a 4D vector or an int"); return NULL; } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PyGetUV() { return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector2(m_vertex->getUV1())); } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PySetUV(PyObject* value) { MT_Point2 vec; if (!PyVecTo(value, vec)) return NULL; m_vertex->SetUV(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PyGetUV2() { return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector2(m_vertex->getUV2())); } PyObject* KX_VertexProxy::PySetUV2(PyObject* args) { MT_Point2 vec; unsigned int unit= RAS_TexVert::SECOND_UV; PyObject* list= NULL; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|i:setUV2", &list, &unit)) return NULL; if (!PyVecTo(list, vec)) return NULL; m_vertex->SetFlag((m_vertex->getFlag()|RAS_TexVert::SECOND_UV)); m_vertex->SetUnit(unit); m_vertex->SetUV2(vec); m_mesh->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; } #endif // DISABLE_PYTHON