# FontConfig.py (c) 2006 Canonical, released under the GPL # # This file implements the fontconfig hack # # The problem is that different languages have different needs for # fontconfig preferences. While it would be really good to have a single # config file it seems to be not feasible right now for practial purposes # (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperL10nSprint for more information) # # so this file implements a hack to add prefered languages based on the # configuration we got from the CJK community import glob import string import os.path from LocaleInfo import LocaleInfo import macros class ExceptionMultipleConfigurations(Exception): " error when multiple languages are symlinked " pass class ExceptionUnconfigured(Exception): " error if no configuration is set " pass class ExceptionNoConfigForLocale(Exception): " error if there is no config for the given locale " pass class FontConfigHack(object): """ abstract the fontconfig hack """ def __init__(self, datadir="/usr/share/language-selector/", globalConfDir="/etc/fonts"): self.datadir="%s/fontconfig" % datadir self._datadir = datadir self.globalConfDir=globalConfDir self.li = LocaleInfo("languagelist", datadir) def _getLocaleCountryFromFileName(self, name): """ internal helper to extracr from our fontconfig filenames of the form 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf the locale and country returns string of the form locale_COUTNRY (e.g. zh_TW) """ fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] (head, ll, cc) = string.rsplit(fname, "-", 2) return "%s_%s" % (ll, cc.upper()) def getAvailableConfigs(self): """ get the configurations we have as a list of languages (returns a list of ['zh_CN','zh_TW']) """ res = [] pattern = "%s/conf.avail/69-language-selector-*" % self.globalConfDir for name in glob.glob(pattern): res.append(self._getLocaleCountryFromFileName(name)) return res def getCurrentConfig(self): """ returns the current language configuration as a string (e.g. zh_CN) if the configfile is not a symlink it raises a ExceptionNotSymlink exception if the file dosn't exists raise a ExceptionUnconfigured exception """ pattern = "%s/conf.d/69-language-selector-*" % self.globalConfDir current_config = glob.glob(pattern) if len(current_config) == 0: raise ExceptionUnconfigured() if len(current_config) > 1: raise ExceptionMultipleConfigurations() return self._getLocaleCountryFromFileName(current_config[0]) def removeConfig(self): """ removes the current fontconfig-voodoo configuration and do some sanity checking """ pattern = "%s/conf.d/*-language-selector-*" % self.globalConfDir for f in glob.glob(pattern): if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) def setConfig(self, locale): """ set the configuration for 'locale'. if locale can't be found a NoConfigurationForLocale exception it thrown """ macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, locale) locale = macr["LOCALE"] # check if we have a config if locale not in self.getAvailableConfigs(): raise ExceptionNoConfigForLocale() # remove old symlink self.removeConfig() # do the symlinks, link from /etc/fonts/conf.avail in /etc/fonts/conf.d basedir = "%s/conf.avail/" % self.globalConfDir for pattern in ["*-language-selector-%s-%s.conf" % (macr["LCODE"], macr["CCODE"].lower()), "*-language-selector-%s.conf" % macr["LCODE"], ]: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(basedir,pattern)): fname = os.path.basename(f) from_link = os.path.join(self.globalConfDir,"conf.avail",fname) to_link = os.path.join(self.globalConfDir, "conf.d", fname) os.symlink(from_link, to_link) return True def setConfigBasedOnLocale(self): """ set the configuration based on the locale in LocaleInfo. If no configuration is found the fontconfig config is set to 'none' Can throw a exception """ lang = self.li.getUserDefaultLanguage()[1] if len(lang) == 0: lang = self.li.getSystemDefaultLanguage()[1] lang = lang.split(':')[0] self.setConfig(lang) if __name__ == "__main__": fc = FontConfigHack() # available print "available: ", fc.getAvailableConfigs() # current try: config = fc.getCurrentConfig() except ExceptionUnconfigured: print "unconfigured" # set config print "set config: ", fc.setConfig("zh_CN") print "current: ", fc.getCurrentConfig() # auto mode try: print "run auto mode: ", fc.setConfigBasedOnLocale() except ExceptionNoConfigForLocale: print "no config for this locale" # remove print "removeConfig()" fc.removeConfig() try: config = fc.getCurrentConfig() print "ERROR: have config after calling removeConfig()" except ExceptionUnconfigured: print "unconfigured (as expected)"