These files go into /etc/fonts/conf.avail/ (debian/install) and should be linked to /etc/fonts/conf.d/ . They replace 52-language-selector . 29-language-selector-$lang(-$country) * rendering information * should be linked by default (debian/rules) * excpetion: -zh should NOT linked by default. This the is old configuration from zh_{CN|HK|SG|TW} and has been set already by the ttf-arphic-uming font. If users require these settings for other chinese fonts (which is not recommended, because they don't contain bitmaps), then they can link the file by hand. 30-cjk-aliases * should be linked by default 69-language-selector-$lang-$country * mutually exclusive * depending on which language environment is chosen, one of these gets linked to /etc/fonts/conf.d/ . When the language environment is changed, remove this link first, then link the desired -$lang-$country file. 99-language-selector-zh * artificial emboldening for chinese fonts * should be linked by default (debian/rules)