/*++ */ /*! *! (c) Copyright 1989 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC. *! (c) Copyright 1989 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY *! (c) Copyright 1989 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION *! To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS" *! without any express or implied warranty: *! permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this *! file for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that *! the above copyright notices and this notice appears in all source *! code copies, and that none of the names of Open Software *! Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, or Digital Equipment *! Corporation be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to *! distribution of the software without specific, written prior *! permission. Neither Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett- *! Packard Company, nor Digital Equipment Corporation makes any *! representations about the suitability of this software for any *! purpose. *! *! */ /*! NAME: */ /*! */ /*! nidlmsg.msg */ /*! */ /*! FACILITY: */ /*! */ /*! Interface Definition Language (IDL) Compiler */ /*! */ /*! ABSTRACT: */ /*! */ /*! RPC IDL Compiler messages. */ /*! */ /*! */ /*! */ /*! */ /*-- */ /*+ */ /* These two symbols must have the same integer value. */ /*- */ #define NIDL_MESSAGE_VERSION_USED 2074 /* Error codes literals for IDL */ #define CAT_SET 1 #define NIDL_MESSAGE_VERSION 1 #define NIDL_CMDERR 2 #define NIDL_DEFAUTOHAN 3 #define NIDL_FILESOURCE 4 #define NIDL_FLOATPROM 5 #define NIDL_IMPORTIDL 6 #define NIDL_INCLCREATE 7 #define NIDL_LEGALVALS 8 #define NIDL_LINEFILE 9 #define NIDL_NAMEDECLAT 10 #define NIDL_NAMEREFAT 11 #define NIDL_NEWUUID 12 #define NIDL_OPTIONSTABLE 13 #define NIDL_PROCESSACF 14 #define NIDL_RUNCPP 15 #define NIDL_STUBCOMPILE 16 #define NIDL_STUBCREATE 17 #define NIDL_STUBDELETE 18 #define NIDL_TYPEREPAS 19 #define NIDL_USAGE 20 #define NIDL_VERSION 21 #define NIDL_DUPPROTOCOL 22 #define NIDL_ENDPOINTSYNTAX 23 #define NIDL_EXTRAPUNCT 24 #define NIDL_FPHANATTR 25 #define NIDL_IDTOOLONG 26 #define NIDL_INCLUDEXT 27 #define NIDL_INCLTYPE 28 #define NIDL_INTSIZEREQ 29 #define NIDL_LINENONSCAL 30 #define NIDL_MISSPTRCLASS 31 #define NIDL_MIXEDARRATTR 32 #define NIDL_MULATTRDEF 33 #define NIDL_NAMETOOLONG 34 #define NIDL_NOCODEOPS 35 #define NIDL_NOENDPOINT 36 #define NIDL_NONPORTCHAR 37 #define NIDL_NOSEMCHECK 38 #define NIDL_OLDUUID 39 #define NIDL_OUTDIRIGN 40 #define NIDL_REFUNIQUE 41 #define NIDL_SRVNOCODE 42 #define NIDL_SYSIDLNAME 43 #define NIDL_ANONPIPE 44 #define NIDL_ANONTYPE 45 #define NIDL_ARMREFPTR 46 #define NIDL_ARRELEMCFMT 47 #define NIDL_ARRELEMCTX 48 #define NIDL_ARRELEMPIPE 49 #define NIDL_ARRSIZEINFO 50 #define NIDL_ARRCFMTDIM 51 #define NIDL_ARRPTRPRM 52 #define NIDL_ARRSYNTAX 53 #define NIDL_ARRVARYDIM 54 #define NIDL_ARRXMITOPEN 55 #define NIDL_ATTRTRANS 56 #define NIDL_ATTRVALIND 57 #define NIDL_BADTAGREF 58 #define NIDL_BROADPIPE 59 #define NIDL_CASEDISCTYPE 60 #define NIDL_CASECONENUM 61 #define NIDL_CFMTARRREF 62 #define NIDL_CFMTBASETYP 63 #define NIDL_CFMTFLDLAST 64 #define NIDL_CFMTUNION 65 #define NIDL_CONFHANATTR 66 #define NIDL_CONFLINEATTR 67 #define NIDL_CONFLICTATTR 68 #define NIDL_CONFREPRTYPE 69 #define NIDL_CONSTNOTFND 70 #define NIDL_CONSTTYPE 71 #define NIDL_HYPERCONST 72 #define NIDL_MISSONINTER 73 #define NIDL_MISSONATTR 74 #define NIDL_MISSONARR 75 #define NIDL_MISSONOP 76 #define NIDL_MISSONPARAM 77 #define NIDL_CTXBASETYP 78 #define NIDL_CTXPTRVOID 79 #define NIDL_CTXSTRFLD 80 #define NIDL_CTXUNIMEM 81 #define NIDL_DEFNOTCOMP 82 #define NIDL_DUPCASEVAL 83 #define NIDL_EOF 84 #define NIDL_EOFNEAR 85 #define NIDL_ERRINATTR 86 #define NIDL_ERRSTATDEF 87 #define NIDL_FILENOTDIR 88 #define NIDL_FILENOTFND 89 #define NIDL_FIRSTINATTR 90 #define NIDL_FIRSTYPEINT 91 #define NIDL_FLOATCONSTNOSUP 92 #define NIDL_FPCFMTARR 93 #define NIDL_FPLOCINT 94 #define NIDL_FPHANPRM 95 #define NIDL_FPINPRM 96 #define NIDL_FPPIPEBASE 97 #define NIDL_FPSTRFLD 98 #define NIDL_FPUNIMEM 99 #define NIDL_FUNTYPDCL 100 #define NIDL_HANARRELEM 101 #define NIDL_HANDLEIN 102 #define NIDL_HANDLEPTR 103 #define NIDL_HANFIRSTPRM 104 #define NIDL_HANPIPEBASE 105 #define NIDL_HANPRMIN 106 #define NIDL_HANSTRFLD 107 #define NIDL_HANUNIMEM 108 #define NIDL_HANXMITAS 109 #define NIDL_IDEMPIPE 110 #define NIDL_IGNARRELEM 111 #define NIDL_IGNATTRPTR 112 #define NIDL_ILLFIELDATTR 113 #define NIDL_ILLPARAMATTR 114 #define NIDL_ILLTYPEATTR 115 #define NIDL_ILLOPATTR 116 #define NIDL_ILLINTATTR 117 #define NIDL_ILLMEMATTR 118 #define NIDL_IMPHANVAR 119 #define NIDL_IMPORTLOCAL 120 #define NIDL_INCOMPATV1 121 #define NIDL_INTCODEATTR 122 #define NIDL_INTDIVBY0 123 #define NIDL_INTLINEATTR 124 #define NIDL_INTNAMDIF 125 #define NIDL_INTOVERFLOW 126 #define NIDL_INTCONSTINVAL 127 #define NIDL_INTUUIDREQ 128 #define NIDL_INVARRIND 129 #define NIDL_INVCASETYP 130 #define NIDL_INVCHARLIT 131 #define NIDL_INVOCTDIGIT 132 #define NIDL_INVOKECPP 133 #define NIDL_INVOOLPRM 134 #define NIDL_INVOPTION 135 #define NIDL_INVPARAMS 136 #define NIDL_INVPTRCTX 137 #define NIDL_INVPTRPIPE 138 #define NIDL_LASTINATTR 139 #define NIDL_LASTLENCONF 140 #define NIDL_LASTYPEINT 141 #define NIDL_LBLESSUB 142 #define NIDL_LENINATTR 143 #define NIDL_LENTYPEINT 144 #define NIDL_MAJORTOOLARGE 145 #define NIDL_MAXCFMTYPE 146 #define NIDL_MAXIDINTF 147 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPTA 148 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPHAN 149 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPCH 150 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPPT 151 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPPIPE 152 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPRA 153 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPOOL 154 #define NIDL_MAXINATTR 155 #define NIDL_MAXSIZEATTR 156 #define NIDL_MAXSIZECONF 157 #define NIDL_MAXTYPEINT 158 #define NIDL_MAYBEOUTPRM 159 #define NIDL_MINATTREQ 160 #define NIDL_MINCFMTYPE 161 #define NIDL_MININATTR 162 #define NIDL_MINORTOOLARGE 163 #define NIDL_MINTYPEINT 164 #define NIDL_NAMEALRDEC 165 #define NIDL_NAMENOTCONST 166 #define NIDL_NAMENOTFIELD 167 #define NIDL_NAMENOTFND 168 #define NIDL_NAMENOTPARAM 169 #define NIDL_NAMENOTTYPE 170 #define NIDL_NAMEPREVDECLAT 171 #define NIDL_NLSCATVER 172 #define NIDL_NLSWRONG 173 #define NIDL_NONINTEXP 174 #define NIDL_NYSALIGN 175 #define NIDL_NYSINSHAPE 176 #define NIDL_NYSNONZEROLB 177 #define NIDL_NYSOUTSHAPE 178 #define NIDL_NYSUNIQUE 179 #define NIDL_OPCODEATTR 180 #define NIDL_OPENREAD 181 #define NIDL_OPENWRITE 182 #define NIDL_OPNOTDEF 183 #define NIDL_OUTCFMTARR 184 #define NIDL_OUTPRMREF 185 #define NIDL_OUTPTRPRM 186 #define NIDL_OUTUNIQUE 187 #define NIDL_OPRESPIPE 188 #define NIDL_OUTSTAR 189 #define NIDL_OUTUNIQPRM 190 #define NIDL_PIPEBASETYP 191 #define NIDL_PIPESTRFLD 192 #define NIDL_PIPEUNIMEM 193 #define NIDL_PIPEXMITAS 194 #define NIDL_PRMBYREF 195 #define NIDL_PRMINOROUT 196 #define NIDL_PRMLINEATTR 197 #define NIDL_PRMNOTDEF 198 #define NIDL_PTRATTRHAN 199 #define NIDL_PTRATTRPTR 200 #define NIDL_PTRBASETYP 201 #define NIDL_PTRCFMTARR 202 #define NIDL_PTRCTXHAN 203 #define NIDL_PTRPIPE 204 #define NIDL_PTRV1ENUM 205 #define NIDL_PTRVARYARR 206 #define NIDL_PTRVOIDCTX 207 #define NIDL_REFATTRPTR 208 #define NIDL_REFFUNRES 209 #define NIDL_RENAMEFAILED 210 #define NIDL_REPASNEST 211 #define NIDL_SCOPELVLS 212 #define NIDL_SIZEARRTYPE 213 #define NIDL_SIZECFMTYPE 214 #define NIDL_SIZEINATTR 215 #define NIDL_SIZEMISMATCH 216 #define NIDL_SIZEPRMPTR 217 #define NIDL_SIZETYPEINT 218 #define NIDL_SIZEVARREPAS 219 #define NIDL_SIZEVARXMITAS 220 #define NIDL_SMALLARRSYN 221 #define NIDL_SMALLCFMT 222 #define NIDL_SMALLINV 223 #define NIDL_SMALLMINFIRST 224 #define NIDL_SMALLMULTID 225 #define NIDL_SMALLOPENLB 226 #define NIDL_STRARRAY 227 #define NIDL_STRARRAYV1 228 #define NIDL_STRCHARBYTE 229 #define NIDL_STRUCTXMITCFMT 230 #define NIDL_STRUNTERM 231 #define NIDL_STRV1ARRAY 232 #define NIDL_STRV1FIXED 233 #define NIDL_STRVARY 234 #define NIDL_STSATTRONCE 235 #define NIDL_STSPRMOUT 236 #define NIDL_STSRETVAL 237 #define NIDL_STSVARTYPE 238 #define NIDL_SYNTAXERR 239 #define NIDL_SYNTAXNEAR 240 #define NIDL_SYNTAXUUID 241 #define NIDL_SYSERRMSG 242 #define NIDL_TOOMANYELEM 243 #define NIDL_TOOMANYPORT 244 #define NIDL_TYPENOTFND 245 #define NIDL_TYPLINEATTR 246 #define NIDL_TYPNOTDEF 247 #define NIDL_UNBALPARENS 248 #define NIDL_UNBALBRACKETS 249 #define NIDL_UNBALBRACES 250 #define NIDL_UNIDISCTYP 251 #define NIDL_UNIQATTRHAN 252 #define NIDL_UNIQATTRPTR 253 #define NIDL_UNIQCTXHAN 254 #define NIDL_UNIQFUNRES 255 #define NIDL_UNKNOWNATTR 256 #define NIDL_USETRANS 257 #define NIDL_UUIDINV 258 #define NIDL_VARDECLNOSUP 259 #define NIDL_VOIDOPPTR 260 #define NIDL_XMITASREP 261 #define NIDL_XMITCFMTARR 262 #define NIDL_XMITPIPEBASE 263 #define NIDL_XMITPTR 264 #define NIDL_XMITTYPEATTRS 265 #define NIDL_BUGNOBUG 266 #define NIDL_COMMENTEOF 267 #define NIDL_COMPABORT 268 #define NIDL_INTERNAL_ERROR 269 #define NIDL_INVBUG 270 #define NIDL_INVNOBUG 271 #define NIDL_MAXWARN 272 #define NIDL_OPTNOVAL 273 #define NIDL_OUTOFMEM 274 #define NIDL_SRCFILELEN 275 #define NIDL_SRCFILEREQ 276 #define NIDL_UNKFLAG 277 #define NIDL_NOPORTNEU 278 #define NIDL_NOPORTUNIQUE 279 #define NIDL_DISCRIMIN 280 #define NIDL_DISCRIMOUT 281 #define NIDL_DISCRIMREPAS 282 #define NIDL_DISCRIMXMITAS 283 #define NIDL_EUMEMATTR 284 #define NIDL_NEUARRAY 285 #define NIDL_NEUREPAS 286 #define NIDL_NEUREPTYPE 287 #define NIDL_NEUSWATTR 288 #define NIDL_NEUSWPTR 289 #define NIDL_NEUSWTYPE 290 #define NIDL_NEUXMITAS 291 #define NIDL_NEUXMITYPE 292 #define NIDL_PTRNEUNION 293 #define NIDL_SWATTRNEU 294 #define NIDL_SWDATATYPE 295 #define NIDL_SWTYPENEU 296 #define NIDL_STDLTYPREQ 297 #define NIDL_FLDXMITCFMT 298 #define NIDL_TYPEREPCFMT 299 #define NIDL_ARMUNIQUEPTR 300 #define NIDL_FORPOINTER 301 #define NIDL_FORSIGNINT 302 #define NIDL_LANGCFMTSTRCT 303 #define NIDL_LANGCFMTSTRNG 304 #define NIDL_LANGMAPCHAR 305 #define NIDL_LANGPIPESNS 306 #define NIDL_LANGUNSFNRS 307 #define NIDL_LANGMAXDIM 308 #define NIDL_LANGMIXCASE 309 #define NIDL_LANGATTRNS 310 #define NIDL_ARRFUNRES 311 #define NIDL_ATTRPTRVOID 312 #define NIDL_HANATTRTRAN 313 #define NIDL_FWDTAGREF 314 #define NIDL_ATTRUSEMULT 315 #define NIDL_TYPEATTRUSE 316 #define NIDL_NOPORTNZLB 317 #define NIDL_TEMPLATECREATE 318 #define NIDL_NOPORTCFMT 319 #define NIDL_NOPORTVARY 320 #define NIDL_REPAS_COMMENT 321 #define NIDL_XMITAS_COMMENT 322 #define NIDL_BINDING_COMMENT 323 #define NIDL_RUNDOWN_COMMENT 324 #define NIDL_CLIENTTEMPLATE_COMMENT 325 #define NIDL_MANAGERTEMPLATE_COMMENT 326 #define NIDL_MANAGER_COMMENT 327 #define NIDL_ENCNOPARAMS 328 #define NIDL_DECNOPARAMS 329 #define NIDL_OPREFDELIN 330 #define NIDL_ENCOUTONLY 331 #define NIDL_DECINONLY 332 #define NIDL_ENCDECDIR 333 #define NIDL_ENCDECPIPE 334 #define NIDL_ENCDECBIND 335 #define NIDL_EXCNOTDEF 336 #define NIDL_INVFILESPEC 337 #define NIDL_FILESPECREQ 338 #define NIDL_OPNOTAGS 339 #define NIDL_TYPENEST 340 #define NIDL_DUPPRMATTR 341 #define NIDL_OPINCSCHAR 342 #define NIDL_OPOUTCSCHAR 343 #define NIDL_ARRATTRSHR 344 #define NIDL_ATTROUTCFMTCS 345 #define NIDL_CSARRSYN 346 #define NIDL_ARRPTRUNIQ 347 #define NIDL_XMITCTYPE 348 #define NIDL_TAGBEFDATA 349 #define NIDL_TAGAFTDATA 350 #define NIDL_HANCTYPE 351 #define NIDL_PIPECTYPE 352 #define NIDL_ARRMULTID 353 #define NIDL_ARRTYPATTR 354 #define NIDL_TYPECTYPE 355 #define NIDL_TYPEOFBYTES 356 #define NIDL_TAGPRMTYPE 357 #define NIDL_MAXIDTYPE 358 #define NIDL_NOPORTEXCEP 359 #define NIDL_NOPORTATTR 360 #define NIDL_PRMDEPATTR 361 #define NIDL_CPPCMDOPT 362 #define NIDL_NOPORTANON 363 #define NIDL_NOFLTPARAM 364 #define NIDL_ANCREQSOBJ 365 #define NIDL_INTREFNOTALO 366 #define NIDL_PTRATTBIGN 367 #define NIDL_INHERITNOTDEF 368 #define NIDL_EXPNOTCONST 369 #define NIDL_EXP_IS_NULL 370 #define NIDL_ONLYSIMPLEEXP 371 #define NIDL_INVALIDRANGE 372 #define NIDL_RANGEATTR 373 #define NIDL_CONSTREQ 374 #define NIDL_NOCORRELCHECK 375