/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Novell, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Novell, Inc. nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ** ** NAME: ** ** nsldap.c ** ** FACILITY: ** ** LDAP RPC locator ** ** ABSTRACT: ** ** This module supports locating RPC servers in LDAP directories. ** Note: only a portion of the RPC NS API is implemented, and ** this support is presently experimental. ** */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* #define BUILD_RPC_NS_LDAP 1 */ #ifdef BUILD_RPC_NS_LDAP #include /* Common declarations for all RPC runtime */ #include /* Common communications services */ #include /* Private communications services */ #include #include typedef struct rpc_ns_handle_s_t { unsigned32 cursor; unsigned32 count; unsigned_char_p_t *bindings; } rpc_ns_handle_rep_t, *rpc_ns_handle_rep_p_t; /* * Turn a DCE name into an LDAP distinguished name. * This needs to be fixed to support DCE CDS style * names. */ static void rpc_ns__ldap_crack_name(unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, unsigned_char_p_t *dn, unsigned32 *status) { switch (entry_name_syntax) { /* /DC=com/DC=padl/DC=nt/CN=RpcServices/CN=foo */ case rpc_c_ns_syntax_x500: { char *tmp; tmp = ldap_dcedn2dn(entry_name); if (tmp == NULL) { *status = rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax; } else { *status = rpc_s_ok; *dn = rpc_stralloc(tmp); } } /* CN=foo,CN=RpcServices,DC=nt,DC=padl,DC=com */ case rpc_c_ns_syntax_ldap: *dn = rpc_stralloc(entry_name); break; /* * /.:/foo or * /.../nt.padl.com/foo */ case rpc_c_ns_syntax_default: case rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce: /* need to do something about cell-relative names */ default: *status = rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax; break; } } /* * Create a new connection to the LDAP server. */ static void rpc_ns__ldap_connect_to_server(LDAP **ld, unsigned32 *status) { if (ldap_initialize(ld, "ldapi://") != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_name_service_unavailable; } else { *status = rpc_s_ok; } if (*status == rpc_s_ok) { if (ldap_sasl_bind_s(*ld, NULL, "EXTERNAL", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != LDAP_SUCCESS) *status = rpc_s_name_service_unavailable; } } /* * Create an LDAP server container entry. */ static void rpc_ns__ldap_export_server(LDAP *ld, char *dn, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, unsigned32 *status ) { unsigned_char_p_t uuid = NULL; rpc_if_id_t if_id; LDAPMod *modV[4]; LDAPMod modRpcNsObjectID, modObjectClass; char *valueRpcNsObjectID[2], *valueObjectClass[3]; rpc_if_inq_id(if_spec, &if_id, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { return; } uuid_to_string(&if_id.uuid, &uuid, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { return; } valueRpcNsObjectID[0] = uuid; valueRpcNsObjectID[1] = NULL; modRpcNsObjectID.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; modRpcNsObjectID.mod_type = "rpcNsObjectID"; modRpcNsObjectID.mod_values = valueRpcNsObjectID; valueObjectClass[0] = "rpcServer"; valueObjectClass[1] = "rpcEntry"; valueObjectClass[2] = "top"; modObjectClass.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; modObjectClass.mod_type = "objectClass"; modObjectClass.mod_values = valueObjectClass; modV[0] = &modRpcNsObjectID; modV[1] = &modObjectClass; modV[2] = NULL; if (ldap_add_s(ld, dn, modV) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_update_failed; } else { *status = rpc_s_ok; } rpc_string_free(&uuid, status); } /* * Create or update an LDAP server binding entry. */ static void rpc_ns__ldap_export_server_element_ext(LDAP *ld, char *dn, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, rpc_binding_vector_p_t vec, int modop, unsigned32 *status ) { unsigned_char_p_t uuid = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t interfaceID = NULL; rpc_if_id_t if_id; LDAPMod *modV[4]; LDAPMod modRpcNsInterfaceID, modRpcNsBindings, modObjectClass; char **valueRpcNsBindings = NULL; char *valueRpcNsInterfaceID[2], *valueObjectClass[3]; int rc; unsigned i; rpc_if_inq_id(if_spec, &if_id, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } /* Get the interface ID */ uuid_to_string(&if_id.uuid, &uuid, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } RPC_MEM_ALLOC(interfaceID, unsigned_char_p_t, strlen(uuid) + sizeof(",65535.65535"), RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); sprintf(interfaceID, "%s,%hu.%hu", uuid, if_id.vers_major, if_id.vers_minor); valueRpcNsInterfaceID[0] = interfaceID; valueRpcNsInterfaceID[1] = NULL; modRpcNsInterfaceID.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; modRpcNsInterfaceID.mod_type = "rpcNsInterfaceID"; modRpcNsInterfaceID.mod_values = valueRpcNsInterfaceID; RPC_MEM_ALLOC(valueRpcNsBindings, char **, (vec->count * sizeof(char *)), RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); memset(valueRpcNsBindings, 0, (vec->count * sizeof(unsigned_char_p_t))); for (i = 0; i < vec->count; i++) { rpc_binding_to_string_binding(vec->binding_h[i], (unsigned_char_p_t *)&valueRpcNsBindings[i], status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } } valueRpcNsBindings[vec->count] = NULL; modRpcNsBindings.mod_op = modop; modRpcNsBindings.mod_type = "rpcNsBindings"; modRpcNsBindings.mod_values = valueRpcNsBindings; valueObjectClass[0] = "rpcServerElement"; valueObjectClass[1] = "rpcEntry"; valueObjectClass[2] = "top"; modObjectClass.mod_op = modop; modObjectClass.mod_type = "objectClass"; modObjectClass.mod_values = valueObjectClass; modV[0] = &modRpcNsInterfaceID; modV[1] = &modRpcNsBindings; modV[2] = &modObjectClass; modV[3] = NULL; if (modop == LDAP_MOD_ADD) { rc = ldap_add_s(ld, dn, modV); } else { rc = ldap_modify_s(ld, dn, modV); } *status = (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) ? rpc_s_ok : rpc_s_update_failed; out: if (uuid != NULL) free(uuid); if (interfaceID != NULL) free(interfaceID); if (valueRpcNsBindings != NULL) { char **p; for (p = valueRpcNsBindings; *valueRpcNsBindings != NULL; p++) { unsigned_char_p_t tmp = (unsigned_char_p_t)*p; rpc_string_free(&tmp, status); } RPC_MEM_FREE(valueRpcNsBindings, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } } /* * Create a new named server binding entry. */ static void rpc_ns__ldap_export_server_element(LDAP *ld, char *serverDN, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, rpc_binding_vector_p_t vec, unsigned32 *status ) { unsigned_char_p_t dn = NULL, rdn = NULL; uuid_t rdnUuid; /* Just create an arbitary UUID to name this entry. */ uuid_create(&rdnUuid, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } uuid_to_string(&rdnUuid, &rdn, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } RPC_MEM_ALLOC(dn, unsigned_char_p_t, strlen(serverDN) + strlen(rdn) + sizeof("CN=,"), RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); sprintf(dn, "CN=%s,%s", rdn, serverDN); rpc_ns__ldap_export_server_element_ext(ld, dn, if_spec, vec, LDAP_MOD_ADD, status); out: if (dn != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(dn, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (rdn != NULL) { rpc_string_free(&rdn, status); } } static void rpc_ns__ldap_lookup_server_element(LDAP *ld, unsigned_char_p_t serverDN, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, unsigned_char_p_t *dn, unsigned32 *status) { unsigned_char_p_t filter = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t uuid = NULL; rpc_if_id_t if_id; LDAPMessage *msg = NULL, *e; char *_dn; size_t len; rpc_if_inq_id(if_spec, &if_id, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } /* Get the interface ID */ uuid_to_string(&if_id.uuid, &uuid, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } len = strlen(uuid); len += sizeof("(&(objectClass=rpcServerElement)(rpcNsInterfaceID=,65535.65535))"); RPC_MEM_ALLOC(filter, unsigned_char_p_t, len, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); sprintf(filter, "(&(objectClass=rpcServerElement)(rpcNsInterfaceID=%s,%hu.%hu))", uuid, if_id.vers_major, if_id.vers_minor); if (ldap_search_s(ld, serverDN, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter, NULL, 0, &msg) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } e = ldap_first_entry(ld, msg); if (e == NULL) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } _dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, e); if (dn == NULL) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } *dn = rpc_stralloc(_dn); ldap_memfree(_dn); out: if (filter != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(filter, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (msg != NULL) { ldap_msgfree(msg); } if (uuid != NULL) { rpc_string_free(&uuid, status); } } void rpc_ns_binding_export( /* [in] */ unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, /* [in] */ unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, /* [in] */ rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, /* [in] */ rpc_binding_vector_p_t binding_vector, /* [in] */ uuid_vector_p_t object_uuid_vector ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, /* [out] */ unsigned32 *status ) { LDAP *ld = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t elementDN = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t serverDN = NULL; rpc_ns__ldap_connect_to_server(&ld, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_crack_name(entry_name_syntax, entry_name, &serverDN, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_lookup_server_element(ld, serverDN, if_spec, &elementDN, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { rpc_ns__ldap_export_server(ld, serverDN, if_spec, status); if (*status == rpc_s_ok) { rpc_ns__ldap_export_server_element(ld, serverDN, if_spec, binding_vector, status); } } else { rpc_ns__ldap_export_server_element_ext(ld, elementDN, if_spec, binding_vector, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, status); } out: if (ld != NULL) { ldap_unbind(ld); } if (elementDN != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(elementDN, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (serverDN != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(serverDN, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } } static void rpc_ns__ldap_import_server_element(LDAP *ld, unsigned_char_p_t serverDN, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, rpc_ns_handle_t *ctx, unsigned32 *status ) { unsigned_char_p_t filter = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t uuid = NULL; rpc_if_id_t if_id; LDAPMessage *msg = NULL, *e; rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *rep; unsigned_char_p_t *bindings; size_t len; rpc_if_inq_id(if_spec, &if_id, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } /* Get the interface ID */ uuid_to_string(&if_id.uuid, &uuid, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } len = strlen(uuid); len += sizeof("(&(objectClass=rpcServerElement)(rpcNsInterfaceID=,65535.65535))"); RPC_MEM_ALLOC(filter, unsigned_char_p_t, len, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); sprintf(filter, "(&(objectClass=rpcServerElement)(rpcNsInterfaceID=%s,%hu.%hu))", uuid, if_id.vers_major, if_id.vers_minor); if (ldap_search_s(ld, serverDN, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter, NULL, 0, &msg) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } e = ldap_first_entry(ld, msg); if (e == NULL) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } bindings = (unsigned_char_p_t *)ldap_get_values(ld, e, "rpcNsBindings"); if (bindings == NULL) { *status = rpc_s_not_found; goto out; } RPC_MEM_ALLOC(rep, rpc_ns_handle_rep_p_t, sizeof(*rep), RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); rep->count = ldap_count_values((char **)bindings); rep->bindings = bindings; rep->cursor = 0; *ctx = (rpc_ns_handle_t)rep; *status = rpc_s_ok; out: if (filter != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(filter, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (msg != NULL) { ldap_msgfree(msg); } } void rpc_ns_binding_import_begin( /* [in] */ unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, /* [in] */ unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, /* [in] */ rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, /* [in] */ uuid_p_t object_uuid ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, /* [out] */ rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context, /* [out] */ unsigned32 *status ) { unsigned_char_p_t serverDN = NULL; LDAP *ld; rpc_ns__ldap_connect_to_server(&ld, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_crack_name(entry_name_syntax, entry_name, &serverDN, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_import_server_element(ld, serverDN, if_spec, import_context, status); out: if (serverDN != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(serverDN, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (ld != NULL) { ldap_unbind(ld); } } void rpc_ns_binding_import_done( /* [in, out] */ rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context, /* [out] */ unsigned32 *status ) { rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *rep = (rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *)import_context; if (rep != NULL) { unsigned_char_p_t *p; for (p = rep->bindings; *p != NULL; p++) { RPC_MEM_FREE(*p, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } RPC_MEM_FREE(rep, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } *status = rpc_s_ok; } void rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age( /* [in] */ rpc_ns_handle_t ns_handle ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, /* [in] */ unsigned32 expiration_age ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, /* [out] */ unsigned32 *status ) { *status = rpc_s_ok; } void rpc_ns_binding_import_next( /* [in] */ rpc_ns_handle_t import_context, /* [out] */ rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, /* [out] */ unsigned32 *status ) { rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *rep = (rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *)import_context; if (rep->cursor < rep->count) { rpc_binding_from_string_binding(rep->bindings[rep->cursor], binding, status); rep->cursor++; } else { *status = rpc_s_no_more_bindings; } } void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin ( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, uuid_p_t object_uuid, unsigned32 binding_max_count ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context, unsigned32 *status ) { rpc_ns_binding_import_begin(entry_name_syntax, entry_name, if_spec, object_uuid, lookup_context, status); } void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done ( rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context, unsigned32 *status ) { rpc_ns_binding_import_done(lookup_context, status); } void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next ( rpc_ns_handle_t lookup_context, rpc_binding_vector_p_t *binding_vector, unsigned32 *status ) { rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *rep = (rpc_ns_handle_rep_t *) lookup_context; if (rep->cursor == 0) { unsigned32 size, i; size = sizeof(rpc_binding_vector_t); size += (rep->count - 1) * sizeof(rpc_binding_handle_t); RPC_MEM_ALLOC(*binding_vector, rpc_binding_vector_p_t, size, RPC_C_MEM_BINDING_VEC, RPC_C_MEM_WAITOK); for (i = 0; i < rep->count; i++) { rpc_binding_from_string_binding(rep->bindings[i], &((*binding_vector)->binding_h[i]), status); } } else { *status = rpc_s_no_more_bindings; } } void rpc_ns_binding_unexport ( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, uuid_vector_p_t object_uuid_vector ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, unsigned32 *status ) { LDAP *ld = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t elementDN = NULL; unsigned_char_p_t serverDN = NULL; rpc_ns__ldap_connect_to_server(&ld, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_crack_name(entry_name_syntax, entry_name, &serverDN, status); if (*status != rpc_s_ok) { goto out; } rpc_ns__ldap_lookup_server_element(ld, serverDN, if_spec, &elementDN, status); if (*status == rpc_s_ok) { if (ldap_delete_s(ld, elementDN) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_update_failed; goto out; } } if (ldap_delete_s(ld, serverDN) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *status = rpc_s_update_failed; goto out; } *status = rpc_s_ok; out: if (ld != NULL) { ldap_unbind(ld); } if (elementDN != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(elementDN, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } if (serverDN != NULL) { RPC_MEM_FREE(serverDN, RPC_C_MEM_NSRESOLUTION); } } #endif /* BUILD_RPC_NS_LDAP */