Template: slapd/no_configuration Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Omit OpenLDAP server configuration? If you enable this option, no initial configuration or database will be created for you. Template: slapd/dump_database Type: select __Choices: always, when needed, never Default: when needed _Description: Dump databases to file on upgrade: Before upgrading to a new version of the OpenLDAP server, the data from your LDAP directories can be dumped into plain text files in the standard LDAP Data Interchange Format. . Selecting "always" will cause the databases to be dumped unconditionally before an upgrade. Selecting "when needed" will only dump the database if the new version is incompatible with the old database format and it needs to be reimported. If you select "never", no dump will be done. Template: slapd/dump_database_destdir Type: string Default: /var/backups/slapd-VERSION _Description: Directory to use for dumped databases: Please specify the directory where the LDAP databases will be exported. In this directory, several LDIF files will be created which correspond to the search bases located on the server. Make sure you have enough free space on the partition where the directory is located. The first occurrence of the string "VERSION" is replaced with the server version you are upgrading from. Template: slapd/purge_database Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Do you want the database to be removed when slapd is purged? Template: slapd/allow_ldap_v2 Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Allow LDAPv2 protocol? The obsolete LDAPv2 protocol is disabled by default in slapd. Programs and users should upgrade to LDAPv3. If you have old programs which can't use LDAPv3, you should select this option and 'olcAllows: bind_v2' will be added to your cn=config directory.