#ifndef REPREPRO_ATOMS_H #define REPREPRO_ATOMS_H typedef int atom_t; typedef atom_t architecture_t; typedef atom_t component_t; typedef atom_t packagetype_t; typedef atom_t command_t; enum atom_type { at_architecture, at_component, at_packagetype, at_command }; #define atom_unknown ((atom_t)0) #define architecture_source ((architecture_t)1) #define architecture_all ((architecture_t)2) #define component_strange ((component_t)1) #define pt_dsc ((packagetype_t)1) #define pt_deb ((packagetype_t)2) #define pt_udeb ((packagetype_t)3) #define atom_defined(a) ((a) > (atom_t)0) extern const char **atomtypes, **atoms_architectures, **atoms_components, **atoms_packagetypes, **atoms_commands; retvalue atoms_init(int command_count); retvalue architecture_intern(const char *, /*@out@*/architecture_t *); architecture_t architecture_find(const char *); architecture_t architecture_find_l(const char *, size_t); retvalue component_intern(const char *, /*@out@*/component_t *); component_t component_find(const char *); component_t component_find_l(const char *, size_t); component_t components_count(void); packagetype_t packagetype_find(const char *); packagetype_t packagetype_find_l(const char *, size_t); atom_t atom_find(enum atom_type, const char *); retvalue atom_intern(enum atom_type, const char *, /*@out@*/atom_t *); #define limitation_missed(a, b) ((atom_defined(a) && (a) != (b) )) #define limitations_missed(a, b) ((a) != NULL && !atomlist_in(a, b)) struct atomlist { atom_t *atoms; int count, size; }; void atomlist_init(/*@out@*/struct atomlist *); void atomlist_done(/*@special@*/struct atomlist *atomlist) /*@releases atomlist->values @*/; /* add a atom uniquely (not sorted, component guessing might not like it), * RET_NOTHING when already there */ retvalue atomlist_add_uniq(struct atomlist *, atom_t); /* always add to the end */ retvalue atomlist_add(struct atomlist *, atom_t); /* replace the contents of dest with those from orig, which get emptied */ void atomlist_move(/*@out@*/struct atomlist *, /*@special@*/struct atomlist *orig) /*@releases orig->values @*/; bool atomlist_hasexcept(const struct atomlist *, atom_t); bool atomlist_in(const struct atomlist *, atom_t); int atomlist_ofs(const struct atomlist *, atom_t); /* if missing != NULL And subset no subset of atomlist, set *missing to the first missing one */ bool atomlist_subset(const struct atomlist *, const struct atomlist *subset, /*@null@*/atom_t *missing); /* print a space separated list of elements */ retvalue atomlist_fprint(FILE *, enum atom_type, const struct atomlist *); retvalue atomlist_filllist(enum atom_type, /*@out@*/struct atomlist *, char *string, /*@out@*/const char **missing); #endif