#ifndef REPREPRO_CHECKINDEB_H #define REPREPRO_CHECKINDEB_H #ifndef REPREPRO_ERROR_H #include "error.h" #warning "What's hapening here?" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_DISTRIBUTION_H #include "distribution.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_DATABASE_H #include "database.h" #endif /* insert the given .deb into the mirror in in the * putting things with architecture of "all" into (and also * causing error, if it is not one of them otherwise) * if overwrite is not NULL, it will be search for fields to reset for this * package. (forcesection and forcepriority have higher priority than the * information there), */ retvalue deb_add(struct database *, component_t forcecomponent, const struct atomlist *forcearchitectures, /*@null@*/const char *forcesection, /*@null@*/const char *forcepriority, packagetype_t, struct distribution *, const char *debfilename, int delete, /*@null@*/trackingdb); /* in two steps */ struct debpackage; retvalue deb_addprepared(const struct debpackage *, struct database *, const struct atomlist *forcearchitecture, packagetype_t, struct distribution *, struct trackingdata *); retvalue deb_prepare(/*@out@*/struct debpackage **deb, component_t forcecomponent, architecture_t forcearchitecture, const char *forcesection, const char *forcepriority, packagetype_t, struct distribution *distribution, const char *debfilename, const char * const filekey, const struct checksums *checksums, const struct strlist *allowed_binaries, const char *expectedsourcename, const char *expectedsourceversion); void deb_free(/*@only@*/struct debpackage *pkg); #endif